(Photo by Nathan DeBruin for Kenosha County Eye)
Timothy Michetti, 67, of Racine, WI
(Kenosha Sheriff)
On Thursday evening, around 4:30pm, officers from the Kenosha Police Department responded to a call at Pick ‘n Save, 2811-18th St., in reference to an individual inside the store who was making statements about blowing things up and shooting at police officers.

(Kenosha Sheriff)
Officers engaged the suspect, 67-year-old Timothy Michetti, inside the store and were able to remove him without incident. The store was evacuated. Officers searched the store for explosives but did not locate any. The individual’s vehicle was located in the parking lot and officers were able to observe a threaded metal pipe and wires. The Kenosha County Hazardous Device Squad responded to assist with the search of the vehicle. The items inside the vehicle were not found to be explosive.

(Photo by Nathan DeBruin for Kenosha County Eye)
The parking lot and grocery store were closed for about 3 ½ hours while the scene was made safe. The was arrested and charges were referred to the District Attorney’s office for making terroristic threats and bomb scares.
The Kenosha Police Department would like to acknowledge both the public and Pick ‘n Save employees for their cooperation and understanding during this incident. If you see something, say something.
Michetti has a prior arrest and conviction from 2008 for resisting an officer.
Anyone with information regarding this investigation is asked to contact the Kenosha Police Department Detective Bureau at 262-605-5203 or the Kenosha Area Crime Stoppers at 262-656-7333. This case is active and ongoing, there are no further details at this time.

