Deborah Ford (D) is leaving her position as Chancellor of UW-Parkside this summer – but not before she continues down the path of wokeness. This Fall, students will be able to add their pronouns to their student records. The list of options contains such pronouns as per/per/pers, ze/hir/hirs, or ze/zir/zeir. They can also use traditional pronouns he/his/him or she/her hers. Also among the options are “prefer not to answer” or “ask me about my pronouns.”
A Parkside student, who preferred to remain anonymous, told KCE that the Dean’s Office sent out an email to the student body on March 28, informing them of a new change to “policy 99.”
“In light of the targeted slaughter of Christians on Monday. This was incredibly tone deaf [decision]. Unlike past tragedies, no statement has been made to affirm support or solace of Christian students and staff on campus,” said the student.
The student gave us a copy of the new police that was enacted by Ford and will take effect this Fall.
According to the new policy:
“The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is committed to high-quality educational programs, creative and scholarly activities, and services responsive to its diverse student population, and its local, national and global communities…..Introducing revised University of Wisconsin Policy 99 – Recognized Name, Gender, and Pronoun Policy.”
The new rule goes on to say that “Pronouns are words that refer to either the people talking (like you or I), or someone or something that is being talked about (like she, they, ze and his). Personal pronouns refer to a unique and individual person. You can signal your pronouns by adding them to your student center, adding them in your email signature, and sharing them whenever you meet someone. By introducing yourself with your name and pronouns, you open the discussion for someone to share their pronouns with you. People may choose to use a pronoun. Using someone’s correct pronouns is a way to respect them and create an inclusive environment, just as using a person’s preferred or chosen name can be a way to respect them. Often, people assume another person’s gender pronouns based on appearance or name. Assuming or mistaking someone’s pronouns can send a potentially harmful message: that people must look a certain way to demonstrate the gender that they are or are not. “
There will be nine options for students:
- He/His/Him
- She/Her/Hers
- They/Them/Theirs
- He/Him/el
- She/Her/ella
- Per/Per/Pers
- Ze/Hir/Hirs
- Ze/Zir/Zeir
- Prefer Not to Answer
- Ask me about my pronouns
Parkside insists that “legal sex” refers to person’s biological status and is typically assigned at birth. KCE is unaware of a case in which someone’s “legal” sex is not determined at birth. “A person’s gender may be the same as or different from their birth-assigned sex” says UW Parkside.
Parkside did issue a statement of caution, however saying “Please note that a recognized name is considered “Directory Information” and may be released (when appropriate) without the expressed written permission of the student/employee. The university is not able to ensure that recognized name, gender, or pronoun will be used by all members of the UW-Parkside community.”
KCE recently sued Ford and UW-Parkside successfully after the university attempted to unlawfully hide records pertaining to a multiple violent felon they hired with no qualifications, interview, or background check.
11 Responses
My pronouns are kiss/my/ass
Ford, go fuck yourself dumb whore.
makes me want to go back to school.Maybe take a gender studies class.
No need to go to back to school to understand this.
Please don’t let the door hit you in the ass on the way out Debra Ford.
Thank you for fucking up our community and UWP even more
Thank you for accomplishing absolutely nothing at UWP during your tenure other than burying your head up the hard left wing liberal assholes backsides.
I feel sorry for the poor people at Indiana University Southeast that are expecting some good leadership.
So sad
Ze, zir, zeir???? This sounds like a Dr Suess book hahahaa. Is that if you identify as a zebra?? How do these clowns keep a straight face??
So…this new policy recognizes and promotes mental illness?
Conforming to mental illness? This is nothing more than appeasing the small minority of mentally ill people so they feel accepted. Sorry, but I will never conform to this insanity. It’s time for them to realize I don’t care about if I offend them and for people to push back on this crazy agenda. It is my right to NOT conform to this insanity. If I offend anyone by writing this, TOO BAD!
Please don’t let the door hit you in your pretend penis on your way out of the building. Please let it hit you in your pretend teeth, so you can get some better looking ones the next time around.
Just close Parkside, it’s not worth chewing through the straps. Yet another instance of wasting thousands on BS that has nothing to do with educating. Just close it and sell everything. Get the land back on the tax rolls and we can keep hiring more and more engineers and doctors from other countries. Ford can grab a strap-on and go try and edjamacate some middle east countries with her woke jokebook.
Close it down ! close it down, close it down, close it down.
We need to assemble 10k protesters in a circle around the campus and demand they reform their hard left wing insanity.
When the left wing shit bags show up, we need to increase our numbers to 20-30k
They have gotten away with their insane tax payer funded bullshit for decades.
It is time to shut down University of Wisconsin Darkside.