Vote “No” For Controversial Candidate Joel Trudell For City Council – Serious Mental Health Concerns And Violence Make Him A Poor Choice: Opinion


In a bid that has stirred considerable debate and concern among Kenosha residents, Joel Trudell, far-left extremist, has thrown his hat into the ring for a seat on the Kenosha City Council. Trudell’s candidacy comes in the wake of a turbulent incident that occurred on June 21, 2022, during a county board meeting, where he was apprehended by law enforcement after displaying disorderly behavior.

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According to reports, Trudell’s conduct at the meeting escalated to the point where two Deputies and two off-duty Kenosha Police Officers were compelled to intervene and arrest him. However, despite the gravity of the situation, all charges against Trudell were subsequently dismissed, raising eyebrows among members of the community.

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The dismissal of charges was attributed to Trudell’s participation in the “Behavior Health Diversion” program, a decision that has drawn criticism, particularly due to the alleged alignment of political beliefs between Trudell and the prosecutor involved – Zeke Wiedenfeld (D).

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As part of the plea agreement, Trudell is mandated to undergo continued treatment from a psychiatrist over the next six months, with a requirement of at least two sessions per month. Additionally, he is obligated to comply with all testing requested by his psychiatrist. Concerns have been raised following Trudell’s purported failure to disclose his mental health treatment status during court proceedings on March 11, 2024, casting doubt on his transparency and credibility.

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Moreover, Trudell is bound by the terms of the agreement to refrain from any actions, attempts, or threats to harm himself or others, as well as abstain from drug use. Furthermore, he is prohibited from possessing firearms or any weapons, a restriction believed to stem from concerns regarding potential risks to himself or others.

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In the upcoming election, Trudell’s opponent, Ken Harper, a small business owner known for his articulate and pragmatic approach, presents a stark alternative. With a reputation untainted by controversy, Harper emerges as a candidate with no baggage and a commitment to the welfare of the community.

Amidst mounting concerns regarding Trudell’s history of violence and mental health issues, voters are urged to consider the implications of their choice carefully. As the election approaches on April 2, 2024, the spotlight remains firmly on the contrasting narratives surrounding the candidates, with the future direction of Kenosha hanging in the balance.



School Funding, the Budget Surplus, and Tax Cuts – Q&A With Rep. Nedweski

As we near the February 18th election, I reached out to State Representative Amanda Nedweski (R-Pleasant Prairie) to address some frequently asked questions about the KUSD operating referendum as it relates to state funding. Kenosha Unified is asking voters if they approve of a property tax that is higher than the state’s statutory levy limit by about $23 million per year through 2030 – or a cumulative amount of $115 million over that time period. The

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Civil Suit Against Fired Groomer KUSD Teacher Moved To Federal Court, More Defendants Added

Kenosha, Wis. – Former KTEC West science teacher Christian Enwright is facing a civil lawsuit and criminal charges after allegedly grooming a 13-year-old student, later 14, over an eight-month period from June 2023 to February 2024. The lawsuit, filed on May 20, 2024, in Kenosha County Circuit Court, accuses Enwright of manipulating and emotionally abusing the student to establish a future sexual relationship. The Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD), which originally faced the lawsuit in state

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Here Are The Government Employees Who Work In Kenosha County And How Much They Make

In the spirit of transparency, Kenosha County Eye requested salary information from the following government agencies in late 2024: Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD)City of KenoshaCounty of Kenosha Kenosha County District Attorney’s OfficeWisconsin State Public Defender’s Office Village of Paddock LakeVillage of Pleasant PrairieVillage of Twin LakesVillage of Salem LakesVillage of Somers Town of RandallTown of Wheatland Westosha Central High SchoolTrevor-Wilmot School DistrictTwin Lakes School DistrictWilmot Union High SchoolRiverview Salem Silver Lakes Silver Lakes School DistrictUW

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KUSD’s Choral Fest Marred By Referendum Advocacy From Guest Conductor

