(Still From Police Body Camera)
A 53-year-old racist “Karen” named Leslie A. Troha summoned the Pleasant Prairie Police Department just after 2:00 pm on September 2, 2023. She told the dispatcher that a moving company is refusing to give her her things at a storage facility in Pleasant Prairie.
Two Pleasant Prairie Police Officers responded to the Extra Space Storage in Pleasant Prairie and started speaking with Troha. Troha told the officers that she wants her belongings off of the moving truck, but refuses to pay the full bill.
Apparently, Troha hired the moving company, About Time Moving Systems for three or four hours of work because she only had $1,200 on her debit card. The move, however was taking longer, and the manager told Troha, that if she wanted to stay under her budget, they would need to leave her Kenosha home and start driving to the storage unit. “She kept adding more and more work,” the manager said. When the movers and Troha got to the storage unit, the price of the unit was more than she thought so she told the movers she wouldn’t have enough money to pay for both the movers and storage space.
The manager of the moving company told Troha that if she wanted them to finish emptying the truck, which was about 75% unloaded, she would have to pay for the extra time. If she didn’t pay, they would simply unload the truck inside the common area of the building, and she would be responsible for placing the items into her individual unit. She wanted them to unload the rest of the truck into her unit without paying more.
During the incident, the women constantly interrupted the manager, even when asked not to by police. Troha kept claiming there wasn’t a written contract, but later it was discovered there was indeed a contract. Troha told officers that the manager said to her “you’re the boss,” so therefore she could decide the price and hours.
The woman seemed to ramble incoherently for about 20 minutes and then seemed to agree to pay for her bill. She then starts to argue with with the manager himself calling him a crook and saying his actions are robbery and fraudulent, to which one officer says “This isn’t fraud or robbery.” She tells the manager many times to “shut up.” Just as she’s about to pay, she asked the manager, who is hispanic, “Are you even legal?” Both officers and the manager seemed to be frustrated by the comment. At that point, the manager seemed to rattled to continue. The officers suggested that the manager and other employee leave with her belongings. The incident was then complete and everyone went their own way.
Six days later, Troha went to the police department to complain about the officers. Pleasant Prairie Police Chief Smetana didn’t comment specifically about the incident but told KCE that he is proud that his officers are very patient and have great de-escalation skills
KCE did a short background check on Troha and discovered many similar type of incidents. KCE spoke with the owner of About Time Moving Systems, Quinn Smith, who called the incident unfortunate. He says his manager showed a great deal of patience and restraint as the woman belittled and insulted him. “At the end of the day, I would like to be paid for the job,” said Smith. “My staff worked hard and there is money still owed.” Smith now has to publish Troha’s items in the newspaper, send certified mail, and keep her stuff safe, in a moving truck. Smith tells KCE that they have to keep that truck out of service until Troha pays her bill.
Yes, this is the daughter of Dennis Troha (D) who was charged and convicted of conspiracy to violate election laws, a federal crime.
47 Responses
The question that I have is if this woman is a member of the affluent and influential Troha family? Could someone advise?
Problem with being a funnel for campaign donations is you can’t skim anything for yourself, everything gets reported…boxed wine, Xanax, and cats is the only future for this post-wall old bag. https://www.wisdc.org/news/18-blog/3280-troha-family-contributions-to-governor-doyle-and-the-wisconsin-democratic-party-s-federal-account
I’m currently dealing with this woman. Oh wow this is a pattern for her. She’s a piece of work. I’ve been nothing but kind to her and now she’s making problems. I’m not worried about it though but why? I just don’t understand her logic and thinking and reasoning for what she does. I’ve tried to discuss the misunderstanding and she rambles and it’s just so confusing.
I’ve used those movers before….they were really good.
She Thinks her last name should get her a pass !
Wow, both the owner and the officers were incredibly patient with this entitled nasty nasty, racist woman!
That woman should be ashamed of herself and she’s obviously on drugs I mean do you hear the way she is speaking? It’s sad that we are in the year 2023 and someone could say such a racist comment it’s disgusting she should be ashamed of herself
Leslie has serious health issues/brain injury, I’m sure this is why she acted this way. She was a very sweet shy girl before…. Just lay off her…..
You’re sure huh?
I disagree.
I wont call her names or belittle her, but from my personal experience she’s got a huge ego and refuses to admit that she made a mistake and simply be done with it. Or to resolve a misunderstanding.
Instead she calls police and embellishes everything in efforts to escalate matters to another level. Well it didn’t work with me.
Never argue with a fool, lest you become one.
She spews so much nonsense. It’s like her motive is to be correct and win a noble peace prize for being a victim of something.
I tried to understand and make sense of the nonsense.
The good thing is I stopped myself, because it’s impossible to make any sense as to why she continues with tireless efforts to seek drama and ways to conflict instead of solutions.
And makes tireless efforts in creating conflict from any disagreement She has no interest in resolving anything peacefully and move forward.
Instead she looks for anything that she can successfully spin into a crisis where she’s is being victimized.
After this brief experience I’m compelled to research her behavior so I can learn and perhaps understand the causes one to be driven and motivated to behave like this.
I never encountered anyone where it was so clear what they were doing.
I only wonder why?
What does she get from doing this?
I now know this is an ongoing pattern for her.
Then I wonder how did she ever make it this far in life, her behavior is unacceptable, and treating people like this on a regular basis?
