Kenosha Unified Headquarters
(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
A handful of people have been asking me the same question lately: “Why are you picking on KUSD?” The answer is simple. I follow the leads and tips. KCE is bigger than just me. It’s a network of patriots that see something and say something. I get dozens of tips every week. Lately, they have been saturated with complaints about KUSD.
Do I hold an animus against KUSD? No. That might sound disingenuous. It’s not. My kids, both in high school, have had great teachers. We’ve been lucky. Unfortunately they both had accused groomer Christin Enwright as a teacher, but other than him, they were blessed with wonderful educators. My kids’ principals, Angela Andersson and Scott Hodges, I found to be incompetent boobs. However, the teachers at KTEC were top-notch.
Does it really matter that the principals were terrible? Not really. They weren’t in the classrooms every day with my kids. Do I think the top two administrators at KUSD are incompetent and lack the morals and courage to do the right thing? Yes. Superintendent Jeff Weiss ($233,376) and Chief of School Leadership William Haitcock ($177,311) suck. They don’t care about our kids. But most of the teachers do. That’s why I think my kids’ experience at KUSD has been good – because of the teachers.
I like my children’s’ principal and think he does a great job. So I’m not picking on KUSD, per se. I’m just following the evidence, and the evidence seems to point to systemic failure of school leadership. The board, ran by six democrats and one republican, allow the top two administrators to do whatever they want with no consequences. They keep doing the same thing and expect different results. Isn’t that the definition of insanity? Now they want to raise our taxes. You know how you can fix KUSD with not one penny spent, fire Jeff Weiss and William Haitcock. It’s free.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
If you are reading this and you live in Pleasant Prairie, Somers, or Kenosha and you want to affect change, vote for that change. We need a new school board that will fire Jeff Weiss and replace him with an administrator who gives a shit about our kids, Weiss a Racine County resident doesn’t care about what happens in this community, he’s not a part of this community.
In conclusion, you are seeing many stories about KUSD because KUSD leadership is chaos and the furits of that chaos is what you’re reading here day after day.

Have a great weekend and thank-you for reading!
48 Responses
I couldn’t agree more. Please keep reporting on the tips you get. KUSD takes the biggest chunk of our property tax dollars, and the Board/Administration are the worst government entity to deal with for taxpayers. They don’t care what parents or taxpayers want.
What has Weiss done to earn his HUGE salary?
Closed schools…
Oh wait, they are showing a larger deficit for next year!
Keep up the good work!
Thanks for letting me know especially at indian trails… Let’s see what the DA will do if she well charge them or let them go like the first teacher that was grooming a child
I thought the School Board had 5 Democrats and 2 Republicans?
Schmaling is only conservative
Keep pushing, Kevin. This publication is the only source we have for what’s actually going on in our town.
KUSD has been a mess for over 20 years, and you’re finally uncovering the systemic failures perpetrated by administrators and teachers alike.
Keep shining the light!
Lmao who downvoted that?
“No, I don’t want you to bring the pedos and corruption out, I want to pretend the school is great!”
Please follow the Curtis Tolefree case.
Well known challenge is “If you don’t say or do something nothing will ever change”
Of course people in Kenosha give up when no matter how many times they see the same issues brought up nothing happens–been going on for years and years.
So now it’s likely not a case of deeper digging by KCE, but more of a case that parents and others now know that indeed something will be done only because of Kenosha County Eye.
Some positive stories would be good to offset the doom and gloom. 🙂 But it’s not like you are fabricating these stories, all are truth and thank you for your excellent reporting.
Keep up the great work, KCE. I appreciate you shining a light on topics/news we otherwise may not know about. Thank you for doing what you do!
As someone said maybe a couple of positive stories about the many fine teachers out there. The administrators are usually, in my experience, lazy worthless people who add zero value to the education system. Weiss is a total zero.
You don’t have to explain yourself! I really appreciate it!
Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.
