According to court documents provided to the Kenosha County Eye, Mike Graveley and T-Clair Binger are asking Judge Schroeder to issue a warrant for Kyle’s arrest and increase his bond by $200,000. Folks from all over the world have contributed to Kyle’s defense fund, and he was able to post $2,000,000 and is now out of custody. Graveley and Binger don’t like this. The state is alleging that Kyle violated conditions of his bond by not updating the court with his new address. We watched the hearing and Kyle’s defense attorney did tell the court that he had a new address and didn’t wish for it to be on record for safety. Kyle has been receiving death threats from Antifa and BLM so he didn’t want his address published for the world to see. KPD Detective Benjamin Antaramian with family ties to powerful democrats such as the Mayor, Municipal Judge, City Attorney, State Rep and more is thirsty for more charges. He drove to Antioch, IL where Kyle’s attorney admitted he no longer resided to interview the new tenant. He then reported back to the DA.
The state is now calling Anthony Huber a hero by saying that “(he) valiantly intervened and attempted to disarm the defendant.” The state is also making a brand new claim that Kyle shot at and attempted to kill a still-unidentified person.
The document then goes on to ramble left-wing talking points. It’s likely that Judge Schroeder will deny this frivolous and baseless motion.
Kyle’s Defense Team Responds
At the KCE, we are happy to report on the other side of this case. Liberal Journalist Deneen Smith with the Kenosha News rag had access to the rebuttal documents but chose to ignore them. Not us. Deneen and Binger have been emailing back and forth about Kyle’s case. She keeps asking for a “heads up” with new developments. He seems to be giving her details not released to the public. Their shared desire for an imprisoned 18-year-old seems to unify them. Deneen asked Binger if Kyle being at a bar violated his bond. She really wanted Kyle arrested – he wasn’t.
According to a motion in objection to the State’s Motion to Increase Bond, Kyle’s lead Attorney Mark Richards tells a much different story than Binger.

Richards says that Kyle and his family have received numerous threats starting within hours of the shootings – via social media, postal mail, and emails. For the Rittenhouse’s safety, they now reside in a safe house protected by private security. Kyle’s former Attorney, John Pierce bailed Kyle out on November 20, 2020. This was a coordinated effort between Pierce and a Sheriff’s Captain. While Pierce was filling out the paperwork for Kyle’s release, a KPD Captain told Pierce not to put Kyle’s address on the form, to continue using the Antioch address for his safety. Just 10 days later, a member of Kyle’s legal team, Attorney Corey Chirafisi, emailed Binger and asked if he would agree to “sealing” Kyle’s address. Binger denied this request saying in part “I understand your concern. However, Wisconsin has a proud history of open records and government transparency, and I am reluctant to make an exception to the normal practices. Unless you can provide me with a specific, tangible and imminent threat (or threats) that would justify secrecy in this case, I am not wiling to agree to redact your client’s address from public record.” There is only one explanation. The ultra-liberal Binger wishes harm upon Kyle. Binger’s boss, Deputy District Attorney Angelina Gabrielle, had her address sealed in her divorce action. No opposition there. Two Kenosha Police Officers who were married, had their addresses sealed in their divorce pleadings. No opposition there. A Kenosha Private Investigator had his address sealed when he successfully sued the Sheriff because County Board Supervisor Andy Berg posted his home address to encourage violence against him and his children. No opposition there. It is very common for people to have their home addresses sealed under special circumstances. What could be more deserving than credible death threats from Antifa and BLM?
Kyle’s attorney shared an email of an example of such a threat Kyle Received. We won’t share it here because it’s vile and disturbing.
Judge Schroeder may rule on this motion with or without a hearing. We’ll let you know what happens
Click Here to read all court documents related to this motion.