Kenosha, Wis.– The 58th Annual Choral Festival, a cherished event that showcases the talent of Kenosha’s youth choirs, was overshadowed tonight by a controversial political speech that left many attendees feeling uncomfortable and disappointed. The evening, which was meant to celebrate the hard work and musical accomplishments of local students, took an unexpected turn when Ms. Lynn Swanson, the director of the New South Festival Singers and the Cobb Summer Singers from suburban Atlanta, Georgia, took

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75-Year-Old Bar Owner Sentenced to Four Years for Fatal Hit-and-Run in Kenosha

Kenosha, Wis. – A 75-year-old man was sentenced on Thursday to four years in prison for a fatal hit-and-run that claimed the life of a pedestrian in Kenosha in 2023. William E. Koprovic pleaded guilty to Hit and Run Involving Death, a charge stemming from the June 25, 2023, incident in which he struck and killed 42-year-old Scott Mingilino. He owns Rendezvous Tiki Bar in Kenosha. Kenosha County Judge Anthony Milisauskas handed down the sentence after reviewing

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Runnin’ With the Devil: KCE Q&A With Attorney and Author Michael Cicchini

What’s the definition of an IMPARTIAL JUROR in a criminal case?  You might think it’s a juror who has no financial ties or loyalties to either the defendant or to the prosecutor’s office.  But you’d be wrong!  So says local defense attorney and author Michael Cicchini in his newest law review article, The Devil’s Dictionary of Criminal Procedure.   KCE asked him about the article, how he came up with that title, and what his definition is

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Menominee Tribe Responds to KCE’s Report On Casino Concerns Amid Community Skepticism

Kenosha residents and local officials are raising serious concerns over the proposed Menominee Hard Rock Hotel & Casino project, as promises made by the tribe remain unfulfilled and new doubts emerge about the viability of the venture. After years of assurances that federal approval was imminent, the Menominee Tribe has yet to deliver, leaving many in the community questioning whether this casino will ever materialize—or if it should at all. A History of Missed Deadlines and

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KUSD Cuts Law Enforcement Access to Student Database, Citing Privacy Law

Kenosha, Wis. – The Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) has reportedly restricted law enforcement access to a critical student database, raising concerns about school safety and investigative efforts. The database, known as Infinite Campus, is widely used by KUSD parents and staff to manage student records. Local law enforcement has historically relied on the system for various investigations, from issuing truancy citations to gathering intelligence on school threats, including potential shootings and other emergencies. A reliable

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Kenosha County Eye to Intensify Focus on Judiciary

Kenosha, Wis. – Kenosha County Eye (KCE) is sharpening its investigative focus on the Kenosha judiciary, a move prompted by growing concerns over judicial accountability and transparency. KCE has, at times, been critical of the Kenosha County Circuit Court judges, who, in a unique rotation system, oversee all areas of law. Currently, Judges Anthony Milisauskas, Angelina Gabriele, Jason Rossell, and Gerad Dougvillo handle criminal cases, while Judges Jodi Meier, Chad Kerkman, David Wilk, and Heather Iverson preside

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Governor Tony Evers Denies Pardon For Kenosha County Serial Arsonist

Silver Lake, Wis. – Governor Tony Evers (D) has denied the pardon application of 48-year-old Allen M. Dunski, Jr., a former firefighter and convicted serial arsonist from Kenosha County’s west side. The rejection, issued on November 15, 2024, came despite Dunski’s claims of rehabilitation and community service. A letter sent to Dunski by the Governor’s Pardon Advisory Board stated: “While the Governor’s Pardon Advisory Board commends you for the positive strides you have taken since completing

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Kenosha Man Charged with Repeated Sexual Assault of a Child, Held on $1M Bail

Kenosha, Wis. – A 43-year-old Kenosha man was formally charged today with Repeated Sexual Assault of a Child in Kenosha County Circuit Court. If convicted, Jesus Alcocer-Bautista faces a maximum sentence of 60 years in prison. During his court appearance, Kenosha County District Attorney Xavier Solis requested a $1,000,000 cash bail, citing the severity of the allegations and the need to protect the community. Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner William Michel II granted the request and

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10-Year-Old Girl Still Too Terrified To Return To School After Sexual Assault on Bus

**Explicit Content** Kenosha, Wis. — A 10-year-old girl from Nash Elementary School remains too afraid to return to school months after she was allegedly sexually assaulted by two male students on her bus ride home. Despite criminal charges, Title IX investigations, and pleas from the child’s mother, the Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) has yet to remove one of the accused students from the school, leaving the victim in limbo. KCE first reported on this matter

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41 Responses

  1. I bet he’ll be welcome in liberal paradises such as Chicago or NY. They need turds like him to keep their show running.
    Let’s say NO to loser Trudeau.

