(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
An evil man with the word “SIN” tattooed on his head, an upside down crucifix on his forehead, and teardrops under his eyes, has been sentenced to only three years in prison from arguably the toughest judge in Wisconsin, Bruce Schroeder. The sentence was for two felony case files.

(Photo by Nathan Debruin, for the Kenosha County Eye)
The first case from August 25, 2020 – the night Kyle Rittenhouse shot and killed two men and injured a third in self defense during the Kenosha riots. Ziminski shot his pistol in the air, minutes before Rittenhouse would shoot and kill Joseph Rosenbaum. Ziminski was also accused of arson on the same night.
Kenosha Police asked the Kenosha DA, Michael Graveley (D), to charge Ziminski with (1) Second Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety, (2) Resisting/Obstructing an Officer, (3) Disorderly Conduct, (4) Bail-Jumping, and (5) Arson. Graveley’s office charged Ziminski with only one count of misdemeanor Disorderly Conduct. Only after community outrage did the office add felony arson to the charges.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
The second case was from almost exactly two years later, while out on bond for the arson case. On August 26, 2022, at about 2:00 am, a Kenosha Patrol Officer encountered a 54-year-old man, the victim in this case. He told police that two men and a woman he knew as “Bonnie” just robbed him. “Bonnie” is Kelly Ziminski’s porn star name. He said he met Kelly a week before and she cleaned his home for money. The victim told police that he heard a knock at his door at about 1:20 am that night and it was Kelly. She asked to use the bathroom and he allowed her in, but then Joshua and a third man followed her in. Joshua then grabbed the man at knife-point and demanded all the man’s money in the home. The man told Joshua that he didn’t have any money in the home but had some in his bank. Joshua then put the knife to the man’s back and pushed him outside into a full-sized GMC. The man tried to dial 9-1-1 but Joshua took the phone away. They demanded the man’s PIN number and ATM card. They then proceeded to drive to Lou Perrine’s, Speedway, Kwik Trip, and Chase – all on Washington Rd. Each time, the transaction failed. They ended up back at Lou Perrine’s. The man then escaped at the gas station even with the men trying to stop him. The victim was able to pick Ziminski out of a photo lineup. Ziminski and the other man threatened to kill the man and bury him where no one would find him. The Ziminskis told police that the reason for their actions is that the man raped Kelly.
Both Joshua Ziminski and Kelly Ziminski faced almost identical charges for both cases. On May 30, 2023, Kenosha County Prosecutor T. Clair Binger dismissed all of the criminal charges from August 25, 2020, for Mr. Ziminski. He made a plea deal with Ziminski that included both of these felony files. That same day, Ziminski plead guilty to one count of armed robbery and one count of armed burglary. Dismissed, but read-in, were the following charges:
Felony Arson
Felony Intimidation of a Victim
Felony False Imprisonment
Felony Unauthorized Use of an Individual’s Personal Identifying Information or Documents
Felony Bail Jumping
Felony Arson
Disorderly Conduct – Use of a Dangerous Weapon
Obstructing an Officer

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
During his sentencing recommendation, Binger brought something to light that the public was previously not made aware of. He said he said that Joshua Ziminski had admitted to investigators that he ran a side business in which he would buy guns for other felons for a $100 or $150 profit. At least four of these guns were used in crimes, including one murder in Kenosha – that of Malik Boyd at the Rain Bar.
Judge Schroeder said that these new facts would not sway his sentence. A spokesman with the Kenosha Police Department said that they referred these allegations to the United States Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF). The United States Attorney of the Eastern District of Wisconsin decided against charging Ziminski.
Binger recommended that Ziminski be given five years in prison. Ziminski and his wife initially faced over 50 years in prison each. Due to the plea deal, the sentence was capped at 20 years in prison. Schroeder only gave Ziminski three years in prison. His wife Kelly received the same sentence.

