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Lydia The Latte Liberal Announces Run For Kenosha Mayor

Lydia Spottswood (72) of Kenosha, WI Talking During County Board Meeting
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

A wealthy Kenosha woman has announced she will be running for mayor of Kenosha. Lydia Spottswood (D), 72, of the 6900 block of second ave gained her millions by marrying her husband Paul, a now-retired physician. Together, the two pay more than $33,000 a year in property taxes for their $2Million lakeside estate.

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Lydia Spottswood $2Million Lakeside Estate
(Google Maps)

Spottswood is known for her political shortcomings. She ran unsuccessfully for congress in 1996 and 1998. In 2010, she took last place in a three-way race for Kenosha Alderman.

Spottswood calls herself a “champion for the middle class”, as she enjoys sipping $10 drinks from starbucks and gazing upon her almost 200′ of lake frontage.

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Lydia Spottswood $2 Million Lakeside Estate (Behind Blur)
(Google Maps)

The front of the Spottswoods’ home is beautiful, but it cannot be seen on google maps, because she asked Google to have it blurred out.

Spottswood has named County Board Supervisor Laura Belsky (D) as her campaign manager. Belsky is the cousin of the outgoing mayor, John Antaramian, who seems to favor Spottswood’s candidacy. He recently appointed her to powerful City committees.

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Lydia Spottswood’s Recent Campaign Contributions

Spottswood is a devout Democrat and only donates to democrat candidates. She hasn’t made public any type of platform for her mayoral candidacy.

Spottswood is the second announced candidate along with Alderman David Bogdala.

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Kenosha DA Has Secret Program That Dismisses Criminal Charges Against Illegal Aliens During Secret Meetings

KCE has just learned that Kenosha County District Attorney Mike Graveley (D), with the support of current DA candidate Carli McNeill (D), has a secret program that dismisses criminal charges against illegal aliens. Illegal aliens who get caught without a license, get a non-criminal citation that includes only a fine. For second and subsequent charges, illegal aliens are supposed to be charged criminally. Not under Graveley and McNeill’s watch. There is a different set of rules

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Manhunt Underway For Lawrence G. Franklin, JR For Double Murder, A Man Who Was Given Many Breaks From DA’s Office

A state-wide manhunt is underway for 25-year-old Lawrence G. Franklin, Jr. for the double murder that occurred yesterday afternoon at about 4:28 p.m. Franklin allegedly shot and killed his girlfriend and unborn child. Unfortunately, according to federal law, this is tallied as only one victim, but KCE and most reasonable people consider it a double-homicide. According to the sister of the murdered woman, Franklin pulled out a gun and shot the victim in the head, leading

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Kenosha Police Conduct Manhunt For Man Who Murdered Pregnant Girlfriend, Unborn Child

Just after 4:30 p.m. on Friday evening, police were summoned to the intersection of 13th Avenue and 65th Street for a report of shots fired. A woman caller told police that her sister was shot in the head by her boyfriend. It was later revealed that the victim was pregnant. Kenosha Police spent several hours searching for the offender. According to police radio traffic, the firearm was located, but KCE cannot confirm this to be the

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Kenosha Man Connected To Many Area-Democrat Campaigns Charged With Two Serious Child Abuse Felonies

“I know too many people in Kenosha – no one would believe you.” This was a statement allegedly made by Robert J. Moore II, 38, of Kenosha. He said these words to his wife, when she complained about alleged domestic violence and serious child abuse. Moore was charged on June 27, 2024 with two felony counts of Physical Abuse of a Child – Intentionally Causing Bodily Harm. Moore faces a maximum sentence of 12 years in

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Neighbor “From Hell” In Legal Trouble For Cutting Down Neighbors Trees

A 65-year-old Somers man named Michael Boozer shares a property line with seven neighbors in Somers. KCE is told that none of them speak with him. Some call him the neighbor “from hell.” The neighbors have had it with Boozer to the point where two of them are suing him. Today, Boozer didn’t show up to court and Judge Heather Iverson entered an injunction against Boozer prohibiting future conduct. Boozer didn’t like that so he quickly

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Kenosha Dumb Criminal – Man Breaks Into City Hall To Charge Cell Phone

A Pleasant Prairie man is accused of doing something very dumb. Police and prosecutors say that 27-year-old Damarroe La-Von Roy broke into City Hall on August 29, 2024 to charge his cell phone. It was during the popular Peanut Butter and Jam concert, so there were many witnesses. He was charged the next day with disorderly conduct and criminal damage to property. Many people, including KCE thought that some type of felony would apply, but Assistant

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KUSD Places Bradford Teacher On Leave In Response To Allegations Of Grooming At Previous District

A newly-hired Math teacher has been placed on administrative leave from Kenosha Bradford High School, the district has confirmed. KCE isn’t releasing his name, as we are not in possession of any records at this time that document wrongdoing. Many KCE readers tipped us off to the following TikTok video: A man named Ken, with the TikTok handle KENSCONSIN posted a video five days ago and had the following to say, in part: “My very own

