A Kenosha man was apprehended Monday night after leading police on a high-speed chase with a baby in the backseat of his vehicle. Alandus M. Grandberry, 40, of Kenosha, was arrested after hiding in the attic of a home. Kenosha Police terminated the pursuit because of the child. Later, Grandberry was located in the City and Kenosha SWAT and a negotiator were able to convince Grandberry to surrender peacefully.

Grandberry is a dangerous and violent felon and sex offender (not on the list, but convicted). He wouldn’t have been outside of a prison, but for Racine County’s progressive DA, Patricia Hanson, and her soft-on-crime policies. Her office gave him many sweet plea deals for very serious crimes.
This isn’t the first time that Grandburry ran from police in a vehicle. On October 28th, 2009 he did the same thing in Racine. In fact, most of his criminal history includes conduct in Racine County. Tonight’s chase was started because he was wanted by police for felony domestic abuse – he’s no stranger to wife-beating either.
While Grandberry currently lives in Wisconsin, he is formerly from Illinois. Here is a list of convictions from Granburry’s criminal history in Wisconsin only:
Felony Child Abuse Racine – 2 Years Probation
4th Degree Sexual Assault (Second Degree Sexual Assault of a Child Dismissed) Racine – 1.5 Years Prison
Felony Fleeing or Eluding Officer Racine – 10 Months Jail
Felony Theft Racine (Armed Robbery Dismissed) – 1 Year Prison, Supervision Revoked, Three Years, 95 Days Prison
Felony Possession of Cocaine Racine – 9 Months Jail
Possession of THC Racine – 9 Months Jail
Felony Possession with Intent (Cocaine) Dane County – 1 Year Jail
Resisting / Obstructing an officer x3 Racine – #1 Fine, #2 195 Days Jail, #3 21 Days Jail
Domestic Abuse Disorderly Conduct Racine – Fine
Domestic Abuse Disorderly Conduct (Felony False Imprisonment Dismissed) Rock – 9 Months Jail
Felony Possession of THC Racine -1 Year Jail
Grandberry has not been charged yet, but Kenosha Police are expected to refer the following charges to the Kenosha County DA:
Felony fleeing, felony second degree reckless endangering saftey, resisting an officer, domestic disorderly conduct x2, false imprisonment, felony strangulation, domestic battery x2, amd indimidation of a victim.
6 Responses
With all of the amazing civic and humanitarian talent that made Kenosha home after the riots a couple of years ago, I believe they will work together to help rehabilitate fine young men like this one. Perhaps even one day he will be given an award like the one mentioned in our outstanding Kenosha News today….. LOCAL SERVANT LEADERS HONORED AT DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. CELEBRATION at Gateway. We should all be so proud of our city. Keep hope alive my brothers and sisters and remember what Holy Father Barack and Mother Michelle said: YES WE CAN.
Patricia Hanson, you are a fucking disgrace of a DA. Besides the fact that your face looks like you got beat up by 30 people, you routinely pull this shit……
Sounds like he’s the next professor at parkside, and a pardon
LOL! But seriously…..you’re not wrong!
What she lacks in judgment, she makes up for in the looks department.