(Kenosha County Sheriff)
A former Racine County Sheriff’s Deputy is facing 204 years in prison for one felony count of Possession of Child Pornography, five counts of Sexual Exploitation of a Child, one count of Lewd and Lascivious Behavior, and one count of Disorderly Conduct. As the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department investigation continues, seven more felonies are added to the list.
Today, he appeared in court on more charges. Preston K. Kite of Union Grove, WI was recently charged with four more counts of Possession of Child Pornography, one count of Exposing Genitals/Pubic Area/Intimate Parts to a Child, one count of Bestiality – Possess Obscene Material of Sexual Contact w/ Animal (1st) and Bestiality Engage in Sexual Contact with Animal (1st).

The alleged pedophile’s friend, Adam Westbook, was accused of taking sexually explicit photos of the child he and his husband adopted and sending the photos to other people, including Kite. Kite is also alleged to have secretly recorded men in bathrooms going #1 and even, #2.
Kite was found to be in possession of numerous videos of beateaality of men with dogs and horses. Cows were also mentioned in messages. Kite is accused of having sex with a friend’s female German Shepherd. Kite also was also babysitting the same friend’s a 9-year-old child when he took clothed photos of the child and asked the child to get him toilet paper when Kite was finished going #2. The child saw Kite’s penis.
Bail was set at $100,000 today by a Racine Court Commissioner. Kenosha Deputy District Attorney Carli McNeill is handling the case as a special prosecutor.
56 Responses
I honestly feel gay people should not be able to adopt children. I’ve seen this type of behavior too many times now. What a sick couple. That poor child.
Being fay gas nothing to do with adoption, wtf kind of remark is that what about straight people?!!!! God please crawl back under the rock you were born under, to bad there isn’t a thing for human abortions for ignorant fcks like you
A child needs a mommy & a daddy , it’s simple . A foster home is better than a gay couple
FFS what an ignorant comment.There are alot of single parent homes. My friend adopted 3 girls and she never married and is a wonderful single parent mother raising her 3 beautiful girls.
Would have been better off with a daddy in the house — it’s proven fact
Would have been better off with a daddy there , it’s fact
Single mothers are generally failures at raising kids —- most of the time it’s the male’s fault tho—- just look at the black community
I think that the gov’t has an agenda to keep men out of children’s lives and dividing families by offering women more money when they aren’t married and even more money when the woman has different men fathering her children. Ultimately, we need to ask God to change people’s hearts.
It sure seems like that!
No TF they aren’t smh
You are so right, statistics prove that having a mother and a father are integral to a child’s development
Liberals hate science & math 😣 – they tend to study theatre, gender studies , medieval lit, and modern dance
How about no!!! You are not important enough to change my values. Maybe go Google how many times this has been happening with gay couples. Maybe a child should be in a nuclear family like God intended. Now you go slitter away from me please.
You need to be of good moral character and sound mind to adopt…so there’s that.
Sodomy is evidence of a lack of good moral character.
So this couple had high morals? This is happening too often. I just believe a child should have a father and a mother. It is God’s way snd the right way. You have people confusing children on gender and also having them in porn.
Well , just to be clear —- gays and such need to know the real deal —- science pre-dates God , but not really —- our natural , God -given revulsion to gays pre-dates written history of God
Even if a “gay couple” is caring and nurturing, many of these kids grow up and later say that they really wish they had both a mother and father and truly were missing a critical part of their development by not having a parent of each sex. Children have a right to a mother and father and it’s in their best interest. Good intentions don’t outweigh this.
His husband…………gross.
This is such a disgusting case. Adam Westbrook and Preston Kite should be executed. These Evil monsters are beyond help.
This enrages me. The first set of charges were bad enough, but what is alleged here is level of depravity that places this demon in a separate class of predators.
Kevin, I think this may just be the worst human being you’ve ever written about. And fuck his ex-husband, too.
I could not agree with you more.
This will be controversial—even ignorant, perhaps—but I absolutely believe the Racine County Sheriff’s Office and County of Racine bear some responsibility here.