That’s what I would like to know.
At first I thought she was a decent lady who suffered from a neurological disorder or impairment of some kind. But now I’m thinking it’s also a personality disorder and untreated mental illness.
Who knows but I care about people in general and I try to understand. But this person exceeds my capacity to maintain compassion and understanding or tolerance.
I no longer care to understand. Now I know where to draw the line and accept that some people are just bad and if I continue being understanding with her while she puts no effort into resolving anything, which by the way would be to her advantage.
The best way to deal with this type of person is to swiftly cut her off.
Anything more than that will result in consequences because I would be volunteering to be an active participant in her nonsense and lies, which would eventually escalate into a real problem.
Lastly my reason for sharing my experience is in hopes that another person reading this will learn and this will prevent even one person from experiencing the potential aftermath or legalities that may result.
You never know who you might stumble upon and suddenly turns into a crazy encounter that you never expected.
I’ve never met one like this.
I thought she was a decent person and people took advantage of her because she is incompetent in some way.
Her actions actions prove opposite.
Now I’m sitting here scratching my head in disbelief. And realizing I need to re evaluate my judgement of people. And I’m not judging her soul, I’m judging her actions.
The manager showed such professionalism and restraint until enough was enough he’s a better man than me I would’ve been arrested for putting my hands on her that lady is clearly drunk or on some drugs
She’s disgusting & a racist piece of shit!!! She just put a real bad taste in my mouth! Isn’t Troha’s involved with the Boys & Girls Club? I think the family ought to tell her to SHUT UP before she ruins their name in the community!
Used to be a BIG $$$ campaign donor for Jim Doyle. Probably not the same person?
Yes. According to the Federal Indictment of Dennis Troha, he gave his kids money to give to other politicians.
She and her family seem to have more than $1200 to waste on the Democraps. She can pay it.
Are you even legal? I would have drove her stuff down to the beach and dumped it
It’s a fair question.
Your ignorant too
In this situation, it was just to get under his skin, which it did, and now she as to pay even MORE for the time in storage by holding and securing all of her things in it, not just the one hour she was swabbing about! Who knows, if it goes to court, she might even have to pay the time and money lost to not be able to use the truck for other jobs because they had to secure her things in the truck.
Andrews and Kleinke deserve an award for having to deal with this nonsense.
True. I also think, due to her behavior and slurred speech, they should have asked her if she had been drinking.
Clearly drunk or high and super entitled.
I thought Officer Andrews was a Sergeant. Was he demoted??
Why would he have been demoted?
He was actually
She is A WACK-a DO , Been one for Years …
Maybe daddy finally has cut her off .
There’s always someone in the family that’s a fucktard! Is she drunk? High? Both? Nut job!
She sounded like she had slurred speech and her actions seem a bit off. I think I would have asked her if she had been drinking. She might have just been quiet, paid the company and told the officers “ok, have a good day gentlemen. We’re all good!” ?at that point. She just didn’t sound like she had it together!
Probably frustrated cause she lost her man.
So…..these don’t match up. Her family are big Democrat donors but she is racist?
That sure does not look good….
I don’t see the necessity of including her father in this story. He had nothing to do with this incident.
Sure it does. The father is a con man and so his his daughter
She had ridden the coat tails of her father for years, Dennis is a good guy and so are the sons, but she is a Wacko!
A relative was married to on of the sons he beat her! That family is all show.
For someone who tells us he’s a Christian immediately in his bio as the publisher of this Kenosha Countyeye, I’m not sure where in the Bible it talks about name-calling people, making disparaging comments and viewpoints on people, and sounds just like DJT when talking about people. And yes, I’m a registered Republican. This seems like a rag type “publication” after reading it for several years and when it’s something that you don’t agree with (supposedly from your Christian values) if they are not a Republican or are you just assume they’re a Democrat without any factual evidence in your articles, you degrade people and jump to assumptions. Reading some of the comments that people post is really sad for how they too disparage individuals that they don’t know personally. If you’re going to claim yourself a journalist then you can’t be “Nancy Grace” Junior who assumes everyone is a criminal, deplorable, and assume they’re guilty of every action.
Rag? Sounds like you’re on it, lady….
I’m shocked he hasn’t deleted this yet. Agreed.
Disagree about Kevin, but his commenters are indeed a bunch of racist fools.
In this situation, it was just to get under his skin, which it did, and now she has to pay even MORE for the time in storage by holding and securing all of her things in it, not just the one hour she was swabbing about! Who knows, if it goes to court, she might even have to pay the time and money lost to not be able to use the truck for other jobs because they had to secure her things in the truck.
If she drove there they should’ve gave her a sobriety test. She’s clearly intoxicated.
She’s had multiple strokes.
Her and her dad gave thousands of dollars to the Democratic party and many democratic candidates. What would make somebody more of a Democrat?
There is nothing inherently wrong with democrats as there is nothing inherently wrong with Republicans. The problem is the suggestion that there is.
Dumb bitch
Wow. I couldn’t have spoken with her for that long. I would have had to bring her in for a sobriety test just because of the slurring and for not shutting up when asked to. The moving guy was more than patient with her, I’m surprised he didn’t walk away before he did.
Agree or disagree , I don’t give any credence to statements from any anonymous sources whether right or wrong. What are they afraid of?