Top: Yolanda Santos Adams (D) and Todd Price (D)
Bottom: Rebecca Stevens (D), Sabrina Landry (D), and Mary Modder (D)
(All Photos by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
The majority-liberal Kenosha Unified School Board voted yes on the first reading to allow boys and young men in the district to play sports in the girls’ league. The board is made up of five Democrats, an Independent, and a Conservative. The five that voted in favor of the first reading are Yolanda Santos-Adams (D), Todd Price (D), Rebecca Stevens (D), Sabrina Landry (D), and Mary Modder (D).

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson)
Members Bob Tierney and Kristine Schmaling voted against the measure and both spoke in opposition to the two policies.
“Again, I’m really troubled about some things that are in this policy…I just feel like this could be a slippery slope for many things… I really feel like we need to protect women and girls’ rights in sports and I think that this particular [policy] does not do that. This isn’t about marginalizing one group. It’s about ensuring fairness and safeguarding women and girls’ sports and this policy, in particular, to me the last paragraph, does not align with that. I understand inclusion, but I don’t think inclusion can be prioritized over safety over fairness, so I will be voting no for this policy. I just want to be transparent of why i’m voting no,” said Schmaling.
“So at the bottom of page 82 you guys struck out ‘or from providing separate toilets locker room and shower facilities’ – that was struck out – the old policy you see it? So what does that say? Like so does that mean like my daughter [who is] on a swim team with a trans girl, she has to go in the locker room with a person with a penis, is that what? That’s is that what we’re doing?” asked Tierney.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Under direction from Superintendent Jeff Weiss (D), district staff told the board that if the school didn’t allow boys to play in girls sports, the district would be sued, therefore the board had to vote yes.
The democrats on the board remained mostly silent other than Todd Price (D), a strong “Ally” of the LGBT community who said prominently, “…actually I think it’s about equity. And I think that we want to stay within the the parameters. I mean there’s a lot of athletes that get scholarships here and I would hate for us to be in a legal situation where we would threaten threaten students that have worked very hard losing their scholarships,” said Price.

Two members of the board have close ties to sexual assault. Santos-Adams’ son sexually assaulted her granddaughter and she was accused of perjury at the trial.
Landry’s husband ejaculated on an unconscious woman and later had the sexual assault conviction expunged.
Here is the contact information for the board. You can email or call the board before the final vote at:

132 Responses
Imagine a female athlete getting up early to run and then having to going to school. Making the right choices: avoiding drugs, alcohol and junk food. All that just to have her put up with competing with biological males. It sends a very bad message to girls.
Does anyone ever ask the girls what they want or if it ok with them? Nope! Women’s rights my ass!
I think every parent should pull their kids out of all the public schools and Homeschool them! Homeschool Legal Defense Association can help and direct you on how to go about it. This is sickening!
This is the place to start for homeschooling. HSLDA is a national organization & it’s better to start with an organization intimately acquainted with state laws.
Agree. Vote NO Feb 18th funding referendum. No more money, no more support.
You’ve got to be kidding! I hope you’re prepared to pay the salaries of every parent who has to quit their job so they can homeschool their kids.
By whatever means necessary, parents.
Get your children out of that rat infested hell hole.
… which is actually about 90% of “public” schools ……… and most “colleges” ..
That makes it so right. I bet you’d love to be a gym teacher.
Pocahontas says she understands that you can only be pushed so far.
Alright everyone !!! Enough is enough !!!
Time to start finding new people to run for the school board who will not let this happen !!!
Somebody here call for a meeting of anyone who is interested in running and or supporting a new slate of board members. It will take some time but in every election cycle going forward we need to change this board, Forever !!
Pick a date. Pick a restaurant. Pick a time.
Then pick a slate. Get started now. Because you know they won’t go down without a fight !
No one wants to be bothered. They assume someone else will do it; someone else will, a raging lunatic of a liberal. They are soul-murdering the kids!
Yah ….. conservatives have a multi-decade habit of expecting 10% to do all the work for the other 90%.
Sad as hell.
Lmao try again, troll
Let me guess, you love little kids….
That didn’t work either 😂
Apparently I’m a raging lunatic liberal. I’m not sure how many kids I’ve soul murdered, but nice to meet you. It’s always enjoyable to meet a fair and open minded person. You should definitely run for a position on the school board.