  2. Just another example of a Democrat being emotionally unstable. Why is there so much mental illness associated with leftist ideology?

      1. Same. His massive hysteria over pushing pornographic books to kids is concerning. Hopefully the therapy helps but glad my kids are not in a classroom with him. What was Bullen thinking?!?! Do the parents realize he is teaching their kids? That would be a HELL no from me!

  3. Is Kevin jealous of Joel? Does he secretly love him? Either way there seems to some sort of unhealthy obsession of Joel by Kevin. Perhaps Kevin needs to seek therapy as well.



    1. Obviously you forget about Joel’s Kevin derangement syndrom. He likened every downfall to it being Kevin’s fault. It’s raining outside, it must be that villain Kevin Matthewson… Much like orange man bad…

    2. Joel needs help and there is no way he should be elected to lead. I don’t believe it is unhealthy for a journalist to point out crazy so the community can learn about someone running for office. There used to be a time that all local journalists would have the courage to hold our candidates accountable for their past actions so we could make informed decisions. Maybe Kevin can take this up and post his endorsements (and even lack of an endorsement) of candidates the way the Kenosha News used to do it. The local democratic and republican parties are sellouts and won’t go against some of their own even though they should. Kevin has time to do this….let’s hope he does.

    3. Show us on the stuffed animal where Common Sense hurt you. Considering what this idiot has been up to, the idea that you would accuse those who oppose him of anything is pathetic and shows that you support slime. Or perhaps you are the slime in this article.

    4. Or maybe Kevin is a journalist and reporting the news. You sound like someone who might have feelings for Joel. You two might make a lovely couple.

  4. Pro tip Joel, all your crying on Facebook, bashing police, fake profiles, that all has consequences. Now you think someone is going to vote for you!!!

  5. A major problem in Kenosha is having no newspaper to honestly report on various candidates and a populous that will blindly vote partisan or throwing a dart instead of doing any research. It also doesn’t help that someone who is under court ordered psychiatric babysitting can run for public office and keep the job if he wins the election.

  6. After Tuesday, Joel’s only source of joy will be sitting in a corner watching his wife get serviced by Sgt Hard.

  7. it is very clear that the higher echelon of the Kenosha Socialist Democratic Party are all suffering from mental Illness of one strain or another from SGT Hard all the way down to this clown (and his wife) to Steph Kunzz (living in Illinois and running for office in Kenosha!) . Is the electorate in Kenosha really that dumb and blind ? I guess we will all find out soon. Without a doubt living a live abiding by the law and with a moral compass is not a quality these people enjoy. Gaslighting the electorate is the common theme of the socialist and it is alive and well in Kenosha!

  8. Pro tip
    Joel posting this article on your Facebook page trying to use mental health as your scape goat won’t fly either. You can’t bash our law enforcement, have fake profiles belittling people, being friends with berg, caputo, etc… and blame mental health. Your an embarrassment and the voters see through you

  9. This clown tried to illegally vote at the Southwest library a few years back . I was a pole worker there. He attempted to vote , but our book indicated that he was issued a mail in ballot , and that it was returned. He was not happy about it, and stomped off.

  10. If Joel works at a school you should check out bergs Facebook post. He has the nerve to call out a candidate (and he’s wrong again) but hasn’t called out Joel? And on his previous post he talks about a candidate that was “arrested” but supports Joel, Kennedy, Landry!!! The hypocrisy is so obvious. My god berg!

  11. He is a disgusting piece of filth who revels in harming others. He should be in prison, not running for the Common Council

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