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Embattled Outgoing Mayor John Antaramian Endorses Bogdala To Succeed Him

Kenosha Mayor John Antaramian (D) and Alderman David Bogdala
(Both Photos, Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

Kenosha Mayor John Antaramian (D) has endorsed David Bogdala to succeed him as the 51st mayor of Kenosha, a source has confirmed. Antaramian will be completing his 24th year as mayor, having served from 1992 to 2008, and then again from 2016 until when his term expires next month.

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Antaramian is a lifelong democrat, having been a representative in the Wisconsin State Assembly from 1985 to 1993. Antaramian decided not to seek re-election shortly after what most people call a failure of leadership during the Kenosha riots.  Bogdala, who was the City Council President at the time is happy to accept the endorsement. Antaramian also oversaw the city at its highest homicide rate ever (15 in 2021).

Bogdala, a once prominent leader in the Kenosha County Republican Party, changed his political affiliation in public to that of a democrat in 2016, when Antaramian was elected for his second stretch. This was done as a strategic move to position himself in the best light to be elected mayor of a mostly-democrat city. In private, Bogdala is a republican. As an Alderman, however, he voted more than 95% with the democrat mayor. For Bogdala’s first 15 years in office, he opposed the Kenosha Casino at every turn. In 2023, however, he pledged his support of the casino to the Mayor. This is about the time that Antaramian made the commitment to endorse Bogdala.

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Lydia Spottswood (D) – Candidate for Kenosha Mayor
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

The mayoral race is expected to be a close one. Bogdala’s opponent, retired nurse and former Alderman Lydia Spottswood, has been a Democrat her whole life. She openly admits as much. Here is a list of her recent campaign contributions:

The election will occur on April 2, 2024.

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Large Sheriff’s Deputy Presence At Wilmot High School Stemmed From Illinois Incident

On September 11th, 2024 around 12:06 pm, the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department was requested by the Lake County Sheriff’s Office to assist in locating an armed suicidal male along the Wisconsin and Illinois state line along the Fox River Road. Due to this location being near Wilmot Union High School, Kenosha County Sheriff David W. Zoerner worked with the School Resource Officer at Wilmot Union High School and the School Administration to do everything possible to

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Illinois Man Who Died In Lake Michigan While Exploring Shipwreck Identified As 72-Year-Old Winthrop Harbor Man

On September 10th, 2024, around 11:30 am, the United States Coast Guard received and relayed a distress call from a vessel at the S.S. Wisconsin shipwreck regarding a scuba diver who had not returned to the surface. Numerous agencies responded to assist. The search for the missing diver soon became a recovery operation due to the amount of time that the diver had been missing. On September 11th, around 10:15 am, the missing scuba diver was

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KCE Article That Was Taken Down Via Court Order Can Go Back Up With Legal Victory: Judge

Today, Kevin Mathewson, editor of Kenosha County Eye scored his 17th legal victory in regards to public records disputes. That makes 17 for 17. In this case, Mathewson sought disciplinary files within the personnel file of Tremper English teacher Mark P. Wisniewski, 41, of Kenosha. Wisniewski was recently convicted of his third OWI after leading Kenosha Police on a 1 mile chase with a blood alcohol content of .300 – almost four times the legal limit.

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Illinois Diver Presumed Deceased After He Failed To Resurface After Exploring Famous Shipwreck

A red flag with a white line through it waiving in the air is a diver down flag, or scuba flag, and is a flag used on the water to indicate that there is a diver below. Many dozens of law enforcement officers and firefighters from Illinois and Wisconsin spanning at least 10 counties, pulled their emergency boats on shore, with a look of sadness and perhaps, defeat on their tired faces. Not defeated because they didn’t give it their best, but

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Kenosha Judge Sentences Kenosha Man Who Terrorizes Women To Nine Months In Jail

A Kenosha man, holding in jail on a $150,000 bail was sentenced today for three pending felony cases. He was charged with: Felony Stalking(3) Counts of Felony Bail Jumping(9) Counts of Unlawful Phone Use – Threaten HarmDisorderly Conduct The Kenosha DA’s office allowed Barnhill to plead guilty to only three counts of Unlawful Phone Use – Threaten Harm. Since his plea went through, the prosecutor on the case asked the judge to be allowed to change

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Woman Who Bought Gun For Man Who Used It The Same Day In A Double Homicide Charged – Victim’s Family Speaks Out

A Racine woman who bought the gun that Lawrence Franklin, Jr used to kill his girlfriend and unborn child was charged today with one Felony Count of Straw Purchasing a Firearm. Kaliyah M. Patterson, 22. of Racine, faces 10 years in the Wisconsin Prison System if convicted. Lawrence G. Franklin, Jr was charged late yesterday, September 9, 2024, with two counts of 1st Degree Intentional Homicide, both as Repeaters and with the Dangerous Weapon Enhancers. Franklin