Join M4L Kenosha chapter. They have filed an injunction against Bidens title IX that allows this and KUSD is in violation of that. There will be a meeting to discuss in January. https://m.facebook.com/groups/moms4libertykenoshawi/
This has nothing to do with KUSD or Biden. This is all WIAA and nothing was us for change or vote as the current policy has been in place since 2017 without issue. It was revised and made stricter in 2021. Again no issues. This subject is not up for discussion in Jan and it wasn’t up for a vote at this board meeting. Please watch the meeting yourself. The district also sent out an email clarifying as such.
The Republican Party of Kenosha County is always looking for people to run for the many positions each election. They even have an education program for potential candidates. This upcoming election is a chance to replace an expiring school board members term. Contact the RPKC and above all get out and vote in this next election. Stop the clown show at KUSD!
Both parties are evil. Let’s stop pretending that RPKC has any moral highground over the Kenosha Democrats.
RPKC brought us Sam Kerkman, Amanda Nedweski, both of which have been terribly disappointing. RPKC has lost conservatives plenty of county board, Assembly, and state senate seats.
Run on morals with independent money backing you. That’s what’s going to save our country, state, county.
Lots of truth behind this statement. The two-party system is only a necessary evil because We The People allow it to be so.
If we (collectively) decided we were done with career politicians who absolutely do not have our best interests at heart, if we decided that we were going to toss the idea of politicians running our country- then we could regain control of our United States of America.
Nomination Papers Due in January People !!
There is not a better time than now to get this done!
This is a hot topic. Act NOW !!!!
Even if you don’t want to do it yourself, find someone that does !! THIS HAS TO HAPPEN !!!!!
do you know, do you have to live in the school district?
We have 2 great candidates running as conservatives. First, Valerie Kretchmer has a special needs child, and second, Andreas Mamalaskis, who is a father of 6. Get involved in helping get them elected.
Stevens is up in the spring election. This means that the nomination signatures are being gathered right now, for anyone wanting to run
Stevens has been on the board for two decades of decay and rot in our non-accountable to taxpayers KUSD. Kyle Flood rode into his term on her skirt hem. Best strategy to turn one of the two seats is to run only run person in the primary and make sure that person gets elected and then elected in the four person general. We’ll never turn two seats. Every KUSD primary or general opens the morning with 3500 votes from KEA and spouses. Amber Imfusino of Moms for Liberty is the perfect candidate – conservative, name recognition, and passionate. Turn 5-2 into 4-3. Expect Stevens to win, and the other two KEA candidates will come in 3-4 and lose. Look at how many many votes (12.000) Lamar Madison got in a two person race against Yolanda.
Pay attention here People !!
This person knows what they are talking about !!
There is a method to the madness.
While not a game, this does need a game plan.
Two seats up this Spring , Stephens and Schmaling……
We have 2 running. Valerie Kretchmer and Andres Mamalakis. Both are conservative.
Let’s all visit the superintendent when he is of the pot in his private bathroom.
Elected officials should not vote based on what MIGHT happen.
Vote on what is before u. That we might be sue is not before you.
Time for women to invade bathrooms..start with those that the board members use. Be sure to laugh at what u see.
Isn’t this the actions that you fear will happen in the schools?
It’s sarcasm, ever heard of it?
Please I hope you have been told by now that none of this was up for vote or even discussion at the school board meeting. I encourage you to watch it yourself. The district also sent out an email clarifying this when they heard about this misinformation. The current bathroom policies were not discussed and have been in place since 2020 without issue. The gender in sports policy is not decided by and school district as those policies are set by WIAA. Not sure how that was misinterpreted. That specific policy has been in place since 2017 without issue and in fact was revised by WIAA in 2021 to be more strict and again no issues. Hope this helped make you all feel better.
This is fucking ng bullshit wonder how low my it’s going to be before sexual harassment because of them allowing it
Kenosha schools ask U.S. Supreme Court to take up transgender bathroom issue
Wisconsin school district can’t restrict bathrooms for transgender student, federal judge says – CBS Minnesota
Next, they’ll allow 65 year old men who want to play dress up and pretend to be a female, to play girls volleyball and use their bathroom.
That district is pure trash.
