My opinion is no more important than anybody reading this.
However, since I am known for knowing about politicians in this county by my constant investigations, inquiries and awareness, I am often asked who to vote for, so here it is!
I did not include the bid for Kenosha mayor on this list, because asking who to vote for is like asking which eyeball to gouge out with a hot poker – there is no right or wrong choice for this race.
See you at the polls!
Kevin Mathewson
15 Responses
Always appreciate your recommendations/opinions on electoral matters in the county.
Next time, maybe it would be even more helpful if you posted them prior to early voting and again on election day. I did my research prior to casting my early vote, and voted accordingly. I would like to think others are just as diligent but alas, that is not the case.
Just sayin!
I will do that in the future. I always thought that somebody like me making recommendations was a little pretentious. However, I have gotten enough encouragement to translate my knowledge into recommendations.
Even discerning voters who research the issues, and the candidates, should be open to additional information. We all need your insights considering the Kenosha News offers nothing but ‘woketard’ Dem talking points.
There is nothing pretentious in sharing your recommendations and opinions. We are free to accept or not to accept.
I especially look to the Eye for the ‘hold-your-nose-and-read’ exposes of the corruption stench in Pleasant Prairie. Among many other problems there, the revolving door of administrative employees in key decision making positions who retire only to resurface in elected positions (aka Trustees as in Polocoff) needs to stop. Especially when they serve to just be rubber stamps for the powers that be.
Keep up the good work!
The whole swamp (Pleasant Prairie) needs to be drained, Pollocoff came back to cover his tracks. If he cared about the village he would retire and let the new leadership guide the future, but he wants his $$$
Why do you early vote? It’s unconstitutional! If you can’t make it on voting day, your vote shouldn’t count. This is how they steal it every time. The people keep playing along.
“Early” or as it used to be called, “Absentee” mail in voting was restricted to those legitimately out of town or the country.
But that was hard to verify.
And it became abused.
If you are “invalid”, by definition you have someone or someone’s taking care of you. They should be able to drive you to the polls. And help you fill out a ballot. Legitimately.
It’s the “mail-ins” that are the problem.
Stop mail ins.
Early Voting is a Mechanism to determine how many votes are needed on Election Day to fraudulently Win by a small margin.
A lot of us die hard “ keeping our nose involved so we do our civic duty “ to vote each and every election sometimes need just a little help discerning between the “non partisans “ in these spring elections.
I like to vote early both for the convenience and the surety of not missing that one day.
Recommendations at least two weeks before !
Shame on you. You are part of the problem with stolen elections and not caring. This is why voting nowadays is fake n gay.
Who knows what happens to early ballots with out crooked clerk 😫
Agree not much of a choice but isn’t Bogdala less flakey?
This dood in my hood is super conservative—- he had a Bogdala sign, so that’s who I voted for
Anyone but berg, Joel and Landry. Be better off with no one in either of them areas. And yes I live in bergs district and he’s all about asking for money and does nothing for us
$51,000 is what one Illinois dark money special interest groups spent on behalf of Iverson.
If she needs that much help, then she shouldn’t be judge.