(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kathryn “Kelly” Sweeting has announced tonight that she has resigned her position as of noon tomorrow, April 30, 2024. In a letter sent to Village President Rita Bucur Sweeting said in part:
“As some of you may be aware, I have entered into a season of my life where attending to my personal health has become an uphill battle, the cost of which demands time and energy. For the good of the Village, I believe it is time that a new member of our community be appointed to carry out the role and responsibility entrusted to me. It is with a heavy heart that I resign my position effective Tuesday, April 30th at noon.“

Sweeting was elected just over one year ago on April 4, 2023. She received 2,743 votes, – the highest of any other candidate. During her short time on the board, she was clearly prepared and unafraid to voice her opinion to her colleagues.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Campaign Photos)

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Brian Filiatreault, a Salem Lakes business owner has been very vocal in the village and has put pressure on the old and new boards to reform the Village. After hearing of Sweeting’s resingation, Filiatreault had the following to say:
“I had the pleasure of meeting Kelly Sweeting when she was a voice for her community at numerous village board meetings. She was dedicated in defending her neighbors in regards to the safety of a new gas station. Kelly has been dedicated in supporting her fellow taxpayers. This led to her decisive victory as a new trustee for the Village of Salem Lakes. I personally know that this past year has been a challenge for her, yet she still stepped up to the plate to fulfill her duties as a village trustee and library board member. Kelly has always supported those that needed a voice. We need more people like her on community boards. I will greatly miss her insight and wish her well in her future endeavors. As a friend I want to say, thank you Kelly.”

(Campaign Photo)
Reach for comment, President Bucur add the following just say of Sweeting’s resignation
“Trustee Sweeting’s commitment, passion, and invaluable contributions have left an indelible mark on our community. Her insights helped shape the direction of our initiatives and contributed to our successes during the immense challenges we were faced with last year.
Kelly demonstrated unwavering dedication, integrity, and genuine concern for this Village, and because of that, she helped us achieve significant milestones in a very short time.
She was a true professional who took the position of Village Trustee to heart and set a remarkable example for others to follow. Whomever takes over the remainder of her term will undoubtedly have big shoes to fill.
I cannot thank her enough for her selfless service and I am confident that the impact of her legacy will continue to resonate within this Village and have a positive impact for years to come. Our community is stronger because of her.”
President Bucur also said a few words about Kelly during tonight’s meeting:
“I met Kelly last year. I had no idea who she was until we all decided to run, and we thought we should all run together as a group. I got to know Kelly as she had a sarcastic sense of humor.
She was incredibly witty, very smart, and as the only other female up here, you know, but just as also a colleague, I am going to miss her. I think that she would have really helped out a lot this year with what we need to accomplish, and she will be missed, so I just want to thank her for having the courage to run and, you know, I’m going to miss her.”

“Kelly and I ran together, and she was always there to help me. I’ve known her husband that’s passed. I’ve known her family, her kids.
Really true loving person. She was a great person as a trustee, so she’s definitely going to be missed here on the village board,” said Trustee Jared Young.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Here is Sweeting’s email to her colleagues:
“Dear Colleagues,
Over the past year it has been my honor and privilege to devote my time to serving our community. It has been an absolute pleasure to work alongside the trusted members of our board and staff, whose character and diligence reflects the resolve of the VOSL community to create a better, more transparent government.
As some of you may be aware, I have entered into a season of my life where attending to my personal health has become an uphill battle, the cost of which demands time and energy. For the good of the Village, I believe it is time that a new member of our community be appointed to carry out the role and responsibility entrusted to me. It is with a heavy heart that I resign my position effective Tuesday, April 30th at noon.
I am confident that the board will continue to fight the good fight, keep the faith, and finish the race that we all began together.
Warm regards,
Kathryn (Kelly) Sweeting”
5 Responses
Thank you Kelly, you will be missed. Our prayers are with you and your family.
Sad to hear that Kelly has resigned from the Salem Lakes board, but understand that she needs to do what’s best for her. Kelly worked hard with the current board to get it where it is today. Kelly was an asset to the board and will be missed. She took on a hard job and worked hard at it. Kelly you will be missed and I wish you well.
Kelly, thank you for having the courage to run and helping bring to light to the not so good things happening in our village. You will be missed!
Thank you Kelly for being part of the wonderful Officials who have begun to shape Salem Township up! We need more people like you to help the smaller towns end the tyrannical nonsense in this area of Wisconsin
Kelly will always be the trustee that truly made a difference. She stepped up when many were too scared to push back against the numb nuts that had been running the Village for decades. Faber, Gant and Hopkins should be thankful the good people of the VOSL forgave them and didn’t blame them directly. The good citizens of the VOSL whole heartedly agreed they were worthy of another chance. Let’s hope the board appoints Poli, he has earned a chance with his efforts for the Village.
Kelly will be missed, but will not be forgotten for the courage it took to help make the critical change. Yes, her time was short as a trustee, but absolutely critical to the movement. Her effort has put the VOSL onto the right path. Thank you Kelly, without you the change would have been stifled. Thank you again!