WHAT: At the end of this school year, the Kenosha Unified School District will have six schools closing, one merging with another, and one changing locations. To honor their legacy in our community, the district will be celebrating the history of each of the buildings impacted prior to the end of the school year.
WHO: All current and past students, staff and families, as well as general community members, are invited to celebrate the history of each of these schools in various ways. Most events are open house style, allowing individuals to move freely throughout.
WHY: In early 2023, KUSD embarked on a rightsizing<https://www.kusd.edu/district/rightsizing/> process in order to address its estimated $15MM budget deficit for the 2024-25 fiscal year. Among the many difficult decisions made was the choice to close EBSOLA-Creative Arts, Jefferson, McKinley, Stocker and Vernon elementary schools; close Lincoln Middle School and move Washington Middle School to the EBSOLA building; and to merge the Dimensions of Learning of Academy with the Brompton School. This led to the building celebrations below.
Lincoln: Lincoln’s Legacy Celebrated
6729 18th Ave., Kenosha 53143
Thursday, April 18, from 5:30-6:30 p.m.
Washington: Heritage Homecoming
811 Washington Road, Kenosha 53140
Tuesday, April 30, from 5-6:30 PM
Dimensions: History Celebration Day
6218 25th Ave., Kenosha 53143
Friday, May 3, from 2-4 p.m.
Vernon: Farewell to Vernon: Proud to be a Cougar
8518 22nd Ave., Kenosha 53143
Friday, May 17, from 5-7 p.m.
EBSOLA CA: Wings of Legacy: EBSOLA Farewell Festival
2600 50th St., Kenosha 53140
Saturday, May 18, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
McKinley: McCubbies on the Move
5520 32nd Ave., Kenosha 53144
Thursday, May 23, from 5-6:30 p.m.
Stocker: Farewell to Stocker Celebration
6315 67th Ave., Kenosha 53142
Thursday, May 30, from 5-6:30 pm
Jefferson: Backyard Bash
1832 43rd St., Kenosha 53140
Friday, June 7, from 1:30-4 p.m.
29 Responses
they should celebrate closing every school. what a waste of currency and time. the schools are filthy, teachers are drunks and perverts. i mean would you even get an interview at indian trails if you were not a perv? i think not. remember the colored kusd superintendent and her $500k going away gift and given a job at cathage? i remember. or the colored dude Curtus plowing his coal sausage into tardy pants at bradford, he was the dean of tardy pants students and was promoted to washington middle school which is closing.
Colored? I imagine your color is pasty white with crimson on your neck.
Way to scream racist turd.
Maybe he meant person of color …
Oops, did he say colored? I’m sure he meant person of color, or black, or african-american, or negro, or inner city dweller, or anything other than simply American. But wait . . . what does the “C” stand for in NAACP?
Colored? Wow.
Wow , guns blazing from the Mexico ranch !
Well said! 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
Dennis loves coal sausage form men of color. He’s what you call a snow bunny. Te Te Te Tell me what you want!
I like Curtis, and don’t call me tardy pants!
did you show up late to school on purpose to receive the coal sausage?
KUSD. It was not good in the seventies. And today is not better.
Parents. Find another education choice for your children.
At least in the 70s teachers were respected by kids and parents . We weren’t a bunch of spoiled ,entitled snowflakes with imaginary genders and problems.
Damn kids. Turned out just exactly how they were raised.
Save our Children
Abolish Teacher Unions
Abolish Public Schools
Abolish public schools? That’s absurd.
In a way….those running KUSD along with some of the teaching and support staff are likely responsible for declining student enrollment which means fewer buildings required.
Of course the school board seems to avoid laying off a commensurate number of staff most responsible for KUSD’s failures.
Let the closings of the schools serve as a strong reminder to vote in NEW financially responsible board members next week. A large portion of this financial mess is because the current, long term board members continued to approve spending as enrollment and funding declined over 10 years. One in particular continues to state the funding should be pushed to the taxpayers in a referendum.
We all know how important the people are who count the votes!…..Remember 2020?!!!
Vote harder daddy! Voting is fake n gay
You folks have some learning to do🤦♀️ Colored? So what color is that? Brown, yellow, black. We all have educational names….are you ready class….we have Caucasian, we have Asian, we have Hispanic, we have African American, we have Chinese, we have Japanese, we have Nigerians, etc. there isn’t any colored😂😂
Of course there is. Unless you physically came from Africa, you’re just black American. You never hear of European American. Get off your high horse. No difference between “people of color, or colored person. You leftwing racists don’t get english.
So are we gonna house all these illegal aliens in these empty schools when they get dumped here in a few months?! Asking for a fren…..
Yep. They are calling them “newcomers”.
Well, I hope everyone is ready to grab their pitchforks and torch lamps! We need to let the left know THEY ARE NOT WELCOME.
The reason these schools are closing has everything to do with the HORRIBLE leadership, librarians and teachers in KUSD. Stop pushing porn, stop pushing LGBTQ crap and bring back morality!
Christ is king, faggot
Whose paying for these celebrations?? You’re already at a deficit so…let’s throw parties to celebrate! {facepalm}