A public information meeting will be held later this month to gather input for a plan that Kenosha County is creating with the goal of eliminating serious crashes on county roadways.
Kenosha County was awarded a federal grant to develop a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan, which will highlight hotspots with safety concerns, prioritize the concerns, and provide guidance on how to mitigate these issues with the goal of zero deaths and serious injuries on county highways.
A Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Committee made up of representatives of the county and all of its municipalities has been meeting since early this year, working to develop the plan.
The group’s initial findings will be presented at the public information meeting to be held from 5 to 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 16, at the Pleasant Prairie RecPlex, 9900 Terwall Terrace.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
“The committee looks forward to sharing its findings with the public and gathering further input to inform the process,” said Kenosha County Executive Samantha Kerkman.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
“I am very pleased the traffic safety study is being conducted. Any help Kenosha County can get to help
make our highways safer is effort well spent. The Kenosha County Sheriff’s Office will continue to patrol
our highways along side all other municipal agencies as well as the Wisconsin Highway Patrol. I look
forward to the Crash Reduction Action Plan and being a part of any improvements to the Kenosha
County Highway System,” said Sheriff David Zoerner Wednesday.

Members of the public are invited to view the draft exhibits and share their own feedback about traffic safety concerns and hotspots on county trunk highways.
A second public information meeting will be held at the Kenosha County Center in Bristol from 5 to 6:30 p.m. on Sept. 26, after the plan has moved into final draft form.
Kenosha County has contracted with the planning and engineering firm Short Elliott Hendrickson Inc. to conduct the Comprehensive Safety Action Plan study. People who have questions or feedback and are unable to attend the upcoming public information meeting are invited to contact Darren Fortney, Senior Principal at Short Elliott Hendrickson, at 608-620-6191 or dfortney@sehinc.com.
39 Responses
More wasteful spending.
more wasteful breathing…..
Sorry you feel that way about yourself.
I know you are but what am I
The sheriff’s department needs to patrol some of these highways that are known “dragstrips,” such as S from 31 to I94,
31 through the whole county, 50 from 94 west. I can drive 94 from Milwaukee to the state line, and see MULTIPLE deputies on patrol in Racine County. I can go 70/75/80 in Racine and feel safe. If I do 80 in Kenosha, I’m being passed like I’m standing still, and I can make it through the whole county without seeing a single deputy. I see home hospice patients in Walworth, Waukesha, Racine, and Kenosha counties. In the winter, Kenosha county (NOT city) roads are by far the best maintained. However, as far as actual speed and traffic control, Kenosha County is last place. It’s downright pathetic, that I can drive past the Kenosha County government offices at 50/45 and see 10+ KSD squads sitting in the parking lot, deputies standing around, while I’ve been passed by imprudent, irrational, and dangerous drivers on my way out there.
Speed kills. I’ve seen far too many avoidable fatalities in my time in the ER. Shame on KSD.
The County shift change is held at the County Building on 50 and 45. That’s why they are gathered there.
I’ve driven past there at all hours of the day/night, and there’s almost always 10+ vehicles sitting in the parking lot, with deputies standing around chatting. 10pm patient visits, 4am visits, doesn’t matter when I drive past.
Drive past the baseball fields on 83, the rest are gathered there.
As long as you are not in the left lane, you will be fine. Unless you are one of those people.
The only one of “those people” that I am, is one of “those people” who has had to resuscitate you, or the people you’ve injured or killed, by driving imprudently.
Imagine thinking you’re entitled to break the law, and expecting people to stay out of your way so that you may do so. Yuck.
Let me guess, your 2020 hobby was looting and burning.
I’ve been to a few of these types of meetings over the years. By the time they show the public their “plans”, the last things they want is our ideas !!
They are just going thru the motions here “seeking public input” so as to act like they want our input. They don’t. Don’t be fooled, all the decisions are already made.
Exactly, I predict a MKE-like program to replace all 4 lane roads with 2 lanes, 2 bicycle lanes and two lanes of unknown usage, divided from the other lanes by mostly unbroken solid white lines. 😉
Hwy C from MB out to 83 is the local drag strip. And not a single cop ever running radar or being seen to slow people down. Add in the full gravel trucks doing 90+ every day with no regard for others.
It’s frequently referred to as Memorial Drive due to all the crosses and memorials along the roadway.
Salem Lakes is paying for extra deputies…. why aren’t they demanding coverage of all the area roads?
I was doing 50 on S, west from H. A deputy flew past me, remained ahead of me, and pulled into the Culver’s drive thru.