I have an extraordinarily difficult time believing that someone this sexually exploitative, perverse, and risk-adverse was capable of sound judgment while instilled with full law enforcement authorities on behalf of Racine County. Let’s not forget that this sequence of events began when he was on-shift, in full uniform with a marked squad car, and soliciting sex from strangers, one of whom had the good sense to report his actions. While we cannot assuredly say it wasn’t the first time something like this occurred, it seems highly unlikely that he hadn’t engaged in similarly inappropriate behaviors throughout his tenure with the agency. I’d like to know what, if anything, is in his personnel file and if anyone was victimized in any capacity throughout his time as a deputy. As stated previously, I just cannot fathom that something like this occurred in a vacuum and there was never any indication he was ‘off.’
While I don’t know what it would look like, there needs to be some level of accountability shared by the RSO and County for allowing a predator to troll the county under the guise of protecting it. This is disturbing and people are owed an explanation (did the sheriff or whomever was supposed to issue a statement ever address it?). Racine citizens deserve that much.
I definitely see where you are coming from here. An open records request should reveal the answers to your questions.
Can we start calling these people fake husbands?
Marriage is between a man and a woman.
YESSSS 👏🏼 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin (D) needs to care more about exploited children in Wisconsin, but instead she’s off fundraising with the supporters of Anti-Catholic Drag Queens dressed like Satanic Nuns in San Francisco…right after one of their own (Preston Kite) was indicted for s*x crimes that involve children and animals! Tammy is currently running for re-election. REMEMBER this Wisconsin! Tammy needs to GO!
I didn’t want to believe Tammy Baldwin would actually do this, so I looked it up and it’s unfortunately true. There are also pictures listed in the above post of Preston Kite dressed as a member of the sisters of perpetual indulgence, so the part about him being in this group is also true. Absolutely SICK!
End him
I’m sorry but people like this need to be fucking taken outside and shot in the fucking head.
Poor kid……
If we started shooting people like this, stuff like this would stop really fast.
If you down-vote this then you likely are a fucking pedophile….so fuck off.
it would for sure!
This latest story is so moo-ving. And with this many charges he’s likely chit out of luck.
We have to support this guy. He is a cop! Back the blue no matter what they do.
I keep seeing comments like this on Kevin’s page and it’s frustrating. Where have you EVER seen “Back the blue no matter what they do”. Backing the blue does not mean anyone backs the bad apples. By this standard we wouldn’t back anyone as there are bad apples in every barrel. So b/c a handful of cops are bad we shouldn’t respect and appreciate the majority that are good? If that’s the case then we shouldn’t respect or appreciate anything…
Hoping this is sarcasm…
These personality traits aren’t revealed in the
psychological portion of their employment vetting like the MMPI ?
Racine dropped all standards when it comes to hiring.
Kind of like the Kenosha school board and Indian Trail.
I’m sure if he identifies as a furry, it will suddenly be okay. That’s how this world seems to think now.
They should look into the husband also, I’m sure he is not innocent either!
He’s indicted as well
This is one of the many reasons homosexuals should never be allowed to adopt children. This disgusting pervert should be spending life in prison without parole! Waht a monster-“great job” Racine county Sheriff Deparment of vetting someone to work on your force. Holy cow
I agree with you. Not because all are bad but because it is sin. The door is open to all sorts of depravity. This happens with male gay couple a lot more then you can believe.
Looks like Andy Berg has a new buddy.
Berg looks like an alter boy next to this freak.
Good point.
Say what you will about Berg, but at least the people he was interacting with were adults.
Fire up the woodchipper.
I wonder if this sicko is somehow connected to Brendan Kite at Aurora…
Wouldn’t suprise me , Aurora is a shit organization
-Racine Sheriff Deputy Kite bonds with family through American Sign Language
-Deputy Kite was working a case in Union Grove when he observed road signs notifying people that there was a “Deaf Child” that lived in the area. Deputy Kite asked a woman mowing her grass where the deaf child lived. The woman pointed out the house.
Deputy Kite went to the house, knocked on the door, and contacted the child’s father. Deputy Kite explained that he is proficient in American Sign Language, and if his son would like to meet him, Deputy Kite offered to stop by later when the child was home. Deputy Kite provided the father with his business card and contact information. Deputy Kite encouraged the father to reach out to him if he could ever be of assistance with his son.
This was a FOX6 News story 😳
Was he meeting up with Sgt. Hard?
Sick fuck