(Kenosha County Sheriff)
A Racine County Sheriff’s Deputy is at risk spending the rest of his life behind bars after being hit with an eight-felony-count criminal complaint on Thursday. Racine County Sheriff’s Deputy Preston K. Kite, 37, of Union Grove, was charged today with one felony count of Possession of Child Pornography, five counts of Sexual Exploitation of a Child, one count of Lewd and Lascivious Behavior, and one count of Disorderly Conduct. Altogether, he faces a maximum sentence of 204 years in the Wisconsin Prison System. According to Kenosha County Deputy District Attorney Carli McNeill, however, the investigation is still ongoing, and Kite’s phone is still being searched – new charges could be forthcoming.

Liberal activist Racine Court Commissioner Alice Rudebusch set bail at $50,000 on February 6, 2023, even though prosecutors asked for a $150,000 cash bail. Today, however, a more reasonable Court Commissioner, John Bjelajac, raised the bail to $150,000 and ordered house arrest and an ankle monitor if Kite can scrape up the $150k. Kite was also ordered to not have access to any device that is capable of connecting to the internet or recording.
According to the criminal complaint, Deputy Kite used the gay hookup app called “Sniffies,” an app that allows men to see where other gay men are on a gps map and have sex. He met a man on the site while the two were both at the Petro gas station in Sturtevant. The man went into the bathroom, where he saw a Racine County Deputy that was in full uniform and on duty, with the exception of the fact that he was masturbating. He told the man “don’t be scared.” Kite then attempted to get the man to go into the stall with him to have sex. The man instead ran out of the gas station and photographed Deputy Kite’s patrol car and sent it to the Racine County Sheriff’s Office. According to Racine County Sheriff Christopher Schmaling, who called Deputy Kite’s actions “embarrassing,” told KCE he immediately called the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department to investigate his deputy.

Indeed, the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department conducted the investigation that would soon get larger in magnitude. A Kenosha County Sheriff’s Detective interviewed Kite, who mostly admitted to the attempted “hookup” but allegedly lied about some of the details. He allowed his cell phone to be searched.
A Kenosha Police forensic examiner then found a grisly display of graphic videos depicting child pornography. KCE will not go into further detail as we have not seen more disturbing depictions of children being exploited and sexually assaulted on camera. The 12-page criminal complaint paints a picture of a pedophile that showed little regard to the safety and well-being of children.

(Racine County Sheriff’s Office)
KCE reached out to the Racine County Sheriff’s Office and when asked if Kite was still employed Lieutenant Michael Luell told us:
“Kite is still employed at RCSO because there is a specific process we have to follow when terminating an employee. However, the answer to your question may change later today or later this week.”
Kite will appear at a preliminary hearing on February 15, 2024.
32 Responses
Well I’ll be dang ! Some dood on the first article said he looks like a child molester —- he was right!
That was me. I’m full of insight.
I’ve been telling you about Loxism and how the system really works. Who our enemies really are. Unfortunately my commenting on the cause rather than the effec isn’t popular affair with those that think the political stage/theatre is reality. The threat is if educating and waking up people is too much, even at a local level. Unfortunately for all those of you that know something is wrong but can’t figure it out never will, when decades of research is presented to you it is deleted due to bitchers and whiners that are all part of the 2 headed beast system that can’t exist without each other.
Tip of the day: Stop drinking flouride.
You are a liar! It was me who posted that comment. You are a psycho fraud. BTW: I have been drinking fluoridated water all my life.
I posted that he looks like a pedo.
Of course you have. I don’t doubt your flouride intake for a second.
Sniffies?? 🤣🤣
Wonder if they got the name from Biden…
Also, not “grizzly” but “grisly”
Back the badge?
Badge Lives Matter. See what I did there? Now other people who have nothing to do with this loser can burn s*** down and raise hundreds of thousands of dollars, while endangering honest cops everywhere. Now we just need him to say, “I can’t breathe” in court.
I hear his screen name is “Tiny Johnson”
Oh so you know him haha
Wait! Don’t we have to back the blue no matter what they do?
According to the boot lickers, yes!
I find it interesting that you’d rather take the time to say this than note how awful what he did was. Your priorities are a bit out of whack.
Nice Strawman
The Kenosha Sheriff and District Attorney did a nice job of locking this monster up and charging him while they continue to investigate. This is how it should be done.
Why didn’t the Kenosha Police and District Attorney do the same thing when they got the same type of evidence against that monster who was having sex with all of those underaged girls–the monster that Chrystul Kizer killed?
A most EXCELLENT question. I’m guessing it has to do with our left of left DA’s office. 🤔
And a big thank you to Court Commissioner, John Bjelajac for keeping this guy in lockup. At least one commissioner has his head on straight.
These freaks can’t even keep it cool and hold a job without being a pervert.Nice hire on this one.
He’ll get off with probation. The cops around here literally get away with murder, whats a little child porn. Half of the department were probably fucking eachother.
Now paging Sgt Hard !! Sgt Hard your sniffles account has an upgrade due .
Andy Berg is sporting wood !!
Weeping Willow, no doubt.
Only one way to deal with pedophiles
Reason # 1. Why gays should not be allowed to “adopt”.
Correct. Being gay is a genetic defect. A mis-wiring in the brain. If it was as simple as simply being attracted to the same sex there would be no issue — but the faulty wiring often causes other gross anomalies
Like Trump derangement syndrome, and liberalism in general, a mental defect where one rationalizes on how anything they don’t have was taken by someone who already has a thousand of them.
Correct. Being gay is a genetic defect. A mis-wiring in the brain. If it was as simple as simply being attracted to the same sex there would be no issue — but the faulty wiring often causes other gross anomalies
Alice Rudebusch is a one person crime wave and has been for years in Racine.
Christmas might come a little early for the inmates of whatever prison he ends up in. A cop AND a pervert in a prison? I’m betting he will be butchered and mutilated within minutes.