Today, Ranon Brownlee was charged with the murder of Charniese Brown, a woman who he has beaten before. Today, Graveley pulled Gabriele off the case, at least for now, and appeared for the state. The police did their job and investigated domestic abuse allegations against Brownlee many times and referred criminal charges to Graveley. In two cases, one with Brown as the victim and the other with another woman were dismissed under the supervision of Graveley and his Deputy, Angelina Gabriele (D) who is running for Judge. Today Graveley responded to our earlier report by saying that the “victims recanted”. Here is something that Graveley knows or should know: domestic violence victims OFTEN recant allegations and try to help their abusers escape justice. Good prosecutors prosecute anyway. Some even charge the victim with perjury or obstruction for defending their abusers by lying after the fact. It sounds rough, but in jail, at least they won’t be killed like Brown was, so tragically and unnecessarily.

The cycle of domestic violence shouldn’t be a new thing to prosecutors like Michael Graveley and Angelina Gabriele. They shouldn’t be dropping charges against woman-beaters simply because they return to the “honeymoon phase”. As you could have guessed, Brownlee has been arrested many, many times and is a violent felon. He is now an accused murderer and will likely die in prison, as he should.

Michael Graveley (D) is nothing more than a politician and his actions are partisan. If he continues to lead the DA’s office, he needs to prioritize violent offenders. Kenosha is getting worse. We’re not far from being like Racine.
Watch today’s hearing below.
13 Responses
Kenosha citizens are much better off with the KenoshaCountyEye as part of our community. There is no investigative journalism here. That is why government corruption is completely unchecked. I hope the KenoshaCountyEye continues to do what real journalists are supposed to do.
Thank you so much for your kind words. We will never give up the fight
Need to find a way to get the word out more, though……obviously when trashy FB started to ban/block those involved in the August riots….that cut off a major channel of communication.
Andy berg is doing like his 5th fundraiser, again shows priorities of our officials in Kenosha. Not a peep about the senseless murders in our community
He has to pay off his back taxes…..what else do you expect him to do?
I don’t know. Maybe pay them with the donations he got previously, or use the money he made snow blowing with a donated blower. And he is also raising for a $12,000 tractor. Maybe pay the taxes then keep asking for money.
I am the victim of domestic abuse by KIT ROBERT STILWELL – Kenosha County Circuit Court Cases 2018CM000214, 2018CM000384, 2018CM000592, 2019CM000287 and 2020CM001395. He is currently in jail. He will probably get out.
His tactics were psychological, complete gas lighting – which is nearly impossible to prove, until they became physical when he grabbed me by the throat, choking me, then threw me to the floor and ran out of the house.
This guy has a restraining order against him from the entire Kenosha Unified School District. It expires this July. I would implore KUSD to have it extended, if possible.
He is an absolute MONSTER. He definitely has an intense hatred for women: his mother, daughter, sisters, me.
And, he will happily be leaving Kenosha for Arizona where he has a son and grandchild (the only one he acknowledges), where he can dement yet another young mind.
The man hinges all of his violent/abhorrent behavior on being the victim of abuse as a child. He’s f’ing 63 years old! How long will that excuse hold! His “I’m abused” expiration date is long over. He has been deemed “competent” by the court. He knows right from wrong. Just ask him. He’s a fine upstanding man who is an asset to any community. Just don’t ask the WIAA, his former landlord, the Milwaukee Parks system, KUSD, KPD, KSD, me, there’s more,
But the Kenosha County DA’s office and Judiciary will have to abide by the law. This guy’s knows how and has toed he line. He’ll get off with a slap on the hand.
There’s nothing anyone can do about it. But, KNOW WELL. He has his next victim in his sights. God help her.
he already ran away to AZ, some police officer supposedly failed to take him in when he was pulled over in WI recently. Bravo.
I witnessed Mr Still well in a public Kenosha meeting exposing a judge with documentation of multiple felonies that the judge settled cases in his private chambers instead of public court. Stillwell was ejected from the meeting and stopped from his presentation showing his evidence. He was treated badly and falsified the meeting minutes. I too presented information that all local PD refused to me to report people as.a.whistleower involved in my multiple kidnappings in Mexico, with warrants against judges, prosecutors in Michigan City, Indiana and causing multiple crimes, ( bank.thefts, stalking my, son, stealing private school information by convicted pedophiles, multiple threat, murders of their clients) and intimidation via local law enforcement. Judges, prosecutors who stole millions, tried to kill my family, kidnapped me twice attempted third, permenently crippled me, law enforcement stabbed my wife in front of two attorneys, hired FBI’s MOST WANTED FOR 32 YEARS GREG LAWSON ( recently sentenced to 45 years) TO KILL MY FAMILY!! READ @BOENINGERR ON X
funny did you see the police report where he beat his girlfriend? I too have experience with his verbal abuse and physical posturing. He wasn’t treated unfairly, he’s an abusive liar.
I forgot. Kit Robert Stilwell has an enabler. His name is RALPH BUCHANAN. He knew what Kit was doing to me for 8 (eight) years, and continued to support my abuse by Kit.
It’s difficult to figure out who I hate more.
So there’s another potential domestic abuser in Kenosha County.
And nothing will happen to either of them.
Action only happens if there’s bloodshed. How wrong is that?
Why has no one acted on this? He’s pissed off local “dignitaries” right and left. I lost everything to this cur. Look up the court records. He’s heretical; a waste of government’s time and money. Yet, his victim suffers his manipulation while he goes scot free onto his next victim. I was never even given the chance to testify.
I can’t see the details above, but I’ve housed and fed and moneyed this a–hole for 8 years; always with the promises of repayment and riches to follow. He’s ignored family support, taxes, legal liabilites whike harassing evey government in the State of Wisconsin.
I have the recordings of his harassment!
He was in jail for what he did to me, but was on an outstanding restrainintg order from THE ENTIRE kENOSHA COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT! And he kept on violating the no contract order against me. Plus, he had guns in my, not his, home registered to him. I found them when I was moving out because selling out was the most prudeny option I had. I was packing and I discovered trhe guns. I called the police to come and get them. I told them who they belonged to and that he was in jail and also under a restraining order prohibiing him from contact with KUSD.
You can look up this stuff on line.
When it all came down to it, even the domestic abuse charge, finding guns in his claimed domicile while under a restraining order against the entire KUSD, everything was dismissed.
He was tried and found guilty of bail jumping. But, he was never tried for the original charge.
Please look at the court records. He repeatedly refused to come out of his cell for court appearances, wouldn’t acknowledge ZOOM appearances, completely ignored court orders. If and when he decided to appear in person or via ZOOM, he was belligerent to the extent of having the judge to shut him down.
And, now this asshole’s free. And, I’m sure of this, he’s coming after me. The Kenoszha DA’s office, Zachary Brost and Rhonda Mrnak, know this.
Yet they coerced me to agree to dropping charges.
Please look at the court record for Kit Stilwell’s charges and results of them.
I am floundering. I have nothing. I’m homeless.
I was hoping maybe yiu could help me. I remind yu, he’s the Kit Stilweel wacko who appeared, angry, aggressive and threatening to the entire KUSD school board.
I dont know Kit except from his whistleblowing felonies he exposed on local judge as a free man. He is either not so good a person or he is being set up by law enforcement as they so often do to destroy a persons life as exposing organized crime. Exposing judicial crime can cause early death.. i know READ @BOENINGERR ON X