KCE has been notified that Paula Soderman, the town chairman of Randall. recently resigned her position. A town official has confirmed this to be true. Soderman was elected just over one year ago. She was just over half-way past her two-year term.
KCE is told that Soderman cited “health and stress” as reasons for her sudden departure. There is an upcoming referendum for ambulance services that has been contentious and divisive in the town.
Town Supervisor Julie Horbach told KCE Sunday evening that “we will be having a meeting Wednesday or Thursday to vote on a new chairperson.”
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48 Responses
Oh Randall, just become part of Twin Lakes and drop the drama.
She dropped out because she saw the writing on the wall!
She has been ABHORRENTLY biased in having Ambulnz be the new EMS service for Randall. Above other things she purposefully misrepresented and outright lied about the differences between Twin Lake Rescue and Ambulnz
Sounds like this ems deal isn’t such a great deal at all. I personally don’t like deals when there is an upset on the eve of final decisions; kinda becomes curdled milk – sour, bad tasting, worthy of a new bottle.
She did
I spent many years working with rural board members, town chairmen and village presidents. The vast majority (and that means exceptions do exist) are good, civic minded people that even when they screwed up did not have any evil intention. Their hearts were in the right place even if they made the wrong calls. Citizen volunteers, not professional government administrators. Unfortunately, running even a small town has become more complex over the years and often these citizen volunteers are in over the heads. They try their best but sometimes it’s not good enough.
In these small town there are often spirited factions that get riled up at each other. In some it’s almost a way of life. Occasionally there is something nefarious (Salem Lakes is a good example; Pleasant Prairie’s ex-public works director another) that warrants intervention. But most of the time these things will eventually work themselves out.
I don’t know which option is better for providing emergency medical services in Randall and Wheatland which apparently is the controversy du jour in the area. What I do know is that across the nation it’s becoming harder to find volunteers to staff the rescue squads and so a paid, professional EMS provider is becoming a necessity. That reality transcends local politics. And it’s another example of how complicated running a small rural community has become.
That said, there are many other issues in that area of the county which is commercially underdeveloped and has a poor transportation and health care infrastructure. And it’s not just there. Perhaps if our legislators in Madison would try doing their jobs instead of figuring out ways to stick it to each other they might actually start addressing whether the rural government model in Wisconsin needs fine tuning to keep up with these changing demands. Perhaps fire and EMS districts is an answer. I am always skeptical about contracted services because accountability is often difficult to monitor.
I wish these folks all the best but the elephant in the room is likely larger than this one issue.
Well, that. ^^^^^ is a whole lot of nothing.
“… commercially underdeveloped and has a poor transportation and health care infrastructure.”
Not all problems need to be solved with more commercial buildings. Has anyone thought of CUTTING SPENDING? You’ll never be able to feed the never-ending appetite of government, it has to be reeled in but no one has the cojones to do so.
If you lack transportation then don’t move to a rural area. If you want to live somewhere with a lot of medical facilities, live elsewhere. Do your research before you move to a town and don’t force it to meet your needs and raise our taxes.
Yea evolution is stupid and we don’t need that in our small town!
Correct, we don’t need it.
If you want LOWER taxes then you damn well better want commercial development because it’s less of a drain overall than residential. Businesses don’t send kids to schools. Transportation primarily includes roads and everyone in a rural area MUST have transportation, There’s no state highway into Twin Lakes which has a rather high tax rate. Medical facilities? The longer the ambulance has to travel the more expensive the ride — and the service — is. Cut spending? Love to. Where? You can go to the village Hall or town hall and see how every dollar that came in was spent. Can’t do that in Madison or Washington. Like having your roads plowed? It costs money. The truck takes fuel and fuel is more expensive. Repairs are more expensive. Tires are more expensive. Insurance is more expensive. And you have to pay someone to drive it and to maintain it. You also need a place to park it. And so on.
If you don’t like how things are done, fine. Run for the board. See for yourself.
And if you don’t want people moving in, then you need to find a legal way to stop selling land to them. Good luck.
Aahhh the perpetual “who will plow the roads” argument. I’m sure if you put out a bid you’d have hundreds of private companies, at half the cost, willing to do it. Do we need new vehicles every couple of years? How about landscaping at the village owned buildings? Again, I’m sure you can find a 4H club willing to do it for free.
BUT government has the good ‘ol “use it or lose it” budget which screws us all.
Privatization and consolidation. Does it work? Sometimes. Look at the airline industry now that airlines merged.
Privatization is not a panacea. Less local control and more opportunities for corruption.
A regional fire and EMS district could be a good idea, though.
A district is its own taxing body and those doing it may not live in your community.
A region definitely will include people not elected by you. Bigger doesn’t mean better. An example is Gateway. Do you know those there who tax you?
Wow it’s Ginkowski again bragging & blathering on that he has done absolutely every job there is to do and knows every body. Just sign your name with your sanctimonious no it-all boomer junk because we know its u.
Is Julie Horbach still employed by the village of Twin Lakes? A double dipping grifter with an obsession with power.
