Youth Drag Show Happening At Kenosha Park With City Approval – Here Are The Aldermen Who Supported It

Screenshot From Kenosha Pride Wesite

“Are you a LGBTQ artist/entertainer under the age of 18? Do you want a chance to perform on stage?”

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This is a question asked back in May, 2022 on Facebook by Ginger Van Allen, a transsexual female, and one of the organizers of Kenosha Pride.

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Tomorrow, Sunday July 10, 2022 Kenosha Pride will be hosting a “Youth Drag Show.” This controversial event has drawn attention from all over the country, putting Kenosha on the map for less-than-honorable reasons. This event was even criticized by “Libs of Tik Tok,” a conservative Twitter account doxed recently by far-left extremest and activist, Washington Post journalist Taylor Lorenz.

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Although the youth drag show is no longer on Kenosha Pride’s website, KCE has learned it will still happen. According to its website, many local businesses are sponsoring the Youth Drag Show including Herzing University, The Stella, Aurora Healthcare, Educators Credit Union, Lou Perrines, Christian Carthage College, Parkside Public College, Lemon Street Gallery, Rhode Center Lakeside Players, Kenosha County Democratic Party, and of course, Planned Parenthood of Wisconsin.

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We reached out to Kenosha Pride Executive Director Dan Seavers and asked him if the youth drag show was appropriate in its apparent sexualizing of youth. He responded:

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“Mr. Mathewson,

Kenosha Pride unequivocally, emphatically, and without hesitation deny the allegations of sexualizing youth.  Kenosha Pride is known to welcome people of all ages and backgrounds to perform and entertain at our event.  We find the insinuations to be abhorrent and irresponsible.  Research shows LGBTQ+ youth are at least 4 times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual, cis gender peers.  Research also indicates that family rejection, feelings of depression and lack of acceptance, as well as other societal factors contribute to the increased risk of depression and suicide within the LGBTQ+ community, especially LGBTQ+ youth.  Bullying, misinformation, and a lack of understanding are the key contributors to increased risk to LGBTQ+ youth.  When youth are afforded an opportunity to express themselves in a welcoming and affirming environment, the risk of suicidal ideation and attempts are reduced.  

These reprehensible allegations are a reminder of the importance of Pride.  Placing tolerance before hate and acceptance before rejection are pillars that all should strive for.

Out of concerns for safety, Kenosha Pride will make no further comments regarding these allegations and will continue to monitor threats against our event, individual organizers/participants, and the organization, and we will continue to communicate with our law enforcement partners on the local and national level.”

This event received permission to host this years event on taxpayer property from the City of Kenosha’s Public Works Committee and the Parks Commission. It passed both unanimously. A big supporter of the Youth Drag Show event is Kenosha Alderman Rocco Lamacchia, who made the motion to approve the application. Rocco is a self described “Trump-loving conservative.”

We reached out to the every current Alderman who voted to approve this event:

Alderman Eric Haugaard
Alderman David Bogdala
Alderman Bill Siel
Alderman Jan Michalski
Alderman Rocco Lamacchia, Sr
Alderman Rollin Pizzala
Alderman Jack Rose
Alderman Dominic Ruffalo

Only Alderman Dominic Ruffalo responded saying: “I did not know about the kids drag show till a few weeks ago I would have asked a lot of questions about this.”

Libs of Tik Tok Twitter Post

Video Of Parks Commission Approving Event
Video Of Public Works Committee Approving Event



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28 Responses

  1. Im currently at the Pride party now proudly wearing my MAGA shirt.
    Just taking everything in…….
    One thing that is true, there is no worry of these people reproducing.
    Nobody, especially the women, are getting laid by men.

  2. Another sad day in Kenosha. Real Love is Christ Crucified, but these acts are pathetically satanic in every way, shape and form.

  3. Any on site reports that Anthony Kennedy is there with his shirt up and rubbing his nipples again? Andy is nipping at his heals..

  4. Also keep on eye on events at our libraries. Apparently they hosted a drag queen story hour at the SW library a few years ago (July 2018, I think?) It wasn’t widely promoted, of course.

  5. My wife commented today (and we are somewhat younger…her in her mid 30’s and me in my early 40’s)…..what is up with all of today’s young people thinking it’s “cool” or “hip” to be bisexual?

    1. It’s a sure sign society is going downhill faster. I’m close to the same age as you, subtract a couple years, and I’m already beginning sentences with “Back in my day, we didn’t…”.

      1. To my surprise, they actually sang the National Anthem before they started the live music.
        Not to my surprise, more then half paid no attention and kept on doing what they wanted.

      1. Steve, you are absolutely correct. I even saw a bunch of sick liberals carrying a sign that read “if Mary had an abortion, we wouldn’t be in this mess!” These are truly sick, deranged people. God help us!

  6. I have trouble understanding the LBGTQ+ acronym that keeps getting longer (remember when it was just LBGT?). I kind of feel caught somewhere in the middle. Not a fan either of flaunting it or stoning kids for something that they may not have control over. Kevin, was this something that the aldermen had no real choice but to approve or could they and the city be sued if they said no? Personally, not a big fan of a teenage drag show but nothing against a kid who is gay getting up there and singing or playing a guitar. Hell, these days you look at Hollywood or TV and it’s becoming more common to wonder which actors aren’t gay! 🙂

  7. This is an excuse for a bunch sick pervs to molest a young children. Parents need to step up and take some control what little control you have left in your homes, before its to late. I’m getting sick of hearing that the schools , powers to be and satanic churches know better than I as what my child needs. I having to be silenced while others always screaming in the streets. Here is a few examples of some Drag Queens and Churches and what they are doing with the youth…

    Judge Brett Bloomer WI President of an LGTBQ Program Story Hour was arrested for 7 counts of child pornography charges
    Bryce Patric Rycschon Willisiof PA charged with 25 counts of felony class 2 child pornograghy
    GlESEN Collier UCC FL hosted a church drag show for kids with “forbidden queer literature”

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