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Two Counts Of Homicide, Five Other Felonies Charged Against Man Who Murdered Girlfriend, Child

A 25-year-old Kenosha man was charged late yesterday, September 9, 2024, with two counts of 1st Degree Intentional Homicide, both as Repeaters and with the Dangerous Weapon Enhancers. Franklin was also charged with Possession of a Firearm By a Felon as a repeater, and four counts of Felony Bail Jumping, all as repeaters. He faces a mandatory minimum of life in prison, but a judge may allow for parole in 20 years. Kenosha DA Mike Graveley

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KCE Editor Sues District Attorney Michael Graveley For The Third Time – Looking For 3 Out of 3 Wins

Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley (D) told KCE today that he will not release secret documents outlining deals worked out between his office and illegal aliens that occured in secret, locked courtrooms. After learning about this secret program created by Graveley, with the support of current DA candidate Carli McNeill (D), KCE asked for the last three months of these agreements. Graveley told us this morning that he will not be releasing the documents. He

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Kenosha DA Has Secret Program That Dismisses Criminal Charges Against Illegal Aliens During Secret Meetings

KCE has just learned that Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley (D), with the support of current DA candidate Carli McNeill (D), has a secret program that dismisses criminal charges against illegal aliens. Illegal aliens who get caught without a license get a non-criminal citation that includes only a fine. For second and subsequent charges, everyone is supposed to be charged criminally. Not under Graveley and McNeill’s watch if you are in the country illegally. There

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Manhunt Underway For Lawrence G. Franklin, JR For Double Murder, A Man Who Was Given Many Breaks From DA’s Office

A state-wide manhunt is underway for 25-year-old Lawrence G. Franklin, Jr. for the double murder that occurred yesterday afternoon at about 4:28 p.m. Franklin allegedly shot and killed his girlfriend and unborn child. Unfortunately, according to federal law, this is tallied as only one victim, but KCE and most reasonable people consider it a double-homicide. According to the sister of the murdered woman, Franklin pulled out a gun and shot the victim in the head, leading

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Kenosha Police Conduct Manhunt For Man Who Murdered Pregnant Girlfriend, Unborn Child

Just after 4:30 p.m. on Friday evening, police were summoned to the intersection of 13th Avenue and 65th Street for a report of shots fired. A woman caller told police that her sister was shot in the head by her boyfriend. It was later revealed that the victim was pregnant. Kenosha Police spent several hours searching for the offender. According to police radio traffic, the firearm was located, but KCE cannot confirm this to be the

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Kenosha Man Connected To Many Area-Democrat Campaigns Charged With Two Serious Child Abuse Felonies

“I know too many people in Kenosha – no one would believe you.” This was a statement allegedly made by Robert J. Moore II, 38, of Kenosha. He said these words to his wife, when she complained about alleged domestic violence and serious child abuse. Moore was charged on June 27, 2024 with two felony counts of Physical Abuse of a Child – Intentionally Causing Bodily Harm. Moore faces a maximum sentence of 12 years in

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52 Responses

  1. She endorsed Angela Cunningham! Thats all I need to know. Thats a berg, and cardinali supporters and helped with her campaign. Shows character and enough for a sane person to vote bogdala over her in a heartbeat

  2. Not much to choose from both carry baggage. The new mayor is the same as the old mayor keep watching Kenosha unravel.

  3. Checkbook Lydia could not buy John? David will do well but he sold out his district recently to the Indians and most likely took the bioweapon mascarding as a vaccine, so like everything in life, his mayoral duties will be short-lived, died suddenly ain’t no joke. peace from my ranch in yaxcaba mexico

  4. God help Kenosha. Neither candidate is worth anything. Spotswood is a crazy liberal. Bogdala stopped supporting conservative ideals a long time ago. He will tell you he is neither a Republican nor a Democrat. Saying you’re a Republican behind closed doors for friends means nothing if you’re voting for liberal agendas.
    Buckle up Kenosha….

    1. Polarization doesn’t help the community. There’s a reason these elections are supposed to be nonpartisan. Political parties want to bring gridlock and bickering to the local level. Ugh! Neither candidate is awe inspiring or offers much of a vision for Kenosha.

      1. It’s unfortunate but politics has crept into everything. The left has gone so far off the rails. They have brought their crazy lack of morality into nonpartisan offices. It is incredibly impactful to our every day lives. We have to counterbalance that.

  5. Bogdola is a sell out. He sold out his vote for the stupid casino just to get this endorsement? This explains it and tells me all I need to know. Voting for neither is better than voting for four more years of Antaramian pulling the strings of Bogdala.

