(Kenosha Police)
On Thursday, 11/08/24, our community watched as a school shooter threat unfolded. The suspect, 13-year-old Kenosha resident and Kenosha Unified School District student, was arrested at his home after he surrendered. There were no reported injuries resulting from this incident. The suspect has been charged with one count of Terroristic Threats. He is scheduled to make an initial appearance in court today at 11:30 AM.
Detectives executed a search warrant at the suspect’s home on 11/08/24 at 2:54 PM. During the search they found several air soft replica handguns and a replica rifle. The attached photos show the air soft toys that were located at the suspect’s home. No real firearms were located during the search. The suspect’s mother was cooperative during the course of our investigation and advised that the suspect does not have access to firearms. Rumors began to circle yesterday that the suspect’s mother was arrested. We want to clarify that no other arrests were made in connection to this investigation. Detectives interviewed the suspect who claimed to have gone to the school to sell candy. He later told a social worker that he went to the school with the intent to scare students.
Yesterday’s response was driven by the information we gathered throughout the initial investigation. The Kenosha Police Department had reason to believe the suspect had access to some type of firearm based on videos on social media and other witness information. The actions on scene were extremely suspicious and the internet activity by the suspect suggested they had extensive research history related to previous school shootings, information on how to execute a school shooting, and specifics about the targeted building. These are all concerns that resulted in our decision to safeguard all schools within the entire county until we could confirmed that there was no further threat.
Incidents like these remind us that our community is not exempt. We need to remain vigilant and be willing to say something if we see something. The Kenosha Police Department, Kenosha Unified School District, the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department, Kenosha Fire Department, Pleasant Prairie Police Department, and many other local stakeholders have invested many years of training and table top discussions to prepare for incidents like we saw yesterday. While yesterday’s incident did not result in unimaginable tragedy, it still had a powerful effect on many of us. We now know that the suspect’s intentions were displayed and shared with others well before the event unfolded and if reported earlier, we may have been able to intervene and provide resources that would have allowed us to avoid such an impactful incident in our community. As we try to process everything, we are encouraging everyone to have conversations with their children and talk about the importance of reporting suspicious activity. This link ( https://www.dhs.gov/see-something-say-something) will direct parents to the Department of Homeland Security’s “See Something, Say Something website, which provides many valuable resources.
The investigation is still ongoing. Anyone with information regarding the Roosevelt School threat please contact Detective Tim Cepress at 262-605-5261.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Nate DeBruin, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Nate DeBruin, Kenosha County Eye)
23 Responses
He knew exactly what he was doing. This was a test run to see how far he could get!
But guess what. Nothing will happen because no one has the balls enough to name the kid or his parents.
So fucking what? He is 13 and will get nothing.
He will get charged. Thats such a bias and dumb statement. He made national news, it won’t just “be nothing”
I don’t think you know what bias means
That is a 13 year old child. So no they aren’t going to release names so people like you can harass a family that you don’t know.
It was actually a suicide by cop attempt, until he got scared, that will come out next week.
They should post that fuck faces name. And the parents. Why tf isnt your kid in school?
Kid needs to act his age and grow up, hopefully he gets help and makes other kids think twice before being stupid!
No one can tell me KPD didn’t realize this at the time of the arrest and at the time of the public announcement.
I give them a D for how this was handled after the fact.
Yeah this stupid kid was wrong, especially in today’s world,and should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law.
That said, as I noted, schools should better better protected during school events.
Better lock down or security procedures. And trained armed guards.
Agree 100%! Kudos to the school staff. But bad move on behalf of KPD. Allowing a false narrative to fester doesn’t help anyone. Only causes people to distrust the police. We already know news media is fake and sensationalizes stories for clicks and headlines, but POLICE should be committed to maximum transparency and facts over fear-mongering. ANY cop should be able to tell based on that video it wasn’t a real gun. Still a dangerous situation. A kid walking around with what looks like (from a distance) to be a rifle is likely to be taken down by a REAL gun. And once lead is flying there’s always a chance more than the intended target gets hit. But the police should have shared all the facts in the initial presser. Anything less damages their future credibility. – Nik Clark – Chairman/President – Wisconsin Carry, Inc.
You’re getting D. Bergs D. Kpd did nothing wrong. You never know if in those fake guns was a real gun. It was handled appropriately. They were still investigating and didn’t have much info to say. You dumb fuck
My feelings are the staff at Roosevelt were phenomenal! Then, the staff at all KUSD and County schools jumped in to action to keep our kids safe. I feel that the coordination between KPD and The Sheriffs dept was excellent. If any of you feel you could have done better, sign up for the academy and you will find out what you can leak to the public and what you can’t.
It all comes down to parenting! This parent should know that their child is not acting out for the first time. Why wasn’t he in school and if the child skipped without the parent’s knowledge, the school would have contacted the parent earlier in the day! If the parent makes excuses for his behavior, this family is definitely dysfunctional and needs serious intervention before it’s too late!
This happened at 9:02 am. Mahone starts at 8:40 am. They would barely have taken attendance and would be processing that info to call parents about absences.
He was seen the day before doing the same thing. This kid wasn’t not in school
I commend this teacher and KPD for everything they did to shut this down. I have heard from a couple sources that at least one teacher at Mahine was made aware of this kid and his possible intentions and she blew it off. This teacher must be held accountable for what could have unfolded that she blew off.
The teacher at Roosevelt did a great job.
But maybe we should not be so quick to commend the police and school district.
This story needs to be considered:
Parent claims Kenosha PD missed a red flag before school shooting scare https://www.tmj4.com/about-us/lighthouse/parent-claims-kenosha-pd-missed-a-red-flag-before-school-shooting-scare
Maybe that’s why this kid wasn’t in school—could he have been expelled? They should’ve intervened sooner. Thank God he didn’t have access to real weapons. This kid clearly needs help, but there’s no easy fix. Do we lock him up until he’s an adult? Then, when he gets out, he’s even more angry and turns to violence. There’s something deeply wrong, and often there are warning signs that get ignored or overlooked. So many kids grow up in terrible circumstances and never get the support they so desperately need.
Did they ever find the “duffle bags “ because we still don’t know what was in there ? Look at who he communicates with on game sites , social media because you never know who might give him what he needs to actually commit what he wants to do .
The little shit sure does look the look and fits the profile of a deranged kid that would shoot up a school. Fucking America is going down the toilet.
Hold on …… folks are starting to put the Nazicrats in check now ..