Today, Kevin Mathewson, editor of Kenosha County Eye scored his 17th legal victory in regards to public records disputes. That makes 17 for 17. In this case, Mathewson sought disciplinary files within the personnel file of Tremper English teacher Mark P. Wisniewski, 41, of Kenosha. Wisniewski was recently convicted of his third OWI after leading Kenosha Police on a 1 mile chase with a blood alcohol content of .300 – almost four times the legal limit. He was given a 6-month jail sentence. The Judge in the case, however, allowed for HUBER, (work release), and Wisniewski continued to teach class to our City’s youth, with a GPS ankle monitor.

Matthiesen, Wickert & Lehrer, S.C.
Formerly of Gimbel Reilly Guerin & Brown LLP
KUSD approved our request and intended to provide us with the records. Wisniewski hired an expensive attorney out of Milwaukee named Christopher R. Vandeventer that changed firms in the middle of the court proceedings. Vandeventer asked a judge for an order preventing KUSD from disclosing the records to KCE. KCE would later realize why Wisniewski didn’t want his personnel file released to the media – he was accused by another teacher of an allegedly serious and violent sexual assault.
KCE then wrote an article about the alleged assault on June 20, 2024 using information from Kenosha Police Records records released via a public records request. Vandeventer asked the Judge at the time, Frank Gagliardi, for a temporary injunction and gag order, which Gagliardi approved. Vandeventer asked Gagliardi twice to find Mathewson in contempt of court. Gagliardi found Mathewson in contempt, and 15 minutes later changed his mind. Gagliardi ordered KCE to remove the article, which, at least to KCE, seemed unprecedented.
In a ruling today, however, issued by The Honorable Judge Heather Iverson, all gag orders and contempt motions were vacated, or reversed. This means the article could go back up, and back up it is.

(Photo by Joe Potente, Kenosha County Government)
Iverson found in her ruling, that the potential reputational harm to Wisniewski is outweighed by the public’s right to disclosure. She further ordered that KUSD must release the records to Kenosha County Eye in 20 days, unless Wisniewski files an appeal, which is unlikely.
“I am grateful Judge Iverson followed the law and the facts in this case which lead to transparency in our community. That is what she promised to do during her campaign and she is following through. I was impressed with her fair decision and for allowing all parties to be heard multiple times at today’s hearing,” said Mathewson.

Wisniewski is an English teacher at Tremper High School. He was hired on August 29, 2007. Even after the third time driving drunk, KUSD has decided to let Wisniewski continue to educate young minds. Wisconsin Governor Tony Ever’s (D) Department of Public Instruction doesn’t seem to take issue with Wisniewski’s repeated lawlessness either. His license to teach is still valid.

(Kenosha County Sheriff)
On November 7, 2007, only 70 days after being hired by the district, Wisniewski got his first OWI in Milwaukee. He was found guilty on January 25, 2008.

(Kenosha County Sheriff)
On August 1, 2013, while wearing a Star Wars shirt, Wisniewski was driving at a blood alcohol level of .216 – almost three times the legal limit. Wisniewski lost control of his car, drove off of the roadway and entered a backyard of a home where he crashed into a tree. He plead guilty on March 7, 2014 and served 15 days in jail.