I worked with Julie for many many years at Twin Lakes. She was a wonderful employee and an even better human. Always helping out everyone she could. It was a sad day for all of us at the PD when she retired. She was respected. Let me remind you, she worked for the court not Twin Lakes rescue. Not sure how she could have double dipped, doesn’t make sense. Not to mention she has been retired for many year.
Is that you Flash? Yeah, Twin Lakes PD where the overnight officers were peeping on local single women hoping to score big while their wife was jacked up on pills at home with the boys.
More and more, the idea of joining Twin Lakes sounds better and better. Silver Lake did it and they got paramedics and lower taxes on the trade off. They look better off each time I drive thru. Now this talk of more taxes for our 3400 citizens should make us think more about the future. Didn’t Silver Lake call it dissolving? And, wasn’t one of their problems because of a private EMS group? Maybe Paula did us a big favor!
Silver Lake was failing. Police department on down.
(Town) of Salem had been trying/exploring on becoming a village for many years. Then about the same time they got serious with it, Silver Lake was struggling. It was a win win for both. IMO.
Is Twin Lakes failing ?? Or just corrupt ??
Either way change is on the horizon.
Is this the issue to use as a catalyst ?? Maybe.
But it takes a lot of like minded people to step up and run for office. For both boards. And then those people need to agree to agree.
Takes time, direction and will.
Who’s ready to step up ??
Twin Lakes is failing because of the corruption. And boy oh boy are they corrupt. From the village president & board to the FD and so on. It’s a town full of nepotism, cover ups, and is incestuously dysfunctional. Most of us moved here because of the small town vibe and are willing to pay a little more in taxes to keep it that way, as I’m still not paying as much as I did in Illinois for half of what I own now and that was over 20 years ago. I digress, let me just quote Tim Burton to summarize, “This town needs an enema!”
Have you seen Twin Lakes taxes vs Randall taxes?
Do u think this EMS business is gonna be free? Lol
No, not what I am saying. EMS is going to cost everyone money due to the referendums.
Original post that I commented on sounds like the poster is saying to make Randall “Twin Lakes”, similar to the Salem Lakes situation. Looks all fine and dandy from a distance. However, if you look at the taxes in Twin Lakes vs Randall as it stands now you probably wouldn’t think consolidation would be such a great idea.
But the taxes for Salem Lakes?
Yes, twin lakes is much higher.
Do your homework. Read both sides. Safety Lakes is a shit show due to the fire department and unqualified, UNELECTED, sheeple making shit up as they go. 14 outta 16 elected officials and village thieves – GONE! 2 left and they’re slowly but surely going back to their old ways. Stay in your lane sewer rats and poop farm POLIce!
Don’t tell me what’s best for my family, businesses, employees, and customers! The free markets are a harsh reality and weed out the losers real quickly (well, except in village governments and fire departments). Leave the risk takers and community leaders the hell alone. They did it once (epic landslide) and can and will do it again if you don’t keep Illinois backassward, disincentivizing, and corrupt people and their ridiculous job killing policies OUT OF WISCONSIN! This starts with the village administrator, village (un) trustee and their cronies.
Honeymoon is over and it’s time y’all get reminded of what happens in a small town that tries to be a big city w big city rules. Their goal is to destroy the relationships that bind us together in small towns like Safety Lakes.
Just remember, always record every conversation with any village idiots. There will be a time when you will need to let the people of these communities know how badly their leaders have lost their way and fucked up beyond repair, the trust that used to exist in villages and towns.
U wanna be broke like Illinois and see your taxes-ALL OF THEM- increase by 30% overnight? Take your bullshit libtard broke ass laws, ordinances, regulations, and FIRE DISTRICTS back to where u dumbfuckers OBEY and these lying hypocrites rip off the taxpayers they claim to help – Illinois, Madison, Milwaukee, and of course Illinois!
Please!!! Citizens and residents of SE Kenosha County, KILL THIS MEGA FIRE DEPARTMENT BEFORE IT’s TOO LATE! The village admins aren’t telling us the true story and the tax consequences as well as immeasurable collateral damage this fairy tale idea would cause.
Invasion of Illinois far left, job killing, tax raising, anti business policies , exposed corruption, and extreme egos are bringing their dumbass expensive, arrogant, and condescending attorneys with them.
This has gotta tell u all u need to know about Ted kmiec, dan campion, mike Culata property acquisition scheme, tesar the terrible leader, ….. then there’s Brad Zero, as in zero help to the people of safety lakes, incompetence, intimidation, ZERO BUSINESS BEING where he currently occupies and stifles growth. ITS WORSE THAN BEFORE and only the beginning of what needs to happen in twin lakes, and Randall. Stop threatening the residents of worst case scenario world that we DONT LIVE IN, nor do we have the need for all this fancy Illinois shit wrapped up with a piece of cheddar cheese on it.
It always was and always will be a shitty smelling deal to the people who built these communities, relationships, businesses, and families. Risk is a concept that these people have never felt, nor contributed to anyone or anything other than themselves.
