Three Local Democratic Politicians Ask Governor Evers To Pardon Kenosha Man Who Almost Killed Family Of Three Driving Drunk – Why? Because LGBT

State Rep. Tod Ohnstad (D), Rep. Tip McGuire (D) and Kenosha Alderman Anthony Kennedy (D)

A group of Democratic politicians told Wisconsion Governor Tony Evers, in writing, that they want a man who spent 7 years in the Wisconsin Prison System for almost killing a family of three and himself while driving drunk, pardoned. Wisconsin State Representative Tod Ohnstad (D) (65), Wisconsin State Representative Tip McGuire (D) (64), and Kenosha Alderman Anthony Kennedy (D) (10) all wrote letters lobbying him to absolve Seaver for three felony convictions for Injury by Intoxicated Use of a Motor Vehicle.

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First OWI

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Daniel R Seaver (40) of Kenosha

On August 9, 2007 at around 3:02 am Sgt. David Zoerner of the Kenosha Sheriff’s Department had a prisoner in the back of his squad car. He was on the way to the jail when he noticed a man driving a Maroon Buick and was all over the road hitting curbs and almost striking a building. Zoerner activated his squad lights and pulled over the driver, Daniel Seaver of Kenosha. He couldn’t leave his squad, as per department policy, but he called for backup. The backup officer performed standardized field sobriety, in which he failed. He blew a .23 which is 3 times the legal limit in Wisconsin. He was found Guilty on February 19, 2008, and ordered to pay $747.50 and had his license revoked for six months. Luckily, no one was hurt… This time.

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2nd OWI

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On December 17, 2008, an Illinois family was driving back to their home traveling through Kenosha County in the 10400 block of US 45 after a day of Christmas shopping. They were James, Geraldine and Morgan Veinotte. Morgan was only 10 years old, and her grandparents James and Geraldine were 64 and 54, respectively. Unfortunately for this family, the upcoming Christmas holiday would be spent in the ICU fighting for their lives. Daniel Seaver was driving the same Maroon Buick from 18 months ago. He was also driving again, at three times the legal limit. He veered into the oncoming lane and struck the Veinotte’s red Dodge Caravan head on with both vehicles traveling about 55 miles per hour.

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Deputies responded to the scene after multiple 9-1-1 calls. The first deputy to respond noticed that Mrs. Veinotte’s leg had a compound fracture and part of her leg bone had snapped and tore through her flesh and pants. Her husband James was trapped and had blood coming out of his head and on his arms. Morgan, the 10-year-old in the back was crying and screaming in pain, she had broken bones on her face. She had blood pouring from her facial wounds and broke her wrist. Deputies made contact with Seaver who said he “had a few beers.” At the hospital, he told deputies “I’m fucked anyway… I made a really bad choice and drank and drove and now a family is dead.” They were not dead, but the severity of their injuries must have made him believe that. All four, including Seaver were transported via flight for life to Milwaukee. The adults to Froedert, and the child the Children’s Hospital. Thankfully, all four survived this terrible tragedy, but their emotional wounds don’t seem to be healed. All three members of the family have permanent scars and injuries from that night. KCE made contact but the family but they did not want to give statements.

Pardon Request

On our about December 15, 2021, Seaver applied to the Governor’s pardon board asking for all three felonies to be pardoned. If pardoned, he would have have his firearm rights restored and could hold public office. That is exactly what he wants to do. He wants to run for Alderman against Rollin Pizzala.

Seaver is the Executive Director of Kenosha Pride, the extremist group that hosted a youth drag show weeks ago. The fact that Seaver is a social justice warrior and LGBT activist seems to be his only points in his letter to the Governor.

Among his application for a pardon, he has letters of support from, Sean Young, Vice President Kenosha Pride, The LGBT Center of Wisconsin Director Barb Farrar, Jerry Gulley, the late County Board Supervisor, a couple of co-workers, and his Mother and Father. However, three high-profile democrats wrote letters also. State Rep. Ohnstad wrote “Dan has aspirations into the social services field to help the vulnerable populations in our community while also showing interest in running for public office….It is my sincere hope Dan will be granted a pardon….” McGuire didn’t seem to know exactly what Seaver did on December 17, 2008, writing “Dan’s criminal conviction occurred in 2008 when he regrettably made the decision to get behind the wheel while intoxicated and this causing permanent injury to an innocent bystander.” Seaver permanently injured four people, not just one. His convictions were in 2009, not 2008. He later in the letter wrote “I am confident in this process and hope you all see what I see in Dan and grant this pardon.” Finally, Kenosha Alderman Anthony Kennedy wrote “I did not know Dan before he came to Kenosha, WI and I cannot speak to his past” and later “I am in full support of Mr. Seaver’s efforts to receive a pardon…” All of the letters of recommendation seem to focus around one thing, Seaver’s activist with Kenosha Pride. Will that be enough for Tony Evers?

KCE Reached out to McGuire, Ohnstad and Kennedy. We didn’t hear back.