Pull your kids out of government schools. Find or make a homeschool pod so you don’t lose your kids to this insanity. So glad I pulled my kids from that brain-rot cesspool. You can also do remote school where they log into a classroom with real kids and a real teacher and you send your taxes there.
Just pull them out of that dumpster fire!
Look at Landry! She was probably the one who brought this to the table with her dumb ass
These out of reality libtards know nothing about sports, especially kids sports.The only balls they have seen have been across their noses.
You big mad? Or capital mad?
Amen..well said!
Fkng pedo
Castrating to make a eunuch was a punishment, now we are doing that to our brainwashed boys. We’ve really made a disaster out of this place.
Trump actually signed title 9 changes. The intent was to protect people from false sexual assault/harassment allegations and punishment before due process.
The new version means a student could sexually assault/harass another student in school. The student could be clearly guilty of the conduct with witnesses or video, and KUSD or any school can’t even give them a punishment for AT LEAST 30 days. Meaning they can’t be removed from school, suspended, or any punishment after he gropes your daughter’s breast in class with witnesses. He’ll be in math class with her the next day. Thanks Title 9, thank you to the authors of it.
This sounds crazy- but confirm it with KUSD board or Dr Jeff Weiss
These people are disgusting pigs who want porn in the schools, they want to Trans your kids and they don’t want to protect your little girls from perverts. SICK
Why am I not surprised. Years ago high school girls had to go to school board meetings to push to have Lacrosse accepted as a female sport in school. Everyone was so proud of these girls stepping up, finding the courage to speak up to the school board and showing their dedication to the sport. Boys had their Lacrosse teams, girls did not. Now the board is going to allow sports to be taken over by biological boys? Why? Why are we caving to this extremely small percentage of biological boys who have no place in girls sports? The only way to get the point across is to vote these people out. Become a louder voice and let these people know that we need to protect girls/women from boys/men intruding in our sports, washrooms and locker rooms. What’s next? Are they going to allow men coaches in girls locker rooms? When does the line get drawn ?
Disgusting. The same moron’s who screamed “Believe in science” during covid, now totally ignore actual science.
Our public schools are so f*****.
I’m so glad I moved out of this shit lib unified district. BLOWS my mind that Kenosha goes red, majority conservative valued county and KUSD libs still spit in peoples faces. I grew up playing soccer in Kenosha at a Kenosha HS and NEVER had to worry about this. These poor girls. Shame on you KUSD. The city continues to burn even after we literally burned down.
These people are Sick(Mentally) Perverted and yes EVIL
What a joke these Board members are!! WTH are they thinking!! And they wonder why enrollment keeps declining!! Open your eyes morons, it’s because of all of YOU on the Board!!
They may as well eliminate boys and girls teams and just make them all co-ed teams at this point!! So glad my child graduated and I don’t have to deal with this BS!!
How shallow and unintelligent of you! Every single Dem that voted to continue this discussion is sick in the head and has no interest in truly protecting children. They hide behind an extortionist(s) that says they will sue if they don’t vote for this. I bet it’s a lie and they are using it as an excuse. Parents of these students better stand up now!!
Mentally deranged individuals. My god strike them down.
We need to vote these people out of office period. We need to actively campaign against them. Is the answer free-standing athletic clubs that compete against each other? I’m glad my kids are raised. This is a total nightmare.
People need to ask the question, why is the treacherous government pushing these agendas! To destroy individuals and create a society of no morals, ethics, race, gender, religion. What the devils want is everyone to be slaves to there system. You are no one and nobody
I guess everyone should have their sons try out for girls sports, show that bio women wouldnt even make the girls team (except maybe softball pitchers with experience- maybe) then watch the board deal with that backlash and change it. Would be sad for girls, but it would definitely raise attention immediately.
Yolanda Santos-Adams (D), Todd Price (D), Rebecca Stevens (D), Sabrina Landry (D), and Mary Modder (D).
What is wrong with these people?
But it is for the children, BULLSHIT!!!! They need to be voted OUT!!!
Unless you run someone to vote in.
Step up ! Answer the Call !!!
The “D” next to their names.
Santos-Adams is the BIGGEST dirtball of society. Back in the day, she wanted documents FORGED so she could keep a handicapped placard to keep front row parking for her disgusting ass! Who does that? I know this for a FACT. She has been EVIL since day ONE!
Pictured are those with Reprobate Minds mentioned in Romans 1. They do not care about the welfare of children nor of mankind.