Photos Courtesy Kenosha Sheriff and Wisconsin Department of Corrections

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
26 Responses
Why would the judge do this? Ideas?
Word is out that the judge has lost some of his cognitive ability.
Phizer, Moderna or J&J?
Who would have thought it? Binger tougher than “America’s Judge”? Binger darn near begged the judge to go tough by insisting on reading into the record the dismissed charges and introducing the gun selling. I guess the judge really showed him.
Seems sleazy for Binger to ink a plea deal in good faith and then try to tack on gun accusations at sentencing.
Good on the Judge for remembering allegations not tested in a plea or trial should be excluded from sentencing.
If Binger has recommended five years without the little gun stunt, I wonder if he would have gotten it.
Agreed. Binger is nothing but sleazy.
He kicked the riot charges down the road, dismissed the gun charge, added the felony arson charge, and kicked it down the road even further until the robbery and arrest and $100k bond.
By not prosecuting, Binger unknowingly aided this robbery of the guy that hired Kelley to clean (or he was perhaps a john for pornstar Kelly/Bonnie)
This was a gov orchestrated false flag, complete with this skinhead actor
Wow! Once again you show that you are a complete idiot. I thought that you would refrain from another public display of stupidity after someone called you out for labeling the attack on the Dancing Grannies as being a false flag. I hope that you are still in Mexico and far away from us.
You need to put forth some supporting evidence for your claims.
Example: FBI (Jewish ADL) running drones in real time watching everything take place – letting it happen.
Example: Michael Gravely taking orders from BLM leader via messaging.
Example: Grossjewtz having an international lawyer defending him and his phone never searched for evidence, no charges for attempted murder of KR or charges for carrying a weapon as a felon,
Example; Dave Beth getting invited to White House Christmas party (and attending) as reward for letting city burn and standing down.
Show some examples Senor Jantzenez. Need me to write your next book for you?
Kimono cash? Let’s see if the judge suddenly gets a million dollar book deal.
Or has someone in the judge’s orbit committed heinous acts, so the deep state diablo’s have “charcoalmail” (not blackmail) dirt on him?
Oh snap. I’m certainly joking, right?
Don’t forget Binger’s sticky third “finger!” Wink Wink..
IMO, allegedly..???
Thats the judicial system for ya! Lovely, but yet a 17 year old who was ptc for armed robbery, which means he was merely there, just present, he didnt commit ANYTHING and he is sitting in WI state prison for 5 frickin years. They look very remorseful, Im sure they will be model citizens when they get out and contribute much to society!
Who is the 17 year old in jail for 5 years?
More CI bullshit coming from “Americas” Ha judge. His bag is full of shit so empty it.
yup clearly a false flag
Exactly how is this a false flag?!! Is there acting classes and extra casting website. Like this guy doesn’t look like a POS.
So let’s say it is a false flag? What all comes out of it..
YOU ARE A VERY SAD AND PATHETIC IDIOT! Please stop commenting.
Nice folks
Hey Kevin Mathewson,
Do you know why Kelly seems to be bouncing in and out of jail for some reason, just a couple days per month it seems?
How do you find Joshua’s estimated release date, seeing as he’s already served about a year?
I think this is great…..as hopefully he will get out sooner, talk some shit to the wrong person once he does, and then be a distant memory.
Amazing? what the hell, A carrier criminal and wife. and only 3 years,
Well i guess not surprised with are town and are Leaders.
sad sad sad , kenosha is going nowhere quick ..
Congratulations Soros!
Are your fingers tired from puppeting votes, district attorney’s and judge’s???
Shocking that these “prosecuTURDS,” defense blowhard’s and “judges” can keep a straight face as they behead LADY JUSTICE and victim’s of crime!
Good to see judge Schroeder got a KIMONO in black.
Adios America! Bananas for all.
America is officially roadkill!
IMO, allegedly. JK my A!
Thank goodness for my MY PILLOWS! I can drown my screams and get a good night sleep with American patriot Mike Lindell’s pillows and mattress pad.
When we need to run to put out Democrat set arson fires, I’ll wear my MY PILLOW moccasins.
Congrats crooked Dems & RINO’S! IMO??????
Did Mike Lindell reverse the 2020 election yet?
You need to look into Attorney Brenda Vancuike and her girlfriend stealing a baby from one of Brenda’s clients. Brenda needs to be brought before an ethics committee and should not be allowed to defend any CHIPS, DCFS or TPR cases. Brenda crossed many lines and what they pair did was illegal.