Kenosha Judge Jason Rossell (Branch 2)
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson – Kenosha County Eye)

Judge Opposes Pardon

Kenosha’s Branch 2 Circuit Court Judge and District 2’s Chief Judge, Jason Rossell opposes the pardon, stating on the application “Oppose. This case is accountable prior for OWI law which is designed to promote public safety. “

A pardon can take many months or years for a decision. We will update our readers when we hear more.



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26 Responses

  1. There is a full-court political press to give a pardon in a case that would set a dangerous precedent.

    I appreciate that this young man is working at becoming a productive member of the community. Alcohol related traffic offenses are “equal opportunity” in that the defendants can be good people or not so good citizens but in the end they share the common thread that they endangered the community. If you’re the victim you don’t care nor does it matter if the defendant is a priest, bank president or a drug dealer. At the end of the day they are all drunks who threatened public safety and the magnitude of the threat is not attenuated by prominence.

    We want and expect people to do good. If a guy pays his child support he’s not a hero — he is only doing what he’s supposed to do. Why should this person who committed such serious crime receive favorable consideration denied others who are similarly situated?

    There are times when pardons indeed are justified and I have helped people get them. A 17-or-18 year old kid who gave pot to an undercover officer but now is older, wiser and needs the pardon for a professional license. Or a single mom who forged a check to buy food who has turned her life around. Gov. Walker uniformly refused to grant any pardons and that was wrong — and I told him so. But pardons should be given only in extraordinary cases in which the public safety is not at issue. This is not one of those situations. It also detracts from public confidence that should be given to pardon applications that actually do have merit.

    The governor’s office asks for input from the district attorney who prosecuted the case. Curious as to what the DA said.

    People with feelings on this should feel free to write the governor.

        1. The notice is supposed to go to the prosecutor who actually handled the case. If he or she is not available then it goes to the current DA.

  2. Great….then I will be assuming they will start pardoning all people convicted of DUI?

    GTFO. Fuck all three of these guys who support this, too……

  3. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the New Liberal World Order . This brought to you by your elected Socalist Democrats.
    Remember they are in favor of emptying the prisons and putting criminals back into the community.

  4. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the New Liberal World Order . This brought to you by your elected Socalist Democrats.
    Remember they are in favor of emptying the prisons and putting criminals back into the community.

  5. Once again, out of touch Democrats reaching out to protect and support one of their own deviants irrespective of what this man has done to these victims and their families. It seems Ohnstad & McGuire are betting that Evers won’t won reelection……

  6. The Democrats are in full court press mode, weaponizing all parts of the government against their enemies, using the same corruption to defend their allies. Stalin couldn’t be prouder of his protegees.

  7. “I did not know Dan before he came to Kenosha, WI and I cannot speak to his past”.

    If that isn’t the most Anthony Kennedy response…. Reminds me of “I don’t regret defending myself” after stalking and beating up a coworker.

  8. How do people keep voting for these liberal nut jobs. They are against any employment that is non union. They look for excuses rather than hold law breakers accountable for their actions. They look out for social deviant individuals, who are the smallest minority of the population and spit on the face of families who disagree with that choice. I for one have long since left Democrats because of their socialistic views controlling the party. It’s time to vote these socialists out of office and vote for people who support the more conservative view points. That is be responsible for yourself and don’t rely on government to solve your problems. I for one will never support any Democrat. They are no longer the party of me or my families values.

    1. Of course they are all Democrats!!! They are as crooked as they come!! How about we throw these morons in jail with him for even suggesting something so idiotic!!

      This guy should have the key to his cell thrown away and never be let out!

  9. As long as kenotians keep sending these clowns to Madison, including Bob work who at least seems to be staying out of this one, we will continue to have nothing but embarrassments when it comes to Kenosha and their representations deeds. Tax and spend, lick and polish.

  10. As long as Kenoshans keep sending these clowns to Madison, including Bob Wirch (who at least seems to be staying out of this one), we will continue to have nothing but embarrassments when it comes to Kenosha and their representatives’ deeds. Tax and spend, lick and polish.

  11. BGD is a pretty nice dude.
    Shall not be infringed doesn’t have any exceptions.
    He should be able to run for office.
    He should definitely not be pardoned.
    All that said, fuck his crazy sjw agenda. But the people should be able to make that terrible decision if they want to.

  12. Of course they are all Democrats!!! They are as crooked as they come!! How about we throw these morons in jail with him for even suggesting something so idiotic!!

    This guy should have the key to his cell thrown away and never be let out!

  13. Correction:

    “…had a compound fracture and part of her leg bone had snapped and tore through her flesh and pants. ”

    Redundant. Compound fracture is when bone breaks skin. Not compound ‘and’.

  14. I knew a child whose family car was hit by a drunk driver years ago. Mom died, dad injured but survived, adorable daughter had most bones broken, could then use just one hand, had to relearn how to speak and eat, wore diapers, was in a wheelchair for years, had to have a 24-hour nurse and special private school.

    I think drunk drivers should be sentenced to a month or two in a wheelchair, 24/7, with diapers and liquid nourishment only. They need to understand how dangerous they are and what damage they can cause.

    This guy can live the rest of his life w/o a pardon. Victims of drunk drivers can’t just move on with their lives. They can’t just ask Mother Nature to restore their lives. No pardon. No pardon.

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