I’ve never seen a cross. When I drive through there today I’ll look again- can you tell me where I’d find one?
Nice acronym for the Crash Reduction Action Plan
Start writing tickets for all tinted windows, paper or no license plates and speeding. Is there a law about excessive exhaust noise?
It’s always young doods in loudass shitty Dodge Rams in a huge hurry —- apparently Dodge fixed their horrible tranny issues?
All the gayass spandex bike riders don’t help safety much
They’ll reduce car/truck crashes by declaring more lanes, “bicycle only”. Then we can look for an increase in deadly bike crashes, as angered drivers pretend it’s the Waukesha Christmas Parade.
Funded programs have been failing for over 60 years.
60+ mph Sheridan Road. Every day.
sheriff deputies and state patrol all over hwy 50 going west to lake geneva.Not saving lives just scamming hard working Wisconsinites.
Took 50 from 31 west to Delavan today. I saw 1 KPD squad near I-94, I saw 6 KSD squads sitting in the SW corner of the parking lot at the government building. I saw one KSD deputy at the gas station at 83. Otherwise, nada. I was doing 45 through Paddock Lake and was being passed like I was standing still. That could have been a cash cow.
So you were speeding thru Paddock Lake at 45 MPH ? I thought it was 30 MPH there? I could be wrong but thought it was. Why look at the toothpick in someone else’s eye when in fact there may be a 2×4 in your own?
I went 30 until 4 different vehicles nearly slammed into the back of me. I sped up to avoid being hit.
Oh… okay then… 15 over is justified in your situation….
Ultimately, idgaf what you think, much like KSD doesn’t GAF how fast people drive.
Yep unfortunately its a hooray for me the heck with you world and you play major part.
Typical response by a broken society.
I would have been more than happy traveling at 30mph, if those around me would have been traveling at a speed where 30mph would have been safe. Ya know who can control that?
Ya know who asks for bonding in their budget?
Ya know who could ⬆️ their 💸 by doing their jobs?
You got it… KSD.
No disrespect but the more you try to justify YOUR actions to speed the more you dont make sense.
Although not Paddock Lake, have you ever driven on the tollway? Nobody drives posted speeds. People seem to care only about themselves and a total disregard for speed limits.
Sounds like you may have removed your “We Back The Badge” yard sign awhile ago. The badges have a nasty job and yes maybe they could do better but your scenario shows 5 people going at least 15 MPH over posted speeds. I’m sure if they pulled one over, the other 4 ( including you) would not speed there anymore in the future. We live in a broken society where people don’t care.
Arbitrary “Back(ing) the Badge” is largely what has created the situation we are in. Husband is retired WSP, I’m a retired ER PA. I’m well aware of the dangers of the badge. Are you? Are you aware of the dangerous situations that occur when those tasked with the responsibilities of the badge are negligent in their duties? I’m also well aware of the hazard of someone going significantly slower than the flow of traffic. It’s up to the KSD to control the flow of traffic through that section of road. They do not do that, so one must make a responsible & reasonable decision to carry on with the flow of traffic so as to not contribute to the dangerous situation.
There’s an RN that I used to work with who has a few comments above. While I agree with her that reckless driving kills, what also causes an equal hazard is not going with the speed & flow of traffic. All it takes is one individual doing 30, when the rest of traffic is flowing at 45 or more, to cause a major, deadly accident. For many years I drove through PL, as I live in Linn and worked at Aurora on 104th. In the early 2000’s, a deputy in Paddock Lake was a common sight.
As my daughter now lives in Kenosha, I still travel through regularly. I’ve watched traffic enforcement get worse and worse.
I think it’s a bit laughable that I’m arguing with some random individual who hasn’t mastered the “reply” feature on a quasi-blog/news site, so I’m done here.
Oh okay so let me get this right before you leave please.
1 – Backing the badge got us where we are and in particular speeding in Paddock Lake.
2- it’s been over 20 years or since the early 2000’s since seeing police presence in Paddock Lake frequently.
All righty then. Best of luck in your travels and maybe get the app that shows where the “negligent” and non negligent cops are
Sitting or sleeping while you travel to avoid possible tickets ( if they even do them anymore )
PLEASE put a stop to the “ANONYMOUS” names.
I do not care who somebody is, but it’s really a pain figuring out
who actually said what.
Also, require people to use the same name and not change
to pretend to be somebody else.
Thank you, Kevin for all you do.
You all drive like assholes