I had the pleasure to speak with Rob Schmitt last night on Newsmax to talk a little about the Rittenhouse trial.
Also, The Kenosha County Eye is now on Twitter! Please follow us and tweet along! We will be tweeting Rittenhouse updates regularly.
Follow @kenoshactyeyeHere is the video from last night:
17 Responses
Good interview…..you did a good job.
Thank you very much for the kind words and being a loyal reader
God forbid concerned citizens acted on their morals and defended innocent’s livelihoods; it was not a mistake what Kyle and the community did. Yes, something bad happened, and it’s the states fault, NOBODY else’s.
Is there anyway you can take a pic of Gaige criminal history and put it on your website? It would be a lot easier for us to share with the suckers. Its repulsive to see Gaige the commie be made a hero while Kyle is being demonize. It makes me sick to my stom
Click on news and then scroll down to the search bar. Type in gaige
When are we going to see am ethic complaint against Binger and his fat body assistant? In addition, there should be a formal complaint to the BAR association to have them removed. Also, is it true these two got money from George Soros?
It is being discussed
I mean…..let’s be honest, that would just be kicking the man when he’s down.
I don’t know of any other further shame or embarrassment the bar could cause him that wasn’t already caused by being chewed out on national TV by Schroeder (bad enough that it was the main headline on CNN for most of the day).
I said this days ago….he really is risking his legal reputation and career and surely won’t be in the DA’ s office this time next year.
please file a complaint with the Wisconsin BAR immediately with all details and any supporting evidence.
you can also sign the petition to disbar this prosecutor for his misconduct here :
Are the rumors true about T Clair? He is trying for a mistrial so the fault lies on the judge? Why is he on this case? He is easily the worse prosecutor I have even seen out of Kenosha, well one. Johnson is a idiot too
Childhood star Ricky Schroeder paid the $2 million dollar bail for Rittenhouse. Is Ricky Schroeder related to the JUDGE in this case- Bruce Schroeder? Ricky’s parents definitely use the same spelling. SCHROEDER. Curious?
He didn’t pay it. He may have contributed. No relation but even if there were…relevance? You sound like you’re fishing, grasping.
Wow talk about reaching for a agenda. Your obviously ok with the mayor and the “lead” detective being related tho right? I’m sure if the lead detective was related to the judge or mayor and they favored kyle it would be national news. But it isn’t because why? Quit being bias and looking for a reason to cry
When will Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers go on trial for dereliction of duty? He’s the reason Mathewson put a call out to citizens to protect the Kenosha Community. He’s the reason Rittenhouse came to Kenosha. The one who has blood on his hands is spineless Evers. Evers is totally despicable.
Great job Kevin. Your call to arms saved our city. The garbage legacy media will never acknowledge what we went through here.
I’ve heard rumors that there’s information out there about T Clair Binger and some of the shady things he’s done and his connections to the Mayor and his family. Will you be doing an expose on that soon?
I would need details