  6. Good bye John ” just let it burn” Antaramian.
    Bogdala is clearly a windsock, but I find him less irritating than Cruella Spottswood.

  7. Bogdala is just Antaramian’s clone. More corruption for a worse, more violent Kenosha. Bodala came to my house a few months ago and I startled him with several questions about our community–he was unwilling to answer any of them. He also promised to call me about another issue and never did. He is a coward. Spottswood is even worse. Our poor city suffers at the hands of corrupt politicians who care only about themselves and having power.

    1. This is a BS comment. He came to my door and me and my neighbor were outside. He sat there for over 20 minutes and answered all of our questions about our city. Very knowledgeable and definitely we both said we were going to vote for him and we are. We asked him if he was a Democrat or Republican he reminded us that it was a nonpartisan seat and he likes working with all people of all different opinions. He’ll learn that why he was an alderman. Please don’t lie.

  8. Bogdala’s wife did nothing but exercise a dictatorship over Brookside Nursing home residents, staff and visitors. I had to call the Ombudsman and file a complaint to see my father. She also pushed the experimental, deadly C-19 jab on everyone- even pressuring family members. My father finally stopped taking boosters realizing that he could say no! They want you to check in and out like a prison. I hope she took multiple doses and reaps what she sowed. She is a deep state puppet and I have no hope for this city with these choices. Bogdala is the lesser of 2 evils, but not by much.

    1. Wow the people like twist and the Truth. My mother was at brookside they’re that whole time. Ms. Bogdala was very kind and compassionate whenever I had to talk to her about anything. Working in healthcare there’s certain mandates that are required to keep a facility opened. Just like a hospital has mandates.
      I hope people have come some common sense

      1. This is the truth. Forcing everyone into a temp check and entering there cell number was not necessary and still is not. She has power to take CMS guidelines as guidelines. She pushes the C-19 jab every chance she gets. She is not a republican, she is not for reasonable reactions to health authorities and she is not a friend to freedom no matter how nice she states things. Actions speak volumes and she is a puppet.

      2. Mandates.. BS forcing healthcare workers to take the jab is wrong. You can’t pick and choose “My body, my choice “ when it’s convenient.

  9. I looked at your crime chart and I noticed that you don’t have the deaths in Kenosha years 2022and 2023. I’m retired law enforcement.
    That rate is mostly way down probably four a year. That Spike and death was mostly due to drugs and people that know each other. It’s always been the case and Kenosha would murders. Back in the day I know the averaged about 5 murders a year in Kenosha county. Over 90% rate to solve them.

  10. Correction: Spottswood is not a lifelong Democrat. She switched parties in the mid-90’s to suit her political career when she saw a chance at the House with Clinton.

    1. Wow, that would be a story! Do we have any evidence to prove she was a republican? I spott wood is a terrible person.

  11. I’m not voting for either mayoral candidate. It is very unfortunate that our only options are Bogdala or Spottswood. Kenosha is doomed.

  12. Neither candidates are very good options but I had an encounter with Spottswood some time ago and she is an absolute nut!

  13. An endorsement that could backfire. Many, like myself are still disillusioned with Antaramian and the lack of effort during the riots. He, and others let Kenosha burn. Of the candidates, Bogdala, perhaps the least of the “evils”? So sad Kenosha can not put forth really good candidates for key leadership roles. Those commenting on his wife as leader of Brookside, that is worthy of it’s own story and much of it existed before she took over the helm.

  14. Your comment is ridiculously contradictory. A vote for Bogdala is a vote for Antimarian, in your opinion. I can respect that.

    Then you say you are not voting for either candidate because of Bogdala’s relationship with Antimarian. Wouldn’t the logical adult decision be to vote for Spotswood?

  15. Can you share the Vos recall petition on your page?
    I would like to see who signed it and the extent of their cheating.

  16. I remember when her and her rich husband in their 2nd Avenue Mansion wanted the taxpayers to foot her babysitting when she was an Alderman. Imagine what she would do with your money now.

    1. And have you seen her latest campaign postcard? It says when extremist politicians try to steal Kenosha women’s reproductive freedom and healthcare, I’ll fight them every step of the way. “YOU CAN COUNT ON IT.”
      That’s some funny s***, from a local mayor’s office, she’s going to overturn a Supreme Court decision and change state law? It’s a really stupid statement, but I’ll give her credit for knowing that really stupid people might believe it and those are the people who are most likely to vote for her, anyway. Her fighting for abortion rights reminds me of when she was fighting against the “boner invasion” in Kenosha decades ago. Now she’s mounting a turgid campaign. 🤡

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