“Hot Head” Kenosha Cop Receives Additional Training In Response To Allegations Of Excessive Force

Officer Pablo “Paul” Torres Official Kenosha Police Portrait
(Kenosha Police Department)

The investigation into the questionable arrest from a controversial Kenosha Police officer has been completed.  The allegations made by the women were unfounded, according to Internal Affairs Lt. Leo Viola, but during KPD’s investigation they did identify some issues with Det. Torres’ response to the situation. KPD administration recommended additional training for Det. Torres. “He received the training and we feel the recommendations that were made to him will be considered in his future interactions with the public, ” said Viola.

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Kenosha Police Internal Affairs Commander Lieutenant Leo Viola
(Kenosha Police Department)
Kenosha Police Officer Pablo “Paul” Torres

Kenosha Police Officer Pablo “Paul” Torres has one of the department’s longest personnel files. His file was obtained by KCE about 6 or 7 years ago. He has been accused of excessive force dozens of times and mostly exonerated for the complaints. He has universally been classified as a hot-head, bad-tempered, and quick-to-go-hands-on. He has killed a man, and attempted to kill a suicidal man, both close in time to one another.

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On September 7, 2023, a Kenosha woman posted a video of an interaction she had of Torres from August 7, 2023. The video shows Torres walking down the stairs of an apartment building thanking a witness for his cooperation. The woman asked Torres for his names, and before she finishes the question, he says “T….O….R….R…E….S.” She seemed to not understand his answer and asks again. “T….O….R….R…E….S” he says again. “Can I ask for your badge number?” the woman asks next. Torres tells the woman that if she doesn’t get out of his way, he would arrest her, about three seconds later, he tells the woman that she is under arrest. He then puts his hands on the woman and a struggle seemingly begins.

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The video then cuts out. According to the woman’s Facebook commentary that she posted with the video:

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“On August 7th, 2023 I was placed in a choked hold, slammed against a wall, giving me a concussion, and wrongfully arrested by a Kenosha Police Detective.

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On that Monday, I woke up and went to sit on my porch. Out of nowhere, a single police officer approached me, asking me if I had been there the night before as there had been a robbery across the street. I answered him that I had not been home nor heard of anything. He walks past me to ring my neighbor’s doorbells when he notices I had left the front door to my apartment building propped open, and so he lets himself in. I walk behind him and told him that I think he needs a key to be in here, to which he abruptly responds that he does not and that my apartment building was public property. Feeling scared for letting him into my building, I started recording him from down the bottom of the stairs as he spoke to my neighbor. As he walked down, I stood up and moved away from the stairs, visibly recording him with my phone. I asked for his name and badge number. He spelled out his last name, but when I asked for his badge number he responded by saying that “I do not get to stand in his way” and that “if I don’t move out of his way he would arrest me”. I asked once more and he quickly grabbed my hands and arrested me.

This officer used deadly force by putting me in a chokehold, slamming me against the wall giving me a concussion, and forcefully arresting me. The entire arrest happened in less than thirty seconds. My neighbor, who had spoken with this officer less than a minute before, comes down and sees me in a chokehold by this officer and yells at him to let me go. So the officer arrests him too.

We sit on the curb waiting for backup to arrive, as the officer who arrested us was there by himself. They take us both in the same squad car to the building, and my neighbor immediately notices they take us in through a different door than normal. They take us into their main office area and lead us both to separate interrogation cells. It felt wrong and surreal to see their work cubicles, the pictures of their family and personal belongings. I knew what they were doing to us was not normal procedure. I wait in this interrogation cell, a small brick room with nothing in it but a small metal bench, a security camera, and etchings on the metal door. The officer who arrested me eventually brings me into an interrogation room where I am read my rights and asked to sign a paper. I answer a few questions then ask to speak with an attorney. They bring me back to the interrogation cell where I wait for hours to be released. I’m finally told I will be let go, but that they have to keep my phone for “evidence”. But if I sign a piece of paper and give them my passcode to send himself the video, I can go home with it that day. Needing my phone for work and personal safety, I sign the paper and give him my passcode. He comes back to the cell to show me that he sent himself the video without me present. Before they let me go, they take me in a squad car around the building to the sallyport to take me into the jail for pictures and fingerprints. But upon arrival, the officer is told that if I wasn’t a “DV” case, that I’d need to have my pictures taken elsewhere. So they bring me back to the same building to take my mugshot and fingerprints. They ask me to verify my name, birthdate, and where I was born. Thinking it was routine, I answer it all truthfully. I’m finally released and driven home by my dear neighbors, who saw the whole situation and waited for me outside the station. If you’re reading this, thank you both so much from the bottom of my heart. You are my family.

