(Photo By Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Another day, another huge mistake from Kenosha County DCFS. A father saw the photos we posted in a previous publication and shared some photos of a home that Kenosha County DCFS allowed a small child live in. We were able to confirm the authenticity of the case and will not share specific details to provide for anonymity for this family. What we will tell you is that the father reported to us that DCFS did a home check and allowed the child to remain in this home.

(Photo By Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Ron Rogers’ boss, John Jansen (D) has been withholding public records from KCE for a month now. KCE is getting ready to sue the county if we don’t get them soon. We will have more big news about DCFS soon. Please keep the DCFS tips coming in.
Neither Jansen (D) nor Rogers (D) would comment on this home on why the child was allowed to live here.
***Warning Graphic Photos***

18 Responses
I would like to know what DSFS worker specifically was assigned this case and their reasons for allowing the child to stay there. Then I would like that worker’s resignation. DCFS is supposed to protect children. This house is a pigsty. I’m sorry but everyone is short staffed. Do your frickin job.
Is this the Ziminskis porn studio? Third photo down looks like the bed the Ziminskis were bumping uglies in while alongside that couple in their Pornhub debut.
KM can you post the link again so the readers can see for themselves? 🙂
you watched that!!!
The Kenosha County DCFS has a long history of malicious indolence. In 1997, Kenosha police investigated the torture and death of a toddler named Drake London. Drake was under the direct supervision of DCFS when he was murdered. Had DCFS acted on the reports that Drake was being beaten, Drake would now be a 27 year old man. They could have easily saved his life by simply doing their job. At the murderer’s trial, when a police detective refused to participate in the cover up and testified under oath about DCFS’ refusal to act and their destruction of records to conceal their inaction, DA Jambois assured the jury that his office would investigate DCFS after they convicted the murderer. Well, the murderer was convicted and sent to prison. DA Jambois failed to keep his promise and he never investigated DCFS.
It just so happens that the murderer, Donell McKennie, was recently released early from prison by Governor Ever’s parole commission. Please read this horrifying article about this case from “Wisconsin Right Now” that is linked here: https://www.wisconsinrightnow.com/2022/09/26/donell-mckennie/
Why are you waiting to sue them? You saw with the UWP case that stuff like that will cause people to resign or lose their jobs for the simple fact that a lawsuit causes this to be in the public eye. Just sue him and get it over with. It’s the only way most of these organizations will be forced to change.
Corruption by any other name is still a socalist in a government position
I’ve witnessed this mess for decades of a department that has no focus, a bizarre budget, a Byzantine network of subcontractors with varying degrees of accountability and a spotty record of actual service in addressing the needs of the county’s underprivileged.
On the theory that it starts from the top, I am going to offer this contrarian view: clean house and appoint a true-believing-do-gooder to do it. Maybe a nun or someone who really wants to improve the lives of the marginalized. Someone who will go to the mat for them, not take “no” for an answer and slap up the county board, county executive and the private sector to actually do what needs to be done. Someone who will be in the churches every Sunday morning asking for their help. Someone who will not just want to hand out checks and vouchers but who will engage those people in an individualized partnership to help them get back on their feet.
We don’t want a bureaucrat in that job. We want an advocate. We want someone whose mission will be to put the agency out of business because it’s no longer needed. That latter point is likely a pipe dream BUT it should still be the goal.
And we’ve seen the health care mess in this community as well. We have some of the most expensive care in the nation but is it the best? I don’t agree with Bernie Sanders politics but he’s not wrong about the need for universal health care. One reason is that it HELPS business and keeps people working. If you go to the outlet mall you’ll see many single moms working part-time who know exactly how many hours they can work before they lose medical assistance for themselves and their kids. Small businesses have trouble keeping good workers because of the cost of health care coverage. The Canadian system, while not perfect, doesn’t have those problems. If we take the health care costs off the back of businesses we can help them and their employees.
But change requires political courage. And that no longer exists.
Who’s going to pay for this utopian dream of yours? You? Bernie? And what a joke… You think Canada doesn’t have health care problems? Lol
This is NOT Canada.
Good question. We are already paying the cost through insurance premiums, taxes and co-pays. But we are not getting what we pay for. This spreads the cost and thus reduces it. The Canadian system is not perfect but you can’t say we lack the knowledge base in this country to improve upon it. In Canada, primary care is received the same as here. There are no hospitals across the road from each other spending money on advertising. The money goes to patient care. The down side? Wait times for elective surgery. That’s what we need to improve upon. If you say it can’t be done then you are admitting America is incompetent. I would like to think that we aren’t. All of that said, Canada is not the only model. The UK’s *is* a mess. But there are others in Europe and elsewhere.
Kenosha corruption has been so long and so deep, it starts with the front desk at the police dept goes all the to the major office, Kenosha needs the feds to come in and audit are city and the people running it, I cannot wait to retire and move out of this town, I fear for myself and my family against this corrupt city officials in office and the thugs on the streets, Kenosha has become the scariest place to call home , Kenosha needs help !!!!
I don’t think we will have anymore riots though…….thank you KR!
And as I have said previously, Racine DCFS is just as bad!!!
No one seems to want to dig into that story I have sent!! Parents are facing 2 Felony Neglect charges and 1 Felony Neglect leading to death of a child, all under 5 years old.
A call was made to Racine DCFS 2 weeks prior for a wellbeing check on the kids, which was never made!! Perhaps if they did, the child would still be alive today! The 2 living kids were reunited with the parents after they removed them 15 months prior. Both parents are out on $50,000 signature bonds! DCFS reply was that the parents had met their goals and that they can’t keep them from the parents forever!!! The HELL you can’t!!! One of their goals should have been to hold a job for at least a year and get off State Aid, get rid of the damn dogs, since they obviously can’t take care of your kids!! Do your jobs and protect these kids!! DCFS does more harm than good to these kids! These kids were not in Foster Care and were living with Family and you could see how happy they were. Once the visits started, the behavior went back to how it was when removed. The 2-1/2 year old wasn’t even walking when they were removed!!!
The look on his face says; fuck with me and I’ll arrange to have my agents remove the all children from your whole family. I’ll arrange to make your life a living hell. Because… I’m authorized by the government to do so. Now, try and stop me. Nice guy this ass clown is.
That smug look of him not needing to answer to anybody but himself, speaks volumes. “For the children?” Ha-Ha. GMAFB dude.
Same thing everywhere.
Over and over and over.
Look up A.J. Freund .. Crystal Lake Illinois.
A couple years ago I had personal and business dealings with two separate DCFS “caseworkers” ……….. it blew my mind.
HOW do things get THIS bad …………………… UNIVERSALLY???
I’m glad I don’t have kids.
This is historic county mismanagement coming home to roost. The county board always kicks the can down the road and doesn’t spend money to fix problems. In other words, instead of spending $200 on a filling they wait to spend $2,000 on a crown. This has been going on for years. Social services is a bureaucratic boondoggle.
DCFS is like that in probably 90% of places in the country.