Arguing with idiots is exhausting and a waste of my time and every other business that was lied to.
Chickens are coming home to roost and drain the swamp AGAIN.
sounds like you need a hug.. or therapy
Join Twin Lakes, NEVER! The Village Government good old boy structure is out of control and not honest in their dealing with constituents for years! Do not go bad to worse over one issue!
The answer is to do exactly what they did in Salem Lakes – run a team and win! It will take two years to do but it could be done. I am starting to think this is a real alternative and not just shutting down the idea. If we contract out EMS we are giving up control anyway to those who have the biggest bargaining power and control. Let’s get that power into the hands of people we elected, not just a group we see across the street.
I thought NEVER too, when I first read the words. I am open to it now. It is worth discussing and listening.
Worth looking at but TL has some high taxes.
Change the board!
Consolidating = lower expenses for everyone. I agree, Salem Lakes took a bit to smooth things out but now they’re all (or mostly) better for it; they’re a good example. If each locale has its own administrative staff and expenses, it’s going to cost everyone more overall. I’m not an expert on getting state or fed funding, grants, etc.., but I’ve seen it in business.. centralizing and consolidation works. Just like each school being it’s own district- running each as a completely separate entity is expensive!
Not always true. Sometimes consolidation is cheaper and provides better service, sometimes not. You have to be careful not to buy the snake oil without checking it out.
Does anyone really think that if the feeder schools associated with Wilmot and Westosha Central each gave up their boards and current administration and ceded control to the high school board that anyone would be out of a job ??
Even if there was a single administration they would still have/need all the current people on site at each school on a daily basis.
You might cut a few here or there but no community is going to cede control to a distant board to save a quarter million in overhead.
Salem Lakes is over-spending. I wouldn’t use them as an example.
Maybe this fall Kevin can do a follow up on All the Changes that Rita (and the board) and the New Administrator have made over in Salem.
New Fire Chief and ommission.
Plus new and rehires !
Sales of Village owned Properties. Finally !
Overhaul of Village employees and wages and benefits.
And Last but Not Least, the Running Dollar Total that Cassandra (the New Administrator) and staff have managed to save (going forward) by reviewing and changing decades of contracts and procedures mistakes !
Last I heard it was over
a Half Million PER YEAR !
A lot more than her Supposedly over priced Salary !
Re election campaigns for these “New” Board members start in January.
I would like to see that bc it’s hardly the truth. I’d also like to see the spending cuts as well…I’m sure I’ll be waiting for a long while.
My vote is for Randy Kaskin
Unfortunately, you cannot change your vote while you are waiting for the ambulance. If you want a fully trained EMT to handle an emergency and to start an IV immediately or in the ambulance that might save the life of your family member or child and to save their life, vote for it. If you can wait until they get to a hospital and MAYBE be ok, that is a gamble. Not all rescue workers are trained the same. When it comes to health and emergencies, you need to have the best trained techs available to take care of your loved ones and, by the way, how about for yourself?
Stop the opinions. Contact the Town Boards. Tell them to vote for what is best to help your family and others. Money is not the issue.
EMTs can’t start IVs. Also, the paramedics on the private ambulances go to the same medic school as the FD medics. The private medics likely see more calls and have more experience than the rural EMTs.
EMTS IV’s… not now, (but I see that changing in the future), private v. fire based… i tend to disagree, unless your contracted to run out of a municipality, running grandma back to the nursing home doesn’t count. Rural EMS do have a challenge of call volume. all the more reason you need to be diligent with Cont. Ed. complacency will bite you. You got to have the right folks managing and ensuring competency.
How come no one wants to mention that the TL rescue is run privately. They want you to believe it’s a village rescue service but it’s privately run. So when the contracts come up ur comparing two separate private businesses. One was probably better and more trustworthy than the other. From what I heard TL rescue is trying to strong arm their way to win the bid for Randall and can’t take the fact they aren’t going to get it. Just another sign of the type of business it is. Honestly they need to dissolve all these small dept and make a north and a south and cover the whole county west of the interstate. Anything big they call surrounding full time dept anyway for help. Put the tax payers dollars to good use.
Myth #1: Consolidation saves money. Generally speaking it doesn’t save money however many run on that platform of cost savings. A County Dept would likely not save any dollars. It would likely bring stability and cohesion throughout providing tiered response to incidents and organization on a larger scale. Regionally you don’t see County run systems, although across the country there are many. There’s a lot of good folks out there trying real hard to do a good job. People expect services and appropriate response times and levels of care (ie: EMTP) individually that’s hard for many small municipalities to finance or staff.
The village also likes to say that they don’t have anything to do the FD/EMT’s. Yet there’s a hefty line item in the village budget that the village gives to the FD every year. But when you ask an elected official they will tell you they don’t have anything to do with them and they are a separate entity. Cool, then they should have no problem not accepting a check with quite a few zeros in it and give it back to the taxpayers.
So, who was appointed?