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Disgraced Former Politician Due Back In Court – Allegedly Stiffs Lawyer For $10,000

Andrew “Andy” Berg (D) is a former County Board member, Wisconsin Corrections Sergeant, and amature porn content creator. He is also under criminal investigation for embezzling thousands of dollars from his now-defunct charity, Garden of Eatin. Yesterday, September 4, 2024, Berg was slapped with a $10,000 lawsuit by the law firm that represented him in his recent divorce. According to documents filed in Kenosha County Circuit Court, Berg has an outstanding balance of $9,603.11 with the

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Union Pacific Employee, Killed By Train Near 13th Avenue And 69th Street

A Union Pacific employee was stuck and killed by a Metra/UP train at about 12:15 p.m. today in a freak accident. A 34-year-old Burlington, WI man named Austin Scott Raysby was reported to be the victim. “We are saddened by the loss of a Union Pacific family member in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and extend our deepest sympathies to his family and the employees who worked alongside him…Our emergency response team is on-site investigating the incident. No one else

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Kenosha County District Attorney Deciding Whether Or Not To Retry Hung Jury Marijuana Trial

On May 30, 2023, a Kenosha County Sheriff’s Deputy pulled over a car with three young adults occupants in Bristol. The trio drove about four hours to the state of Michigan to buy some marijuana. There was a Memorial Day sale and they wanted to stock up. It seemed like the three were casual marijuana smokers and THC users. Law enforcement agencies throughout the county have told KCE that street marijuana is often laced with Fentanyl,

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Update: Kenosha Police Locate, Arrest Bank Robbery Suspect – Was Recently Paroled For Similar Crimes

On July 13, 2024, Kenosha Police asked for the public’s help in identifying a man who they say robbed two banks at gunpoint in a three-month period. KPD released the following photos: The first robbery occurred on April 13, 2024 @ 9:54 a.m. and the second, on July 13, 2024 @ 11:30 a.m. They both occurred at US Bank at 1800 22nd Ave on the north-east side of Kenosha County. Unfortunately, one of the tellers was

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Kenosha Mayor, City Council, Allow AFL-CIO To Hold Annual Labor Fest At No Cost For City Resources

Tomorrow Monday September 2, 2024, Labor Fest will take place after a one-year hiatus. This year, however, for the first time in many years, it will be held at a City Park – Penoyer Park. Nothing unusual there. What is unusual, is that the City of Kenosha payers will foot a big chunk of the bill. The group, AFL-CIO is a democrat political action committee and many people believe that the City footing much of the

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66 Responses

  1. That place is a bargain at 2 million on the lake with that much frontage. Couldnt build it for close to that. She should be paying more taxes tbh. In fact I think she should pay reparations as she would likely agree that reparations are fair.

    This is what real white privilege looks like folks. A broad that has never worked an honest day in her life and now wants to rule over you as mayor.

    They probably had the house blurred when her and her political affiliations (BLM) came to town and burned the city down.

    Crawl back in your hole Lydia.

      1. With truthful information you would agree with me on everything.

        Here is the reality: the Republicans that run for office are often just like Lydia Spottswood. They come from money and have never worked an honest day in their lives either.

        There is the ruling class and then there’s everybody else.

        There is no political solution.

        God will separate the wheat from the tares.

      1. We’ll just print the money. On another note: If they can just print more money , why can’t they print our tax money and not have us pay the illegal income taxes we pay?

        1. This truly is a response from someone who knows nothing about the nursing profession. Maybe you should look at your profession. KMA.

        2. Having had a great deal of experience with unhealthy people being hospitalized – it appears to me that the Nurses work way harder than the Doctor’s.

    1. I guess you could say the same for narcissistic Trump. With all of his fortune weather was created legally or illegally he can’t relate to anyone but himself. To use this woman’s wealth against her as the only reason why she should not run for public office is so narrowminded it’s ridiculous.
      Does the author of this article know how her husband created his wealth? Was it because he earned it or was it just handed to him like Trump’s wealth started.
      This is the reason why our country is so divided. Instead of reporting in an open minded way this article is reported from a biased author… if you’re not a republican you’re the devil… to use her wealth against her let’s see a lot of articles of all the Republicans who are wealthy and according to the theme of this article they should not run for any public office.

      1. What you seem to have missed is that Dems want to force people to share wealth. So when a Dem is rich, that means they haven’t shared their wealth, and they’re looked at as a hypocrite. If you subscribe to communist thinking, how dare she live in a mansion while other people starve right here around her in Kenosha. You see, Reps don’t have a problem with the rich unless they’re a hypocrite like Lydia.

  2. Can’t even win an aldermanic primary in her own district. Yea she doesn’t have a chance. The democrats will circle the wagons and support her because she gives so much money. She’s rude, talks down you to, and doesn’t allow you to speak. People who know her, don’t like her.