I finally get back to my apartment hours later and run upstairs to see if my neighbor had also been released. I see his door slightly ajar and hear commotion inside so I start recording asking who was in there. A different detective answers, saying it was KPD and that they did not know when my neighbor would be released. I wait outside his door to shortly after see two officers walk out with my neighbor’s computer, hard drive, and TV in hand. I race back to the station and ask everyone there where my neighbor is and when he would be released. No one can find him in the system and am told to go to the next office over, and even up to the jail to ask if he was there. Not knowing what else to do, I go back home to tell my family what happened and wait for my neighbor. My neighbor is finally released three hours after me. He tells me of how they kept him in the single interrogation cell for hours with no pants, because the string in his pants were considered a threat. He was also refused temporary jail pants.

We wait days after to be served with the charges of “obstructing an officer” and “resisting arrest”. My neighbors calls every few days to see if he can finally pick up his items, to which he finally retrieved a week later. When he picks up his technology, an officer assures him that neither of us would be charged.

I will never forget the faces of my friends when I told them they had asked me, multiple times, where I was born. They looked me in the eyes and told me they had never been asked that themselves, that it was not a standard question to ask. It was then that I realized that the officer who arrested me had profiled me and was looking to see if he could deport me to cover up his mistakes.

KPD Detective Pablo Torres asked me where I was born, to see if he could deport me.”



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58 Responses

  1. It is so awesome that he got the additional training that a seasoned detective would need for being a complete ass to the public. Maybe he can get a frickin haircut.

    1. Curious to what your seasoned career is that we can critique. Being a cop today with the liberal babies I’m sure is amazing. But with your fake name I’m sure being a hair stylist is way more important Than a seasoned detective. Thank you for your haircuts

  2. The people of Kenosha are fortunate to have Paul Torres as an officer. He must have rubbed you the wrong way at some point, Kevin.

  3. I find it amazing that officers will defend this bully/coward with a badge. Remember that he actually shot a killed a guy who was ARMED WITH AN EMPTY FIVE GALLON PLASTIC BUCKET. He is a danger to everyone who lives or works in Kenosha. Cops should run this menace off the department. And the police wonder why they are held in such distain by so many people. Look in the mirror. You are the problem

    1. What’s your profession besides being anonymous on a thread? I’m sure we can judge your job too, if you even have a career

      1. OK. You are also hiding.

        This attitude that police are unaccountable is dangerous and leads to tyranny. That is not how most Americans want to live.

        As for my profession. If you only knew: . . Maybe I am one of you. Quietly taking notes, photos, and recordings of your racist locker room rants and car to car meetings. Maybe someone among you is not who you think.

  4. Police are “held in disdain”by people who break the law. Most people never have an interaction with the law.That being said he does look like a hippy bastard.

    1. Harry, I agree with you. They let cops look like that?

      I disagree with your other point. I am an old man who has never been arrested for anything. I hold the police in distain. Too many of them needlessly treat people like garbage. Way too many of them are too quick to shoot. And way too many of them lie.

      1. So basically they are doing and acting the same way of the people they are arresting?! Hmmmm why is one ok but not the other?! Maybe we start teaching respect again and stop telling these dumb fucks that they are right because they got their feelings hurt. Right is right and wrong is wrong PERIOD THE END!

  5. The apostle Paul wrote in 1 Timothy 1:8-11
    8Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it legitimately. 9We realize that law is not enacted for the righteous, but for the lawless and rebellious, for the ungodly and sinful, for the unholy and profane, for killers of father or mother, for murderers, 10for the sexually immoral, for homosexuals, for slave tradersb and liars and perjurers, and for anyone else who is averse to sound teaching 11that agrees with the glorious gospel of the blessed God, with which I have been entrusted.

    Repent sinners!

  6. Pablo is a Mt. Carmel kid, growing up in a tough neighborhood. He was a young aspiring officer who always ran the extra mile and as a result, KPD moved him up the ladder. Somehow, his head started to swell and then after 2 shootings, I think things went downhill. I can’t imagine the mental trauma of shooting someone and then the community who he protected turning on him. But none the less, his power has gone to his head and it would be in KPD’s interest to find a place for him to ride out his time without more public involvement. Or maybe he can just retire? As for his hair…cops that have long hair are usually undercover guys who all have entitlement ideation.