Woohoo. The patriarchy wins again!
The lefties (especially the 4B movement ones) are all: “WoMeN’s RiGhTs ArE BeInG TaKeN AwAy!” Yet THEY vote for something that does just that… Make this make sense!?
Maybe Sabrina’s husband can join the girls volleyball team and jizz all over the locker room like he did his crime victim’s face when she was sleeping.
Sick libtards the whole lot of them.
Seems pretty detailed there, that’s a little weird. Someone might want to check your browser history.
I am happy I made the decision to have my daughter to go to private school. I sacrifice for it. But my daughter won’t have to worry about seeing a Weiner in the restroom or locker room.
Some local private schools have issues too. They just hide them better.
Is there a more ugly person on the planet than Rebecca Stevens?? Although Modder is close.
Modder has a bigger rack though.
The problem lies with their true lies when Vote lesbians and homosexuals to make rules that governs your children. This is what they do what they do in their private lives now they pulled into our children’s lives Vote them all alone. They’re all son of a bitches.
This>>>>>>> ‘This is what they do what they do in their private lives now they pulled into our children’s lives…’ <<<<<<<
Yolanda Santos-Adams (D), Todd Price (D), Rebecca Stevens (D), Sabrina Landry (D), and Mary Modder (D).
I hope by now everyone has figured out that WIAA is the only ones that make those kind of decisions and that is not what the school board was voting on. I hope that helps ease some minds. They also sent our and email clarifying such.
Sick freaking WIERDOS! How did this ever even become a thing???? Oh yeah, OBAMA!! GO TRUMP! ✊️✊️✊️
This story is incomplete. It mentions that the staff advised the board that not adopting the policy would be illegal and trigger a suit against KUSD.
Is this true??? We need the facts before rushing to judgment because for all the hoopla it sounds like they can’t do much if it is. Or what can they do?
Wait until January 20th before deciding on anything. KUSD is terrible, all incompetent ass clowns from the top down of that organization.
…..then one of the board members or administrators should call Kevin and ask for a complete interview explaining what you just said and the reason their hands are tied.
That is if they are willing to defend their votes !
Cowards not willing to stand up to whatever perverted fringe group may or may not be threatening to sue. Their job is to protect the interests of the kids, not the pervs.
Yes. KUSD has been sued before for similar things. Under the Supreme Court ruling Bostock vs Clayton County, the Civil Rights act prohibits this.
That supreme court ruling you mention; has to do with employment discrimination, based on gender or sexual preference. Nothing to do with sports or minors using locker rooms, that’s up to state law or local school districts. I may be wrong but i’m pretty sure the board could vote to stop this practice and prevail if sued.
These complete numbskulls did not see the results of this last election? How daft are they. This needs to be stopped and they need to be gone. Total incompetence!
This is a disease that we all need to build up a tolerance against.
Or, just succumb to it, roll over and die.
Make the right choice for this and future generations.
So male staff members can now just walk into female bathrooms at KUSD? Good to know.
So, help me understand this. I live in Yaxcaba, Mexico, on my 86-acre ranch, and I am having a difficult time understanding what you call a “school.” Are your “schools” like swinger clubs or mix-and-match dating centers where what you call “teachers” rapers get to play rub the rug with the co-eds?
Well, if this is so, pretty soon, we’re gonna need arm security in locker rooms and bathrooms! 🙄
Well, if this is so, pretty soon, we’re gonna need armed security in locker rooms and bathrooms! 🙄
If there is a boys sport as the same as the girls sport why would you allow them to play with the girls? Is there a boys swim team? Then why would you approve the boys to play with the girls? This is only a example!! What is there girls teams that doesn’t have a boys team? Come on people!!
Because of mental illness, make believe and pretend.
The emails are within this article, as are the phone numbers. Let these lunatics know your thoughts- they work for you.
Vote them out. They are convinced they don’t answer to any of us.
I hope the ones who voted for this have their kids or grandchildren in Kenosha schools. Here is your granddaughter getting undressed in her school locker room and next to her is another kid with his penis out. Oh that’s ok Grandma voted for this and it is in my best interests. Fuck that!
Yolanda defended her son when he sexually assaulted her granddaughter.
Yogi needs to retire already.
Quit I’ll calling these Democrat PEDOPHILES “liberals”, they are COMMUNISTS plain and simple.