    1. It’s not the same as it was back then. The only thing that matters now is what Party and how much money you spend. Look at Protasiewicz winning her election and how much they dumped into her campaign. No sane person could’ve voted for her.
      They will pump a fortune in Lydia’s campaign and she’ll have a better chance than you think.

      1. Before delving into the murky, in-bred waters of antisemitism, you might want to learn something about what “kosher” actually means so that your next idiotic posting will be ever so slightly less idiotic. In the meantime, here’s a free lesson in Logic 101: You hate Jews. And Jesus was a Jew. Therefore, you hate Jesus.
        But yeah, Lydia Spotswood is a horrible choice for any public office, as is any other leftist POS.

        1. The use of the word worked as intended obviously. In-bred? You people really are guilty of what you accuse others of.

          How’s your triple helix DNA holding up? You are no longer a human being Doc. ???

  3. Well, there won’t be much question where she stands politically. Her plans for the city? What are they??

  4. I don’t know her but guessing I wouldn’t like her. But her home and family life is nobody’s business and should be off limits. This sounds like a page out of the libtard playbook.

      1. You mean mean like Trump and his wealth that he can relate the middle class? Why is it when it is someone other than a Republican is running your headline is full of name calling??? Doesn’t seem like objective “journalism”

  5. I remember back in 1996 when Lydia mounted a 1st Congressional District Campaign against incumbent Mark Newman and lost by just under 2%. Post election day mud slinging began with State Senator Gwen Moore accused traditional White Male Kenosha Democrat voters for Lydia’s loss. Moore stated that Kenosha men would rather vote for a man (Neuman) than a woman (Spottswood). How much has Lydia given to Moore’s campaign? Will Gwen show up again to support Lydia?
    I suggest hand Lydia a decisive loss just to see if Moore comes out screaming again.

  6. Let’s see what the various candidates have to offer. I want to hear about at least three things: economic development, infrastructure improvement and crime suppression.

    KENOSHA WOULD BE GREAT AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. He would be great, but he probably does more politically by exposing corruption than he could by holding office.

  8. She ran a couple races as a Republican before she became a Democrat. Her only reason was because she had lost the races and thought she could win as a Democrat. She has no interest in helping, only in power.

  9. Please don’t forget Lydia’s campaign for a “turgidity” ordinance.
    This loon wanted an ordinance to hand out tickets for having a boner in yiur pants!
    If you doubt it, look it up!

  10. Please also don’t forget when she ran against rhino eddie munster paul ryan and littered Kenosha with signs that read “Lydia” for congress.
    This goofy broad thought she was famous like Sting, Cher, or Bono and that a last name was not necessary for her political campaign.
    I guess her midget p whipped husband didn’t mind her not mentioning her married name even though he was footing the campaign bill.

  11. Please also don’t forget when this nurse who married a dr. and suddenly thought she was a genius convinced the demorat party of Kenosha that she was the candidate to back because she would spend 1 million of her husband’s money on the campaign.
    Fact was that there were many better candidates who could have beaten 24 year old know nothing candidate Paul Ryan but she bought the nomination.
    She then bragged at the time that if she lost it wouldn’t matter because her husband would jist work another year to pay the 1 million dollar bill!

  12. The woman is the “Karen” of Allendale.
    She loves to put her nose in everyone’s business and tell them what to do.
    Too many examples to cite, but if you live her you know.

  13. No no no no! Not her! IT can’t be her–she is an awful human being, We need a conservative, someone who actually gives a crap about the City. Someone the opposite of Antaramian. We need Kenosha to be safe, prosper and thrive. We need someone who will back the police. Spottswood is NOT it

  14. Maybe she and alderman Kennedy drive could hook up for the equality tour. From rich to richer. Workin’ class stiffs without the work or class.

  15. I remember back when she was somewhat attractive. I guess some people just give up and just depend on their money to get by.

  16. What’s up with your case? Smack that RR down. Terry Rose (R) is a terrible person and even worse lawyer.

  17. Brilliant Kevin!!! ?

    When this lefty limousine liberal loses AGAIN, I hope she doesn’t “flip her Lydia.”

    I bet Lydia will be a pro at blurring documents… ?

    *Allegedly IMO

  18. She is vaccinated, so even if she ran there would be a special election to replace her because of her death as a result of trusting her gov.

  19. If Lie’d’ya is sincere, she will kick off her campaign by transferring the title of her lakefront Kenosha mansion to the family of Jacob Blake.

    1. And give Allendale the Dispensary, Planned Parenhood and Homeless Shelter it desires. Maybe right next door to her house!

  20. Ly’da’ya O Ly’da’ya the BLM’s cry da ya.

    Her career was a fake, till she found Jacob Blake.

    Young thugs roaming free, but she love KUSD.

    More to follow

  21. Our next white ruler, maybe she can reign in the kpds steroid abuse and hostility. This place is amazing you are all a bunch of prostitutes, please find perspective.

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