    1. This dude is in his mid 40’s, right? Be fucking real, there was no tough neighborhoods in this city 35 years ago. Get the fuck real.

  7. I personally know Det. Torres. He should never have been hired as a police officer, much less been promoted to detective.

  8. During the 2020 riots, he’s the one who arrested the wana be media girl from Seattle (Katie Fichter) because she told him he had a tiny dick.

    1. That’s the only reason I’m sure because that’s what the media told you right? Or you will say you seen it on a feed right? All 20 seconds that fit your narrative? At least you called them riots which is the only true statement you had

  9. I have a high regard for Detective Torres. I believe police officers are under greater scrutiny since the libs have taken over the country and there is literally nothing they can do without being accused of something.

        1. A high speed chase and warrant does not justify shooting someone who is armed with an empty five gallon plastic bucket. This officer said that he feared for his life when he shot this guy. If he really did, then this officer is an coward, unfit to be a cop. Based on this cops brutal history, this officer likely shot him because he was pissed off. The “I feared for my life” was the justifying after thought.

          By the way, I am retired LE. During my time, a no one would ever defend a guy like this. Cops today have turned into a bunch of cowardly pussies.

            1. Ya, really.

              I am one of those old retired guys who the KPPA lets attend the general membership meeting. Most of us retired guys think that most of the younger guys are a bunch of pathetic, ill-tempered cowards. We all keep our mouths shut because we don’t want to be banned from the free food and drink at your party.

              1. Yet you stay anonymous. Must of been a great guy. Stick Around for the free food huh? Criticism on an officer but afraid to use your name. Prolly a fired one

              2. If you think Pablo is a younger guy then I assume if and when you were LE there was hardly any crime, hate towards officers and not every teenage kid with a gun. But go ahead and flex your old time views.

              3. There are many cops who are disgusted with the vocal bullies who defend the indefensible. They have to keep their mouths shut because the pd is run like a street gang who goes after anyone who does not support bad policing and brutal practices.

              4. So you disagree with the guys but still come for free food and drink? If you were at that meeting- you were at some point one of those guys. I’m sure guys before you thought the same of you. TV’s are on sale buy one yourself!

            2. Truth is that many old school cops aren’t happy with the current crop. Just a few days ago several of us were having this discussion (as we’ve had in the past) about how things have changed. We think a lot of the excessive force complaints have to do with an officer’s failure to exhaust other options and, in some cases, aggravate the situation by their own behavior. We were not afraid to use force (and we had more public support) but often it wasn’t necessary because we took command of the situation before it got out of hand. Also, many of today’s cops don’t know how to talk to people. The most important weapons a cop has are between his ears.

          1. Easy gramps…cops today aren’t allowed to kick ass and beat up thugs like in old times. LE does not mean you worked for Schmidt security!

  10. I am in shock over how he treated this woman. Citizens aren’t allowed to ask for a badge number? Yeah, there’s something wrong with this guy. How he responded is just not normal. He went from nice guy to psycho in seconds.

    1. The girl flat out refused to obey an officer! You play you pay. Next time she may pay a little more attention to directions.

  11. If I was ever in danger of any sorts, I would want Pablo Torres by my side. He’s getting a bad wrap because the liberal loonies want to put themselves above the law. They’re all cray-cray.

  12. Torres is a midget; both physically and mentally.
    When my great grandfather was a cop in Chicago you had to be 6’ tall. (Murdered in the line of duty.)
    When my grandfather was a cop in Chicago you had to be 6’ 2”. (He was 6’ 4”)
    There was a reason for this unwritten rule. Women and little guys like Pablo can’t manhandle thugs, they get manhandeled. (And consequently go for their guns.)
    Also Napoleon complexes don’t help.

  13. Fake Enrique
    I am sure you approved of the Bell murder also.
    Three grown men can’t handle a drunk 16 year old kid without shooting him in the head?

    1. Guess you’re ok with drunk driving and fighting cops. But hey way to bring up something back then. Again what’s your profession?

  14. Went to High School with this Guy, known him a long time, I still shake my head how this guy ever became a cop, He is a hot head, and thinks he is above all Because he is a police officer, He gives the good ones a very bad name. he should have been gone long time ago … He is dangerous and escalates situations. I hope KPd fires him, and he gets to retirement. But we know that won’t happen they will protect him and let him keep being a titrant to the tax payers.

  15. This guy was sleeping with multi women while married, he’s a scum with an anger issue. I heard his kink is being peed on. No lie, he was sleeping with two ppl i know.

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