Bunch of degenerates. Fire them all!
Freaking degenerate scum push this garbage.
Glad our grandkids are out of that district.
People you all need to wake the hell up and get rid of these degenerates.
This is beyond ridiculous. If this happens, I would suggest that all of the coaches that have male athletes try out for a women’s team just cut them and say they aren’t good enough. Problem solved for now, then the lawsuits for my “male child not making the team” will come. But until then, that’s what you do.
Someone named Jonathon Michael (who is friends with alllllll the activists) likes to jump on people’s status and defend KUSD and this decision. Wtf is it wrong with our society!
The rot starts at the top. People who have been on this board for several terms abuse their positions, violate their own rules, etc. Who besides me remembers, just a couple of years ago, when they tried to throw Eric (last name escapes me) off of the board because THEY had made a mistake about when his term supposedly ended? They moved the school board meeting after that to a larger venue because they expected a lot of people to show up, put him at a little desk on the opposite side of the stage from the rest of them, (as if that weren’t obvious) and then, when the first public comment was something that Ms. Santos Adams (the Pres. at the time) didn’t want to hear, she cut off the mic and ended the meeting, rescheduling it for a week later and allowing public “attendance” virtually only. Not the first, or the last time a stunt like that has been pulled.
*Eric Meadows.
1. I would like to know who will sue KUSD if they don’t cave to the radical fringe that is trying to violate Title 9, destroy women and put them at risk of sexual violence?
2. Not too long ago, a conservative board member wrote about how frustrating the whole experience was because he was not permitted to enter subjects into the agenda, nor speak on any subject not on the agenda. The rot starts at the top, and the only way to change that is to vote them out. We know who they are.
KUSD was already successfully sued for barring a trans student for running for prom king.
But what you are missing is NONE of this was on the agenda. Its not up for discussion or vote by public or school board because those policies are all made by WIAA. The current policy has been in place since 2017 and was revised by WIAA in 2021 to become stricter. This was not up for change so if that particular school board member that questioned that portion that has been in place with no issues, then she needs to take that up with the state WIAA. All this was explained to her at the board meeting after she made the comment. Unfortunately that was left out of this article. So many people have become very upset over something that wasn’t on the table and won’t ever be at district level anywhere.
Make sure not to reward these bums by voting no on the money grab referendum.
The bonus is not paying hundreds extra a year in taxes!
Todd Price and Sabrina Landry are mental midgets. This board is as useless as it is embarrassing.
Ask your buddy Bobby T
Send them all to Indian trail , that seems to be the place that works
…what is especially irritating is that, only yesterday, our property-tax bill arrived… with the largest-ever increase we’ve seen in nearly 30-years here. And as everyone knows, KUSD schools get the lion’s share of that money.
Suggestion: permanently reschedule all KUSD Board to the Fall election instead of at the Spring election…turnout is always so poor for the Spring elections that KUSD can mobilize Administrators, Teachers, and general employees such that, by sheer numbers, they’re able to ensure that their preferred candidates get elected.
This is why we end up getting unwanted policies forced upon us and our children.
At the very least, I would like see each student given his/her portion of public funding directly…not into a huge slushfund run by the lefty-dominated KUSD Board!
Homeschool and start some recalls for these people.
Why is it under the guise of inclusiveness? Making one mentally ill individual, that needs more therapy and less affirmation, comfortable at the cost of 99% of girls/women. Men can never be a woman. It’s a version of black face that no democrats will ever take responsibility for. Before anyone says this is not political, find me a republican board member, gov official that promotes boys in girls sports, locker rooms, bathrooms, safe spaces, etc… and I’ll show you an individual that won’t get re-elected. This is disgusting and needs to stop immediately.
We have 2 good candidates for school board both conservatives. Valerie Kretchmer and Andres Mamalakis. Also vote for Britney Kinser for WI Education Superintentant. Get involved, get people to vote. If we vote we can win.
We have 2 running. Valerie Kretchmer and Andres Mamalakis. Both are conservative.
These rats are now asking for $115 million. Raising everyone’s taces and a big increase in our assessments. Why? We have fewer students; we closed 7 schools. 90 percent goes towards administration. Don’t be fooled. The money for ” safety” they already have. Vote NO!! On this resolution. None of this is for our kids.