(Photo by Nathan DeBruin for Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Nathan DeBruin for Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Nathan DeBruin for Kenosha County Eye)
22 Responses
America is awesome
did your nose sniff that comment out ?
Shove a lit firecracker up his ass, just as a warning shot! ⚠️
I can see you are a “guilty before proven innocent” type of person. How VERY Kenoshan with a Kenoshan attitude! Hopefully, the citizens out there can see that they are paying their taxes to incarcerate people like Timothy when it was ONLY one person’s word against another. What did the police (not the FBI) do? They took the liar’s side who made a false bomb threat. Why isn’t THAT man behind bars for making false accusations? Oh, because we are talking about Kenosha, where liar’s get a free pass and the falsely accused get put in jail. Did you not notice that they closed the store for a period of time before finding – NOTHING? Or is it because YOU are the one who falsely accused Timothy of doing something he didn’t do, or say? I wouldn’t live in your city (or anywhere near it) if you paid me a million dollars because of low-class trash like this!
Right, because violence is the first reaction a person should resort to when judging a person who hasn’t yet gone to trial. *sarcasm* Keyboard warrior idiots. Get a job, go to church.
He won’t get anything more than probation anyway. Too bad he didn’t rush the LEOs.
What are LEOs? The police? (Law Enforcement Officers?) Speak English! Looking for excitement? Bored? Your drugs run out? The news shows that Timothy cooperated with the police, but YOU wished that he had “rush”ed “the LEOs”? H-h-h-m-m-m! And they arrested HIM not YOU.
Your brother needs help. Yes, the store grossly over-reacted to his rambling conversation, but it is unwise, to say the least, to be driving around with firearms and questionable materials in his car.
Timothy lives with 3 very small children. The detectives tore up their home to try and find something there, too. They found nothing in his home. His grandchildren, especially his very small infant grandchild could have chocked on the mess they left behind. There was no thought they were messing up the place that housed the young children. However, Timothy didn’t want his grandchildren, especially those in elementary school, to get a hold of his guns and so put them in his car along with anything they might hurt themselves with that was his. Timothy, in my book, is a loving, caring grandfather. But yes, he needs another place to store his guns! Timothy used to work as an electrician in Chicago many years ago. He is also a talented mechanic. Timothy was in the middle of inventing a way to strengthen the electrical system in a car and possibly save on gas. That invention obviously involved the pipe and the electrical wire. I agree with you that “the store grossly over-reacted to his rambling conversation.” As an assistant manager, I would have done the same as she did, but the other two (especially the man) made no sense with their witness statements considering Timothy’s character! Yes, Timothy “needs help”, but not the kind of help you are probably referring to. Timothy is now caught in the Kenosha County legal system which is why I will never live in that city and don’t even like crossing the border into Wisconsin. There are 49 other states to choose from., why live there?
I have a comment for Edna you act like you know what was going on for one he was framed he never said any such thing and for number two he had those firearms in his car because he didn’t want them in my house he lives with me and my three kids he didn’t want his guns around my children and for the questionable materials that were in his car you know people like working on things my dad is a certified electrician and he was making some electrical wiring for a car if that makes sense and for anyone else I guess freedom of speech don’t matter in this town if you talk about religion or politics people take it the wrong way and make up lies on another those people who lied on my dad need to be the ones facing consequences not an innocent grandfather now he can’t see his own grandkids because someone decided it was better to lie about the situation rather then kick him out of the store which no one did they thought calling the cops was better honestly now he’s fighting for his innocence and I know my dad he wouldn’t hurt anyone. Yes maybe he shouldn’t have had his firearms in the car but he was protecting my kids and our family by keeping them locked away in his car
Sweet irony! Judging a person alleged of terrorism, while wishing the person had actually committed an act of aggression on law enforcement. Or did your “morally righteous” self actually wish for a human being to be killed (presumably BY law enforcement) based on another person’s version of what was actually said? People in glass castles shouldn’t throw stones.
Exactly! And, what happened to Timothy can happen to ANY citizen of Kenosha that walks into ANY public place in Kenosha. If another person sees that citizen, and wants that citizen destroyed for whatever reason, they only need to call the police and state that the citizen threatened bombing a place and the police will search the place and take that citizen away – not the liar. Unfortunately, the Kenosha legal system is not interested in protecting its citizens against such lies. Ultimately, the citizen will spend countless years incarcerated at other ignorant citizen’s (Kenoshans) expense! All this is perpetuated because of ONE lie!
He certainly doesn’t look mentally ill.
He most definitely is not mentally ill how come the man that claims he made those threats ain’t being prosecuted my father is innocent people have nothing better to do with their damn time I know he likes to talk about religion and politics just because that person don’t like what he was talking about didn’t give them the right to make up fabricated lies about my dad he’s innocent that person whoever you are you took my dad away from his grandkids and his family you should turn yourself in for lying straight up he has to sit in jail it’s not right the lair that framed my dad should be behind bars
well when they review cameras they will no cameras have audio
When somebody trips the firealarm and there is no fire, they arrest the false alarm person.
What kind of imbalance exists when the DA prosecution determines 90% of the sentencing? Does that mean 90% of the people arrested are guilty and go with that power broker’s political choices? Does that mean 10% are innocent of their charges and are going to jury trials? Why are all the huge theft cases, the drug cases, the sexual offenses, cases where actual violence is committed and somebody is actually physically hurt seem to mostly get off on the charges?
Yet, people who were working, such as at cleaning up diapers and brushing teeth at nursing homes where everybody knows they are grossly understaffed, get huge bail for negligence death but not the nursing home management or owners. Yet, people who are charged big but not involved in intentional violence get the book thrown at them, but not those out on violent joy rides that they actually did make those choices to endanger others.
I have known Tim for several years. This man is deeply troubled, and needs the assistance and honest intervention of his family, Church, and friends before he does something far worse. Please be true to yourselves and get Tim some counseling. He is obsessed with conspiracy theories, bizarre religious notions, and fringe political theories. Don’t let these things escalate further. This will destroy him, and those around him if left to fester. He has the capacity to change for the better or for the worse. Please make it for the better.
The opinionated author of narrow-minded dribble and disrespect for the highest laws of the land –The US Constitution and Bill of Rights–seems emanating from somebody who has represented himself multiple times on this very page as multiple different personalities with different names. They are against the Constitution and its Bill of Rights, specifically freedom of religion, freedom of politics, freedom of the right to bear arms, freedom of speech, and the freedom to have a fair trial. The complaint here contains no evidence of any crime, only deep prejudice against Constitutional freedoms and those who love their Constitution.
I just looked this case up and see he pled guilty to Disorderly Conduct, with the other charges being dismissed. The judge ordered as part of his sentence that a DNA sample be collected. Would anyone know why? I thought that was only done on felony convictions, and DC is a misdemeanor.
Yes, that court room should have been filled with journalists – but it wasn’t. According to the laws that Wisconsin ELECTED officials decided that those entering and in the State of Wisconsin should be subjected to it is true that Disorderly Conduct DOES require a DNA test. You didn’t know that? Well, neither did Timothy! Imagine that! He now knows that and so do you! “Wisconsin Statute 973.046 Deoxyribonucleic acid analysis surcharge. (1r) If a court imposes a sentence or places a person on probation, the court shall impose a deoxyribonucleic acid analysis surcharge, calculated as follows: (a) For each conviction for a felony, $250. (b) For each conviction for a misdemeanor, $200.” AND “Wisconsin Statue 973.047 (1f) (1f) If a court imposes a sentence or places a person on probation, the court shall require the person to provide a biological specimen to the state crime laboratories for deoxyribonucleic acid analysis. (4).” ALSO, the internet states “The law requires defendants to pay a surcharge for DNA collection — $200 for a misdemeanor and $250 for a felony. County clerks of court collect the surcharge and send it to the state. Counties receive $10 from the state for every sample they collect.” So now that you know, what do you feel about your elected officials for expanding this law in the State of Wisconsin to include misdemeanors? Frankly, I prefer to live in a different state.
The federal law is for felonies. The State of Wisconsin law covers misdemeanors, despite its increased costs without proven returns and countless local and county governments complaining that it does not pay for the extra persons needed and the bad guys need to be located in other ways anyway–called evidence. It was Wisconsin elected officials, not the federal leaders, that included misdemeanors IN WISCONSIN as a requirement for a federal DNA test that only applied to felonies. A huge number of local and county governments seriously objected to the predictable chaos that would be caused by the State mandating such a requirement that predictable would increase the recordkeeping and other chaotic issues surrounding this at the local level for misdemeanors without evidence of benefits to the public. This DNA test as a mouth swab is dangerously invasive to the extent a person’s clone can be made with that info, and this actually makes DNA unrealiable in and by itself.
Wisconsin politicians who pushed this DNA Test mandate for misdemeanors lied about its accuracy and perfection. “Errors” are being made all the time on that DNA test that they sold as perfect, when any quant can identify the vastly huger number of different DNA facts exist from the very few–about 8–being actually tested. If a first- or second-degree relative secretly committed a murder, the DNA could likely match “perfectly.” If everyone involved is of the same race or ethnicity, the DNA could likely match several of those people. The DNA test should not be used to supercede evidence, but until all the judges do their homework on it, innocent people will be charged as felons..
This is not a DNA test that absolutely identifies the guilty party, but it is being treated as if it falsely has more power than it does, when perhaps thousands in the USA have those same DNA points. DNA has so many components that would all need to be match. The tests recognized by the court system have been overblown that judges falsely think DNA is absolutely reliable to the exclusion of other exonerating evidence. DNA Tests only use about 8 points out of the vast points of possibilities, which makes a sham mockery of this DNA as unique to any one person, just as happened to the same lies originally told about the hair test.