(Kenosha County Sheriff)
Finally, on June 25, 2023, a Kenosha Police Officer in an unmarked squad observed a Wisniewski in an SUV traveling eastbound approaching his location at 26th Avenue and 52nd Street, in the City and County of Kenosha, State of Wisconsin. He measured the vehicle’s speed at a 55mph in a 30mph zone.
Due to the vehicle’s high rate of speed the officer attempted to catch up to it prior to activating his squad emergency lights and siren. His maximum speed while doing this was 54 mph. The officer activated his squad emergency lights earlier then he wanted to as the vehicle was approximately 2-3 blocks ahead of him. His maximum speeds while attempting to catch up to this vehicle with his emergency lights and siren activated was at 68 mph.
Speeds were estimated at approximately 40 mph from this viaduct to Sheridan Road. The vehicle stopped at the red traffic light at Sheridan Road. The KPD officer stopped behind it as it stopped in the inner lane. He did not see the rear reverse lights activate as if it would have been placed into a park position. The officer then turned off the audible siren. He exited the squad and placed his driver side spotlight on the driver/side mirror area. This light illuminated the driver’s face. He also activated his 1000 lumen flashlight in to driver seat area. Officer Weidner observed the driver appear to look into the mirror in his direction. The officer yelled loudly for the driver to turn off the engine three times. He also ordered the driver to place the vehicle into park.
During this time the traffic light turned to green. This vehicle stayed stopped for approximately 20 seconds. It then drove through the intersection continuing to drive eastbound. Officer Weidner was yelling so loud that people at Lou Perrines parking lot was looking in his direction and he heard them commenting when the vehicle drove away. Officer Weidner continued to pursue it eastbound activating his squad siren. While in the 800 block, he observed the vehicle hard brake from approximately 40 mph to 14 mph and turned the right directional and moved over to the curb lane. It appeared the vehicle was going to pull over. It did not, it continued to fail to yield to the emergency mode squad car at this slow speed until the T-intersection (all way stop signed). The officer observed this vehicle activate it’s right turn signal. It slowed to approximately 10 mph and proceeded through the intersection turning southbound. There was another vehicle stopped on the northside of the intersection yielding to his squad and not attempting to go through the intersection. This vehicle continued southbound on 6th Avenue (speeds approximately 26 mph). This vehicle then stopped at the intersection (all way stop signed) at 54th Street/6th Avenue. The vehicle turned on the left turn signal. It stopped completely then proceeded to turn eastbound on 54th Street. The vehicle then activated the right turn signal and turned southbound on 5th Avenue. Approximately half the way towards 55th Street the vehicles slowed to a stop near the west curbing.
Once stopped, the officer ordered the driver to turn off the vehicle multiple times. The driver eventually did this. he ordered him to open the driver door. He opened it slightly. He then ordered him to open it all the way, which he did. The officer ordered him to exit the vehicle with his hands in the air. He did not do as ordered. He eventually turned but not the way he ordered him. At that time a backup officer arrived and continued with the commands. Wisniewski continued to disobey the orders given to him. He was eventually placed into custody. Police believed driving actions constituted fleeing an officer charge.
The Kenosha County District Attorney’s Office, however didn’t charge Wisniewski with felony fleeing and eluding, instead charging him with a misdemeanor count of “Resist Officer – Failure To Stop Vehicle” and OWI (3rd).
Wisniewski plead guilty to OWI (3rd) and the DA’s office dismissed the failure to stop charge.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
KUSD Superintendent Jeff Weiss (D) has refused to comment about Wisniewski’s criminal conduct.
10 Responses
College drop out smacks expensive attorney yet again!
Who let this disgusting moron keep teaching our kids? Allegations of assault aside, this guy has three DWIs and taught our adolescents with an ankle monitor on his leg. What kind of example does that set for our children? “You can drink, drive, and still get a paycheck teaching kids from prison.”
What a f*ing joke.
What else is on this clown’s record?
Allegations of assault aside? Bro, this idiot just spent thousands (if not tens of thousands) of dollars of taxpayer money trying to cover all this up. That money could have been funneled into extracurriculars for the kids, new equipment, updated textbooks… You name it.
He wouldn’t have sued the district if he wasn’t guilty as hell.
Glad to know that my vote for Heather was the correct choice!
Good job, Kevin. You are doing a giant’s workload exposing how incompetent and corrupt kusd actually is.
Parents take heed.
Why do people try to silence The Eye? They just end up looking foolish.
Why wouldn’t he be fined for filing a frivolous lawsuit?
Most people wouldn’t put up with a “business” acting like this for 3 days, but put up with “schools” like this for 3 decades.
I really hope this gentleman gets the help he needs, but he SHOULD not be teaching children. If I were to volunteer for a school activity they would complete a background check on me. My other concern is how he is accused of sexually assaulting a colleague and is still employed there. Is the victim no longer there?
As always, our district attorney / assistants should be up on charges, themselves.
Should Iverson’s KCE article go back up too?