I “love” when verses are used out of context LMAO
I certainly will judge this District for too many reasons. They especially need to be transparent and stop gaslighting the community. They mismanage way too much $$. They need hard looks in the mirror. Because all we see are the children coming out worde than when they came in. BOOM
I think we are all tired of reading about KUSD. But that’s no excuse to piss on the messenger.
What I’d like to know is whether the number of personnel issues at KUSD is out of synch with other comparable school districts — better, worse or the same?
RUSD is bad too. My daughter is constantly emailing or having personal conversations with the principal and its mostly complaints about the teachers. And that is at SC Johnsons. Its not the worst school but its not the best either. She is fed up!
Unless you have someone or something like KCE it’s not like any public school system is going to self report. Actually public school probably work pretty hard to smooth over anything that might get the taxpayer riled up.
The fact that bad public school employees with issues seem to travel from one district to the next pretty much illustrates how the system works.
Mic drop you nailed it
to compare to other schools ?
Other than for people looking to move into a district or out. Though I do see your point.
People usually buy the neighborhood. And with the way buying a house is these days it’s not like you get much of a choice anymore. Almost easier to open enroll to where you want to go. Though you then have to drive your kid everyday.
Bristol was thought to be a good school until a kid pulled a knife and the school didn’t call the police until someone finally did many hours later. Been a Payton Place ever since.
Salem school as big as it is has got its own problems. Silver Lake too.
Do you really think any school is going to disclose their own problems without a FOIA ?
Kevin allows guest contributors to submit a story. Why don’t you FOIA every school district around asking for all disciplinary files available. Both teachers and students. Write the whole story.
Inquiring minds want to know
Majority of people that get offended or complain about a system getting exposed don’t have a connection. If they had kids in the system they would change their tune and would want to know. Closed mouths don’t get fed so stand up for your county and the ones that show what’s really going on. If it weren’t for KCE a lot of people would continue to rob our systems blind!!!!!!!
If you’re not up on what God Send means,
“Godsend is a noun which means ‘an unexpected thing or event (or person) that is particularly welcome and timely, as if sent by God.”
Cambridge Dictionary Dictionary.com.
Donald John Trump comes to mind.
Yes Kevin, I put you up there with Trump as a person in the right place at the right time !
Idolatry is a dangerous thing.
There are different levels of idolatry.
Though I didn’t use the word idol, you did.
As for Godsend. Yes I did write that. Because there are different levels of how much you want to shower someone with admiration.
And In the context of Devine Intervention when talking about Trump dodging a bullet, it’s the level of your belief, if any, in a higher power.
Godsend is my word to use here.
Putting Kevin Mathewson up as a person to be thankful for is just as opposite as putting down the Kenosha News for expecting people to buy their newspapers while they ignore the things that most people find important.
Name me one other source around our area where you can find out the information that Kevin is providing ?
Any other source that by reporting on and exposing people that supposedly are looking out for the best interests of our children, is part of the transformation of our government both local and beyond ?
Kevin is not my idol or should be anyones idol. But to recognize his excellence and fortitude to not being afraid of exposing the truth, that needs to be recognized and celebrated !
My level of appreciation is different from yours. And that’s ok
something good that happens unexpectedly, especially at a time when it is needed:
Funny I didn’t see the given definition as in your post. But then again I couldn’t find the “Cambridge Dictionary Dictionary.com.” you seem to be using either.
I just Googled the definition of God send so that I would be sure I was using the word(s) correctly.
Google is now using AI to answer questions as the first listing. It cited the Cambridge dictionary as a source it used.
A quote of a quote.
As stated in an earlier post here, anyone’s level belief is just that, their own level of belief.
And that my friend, is what Freedom and a Free Press is all About !!
We need updates on……
~Curtiss Tolefree
~Mike Russell
~Anne Marie Crocker
Also maybe go after RUSD as well. Racine county eye isn’t doing it so.
Nothing says: “IDIOT” more than having an overpriced drink cup.
Sunlight is the only disinfectant. Keep shining the light.
I don’t have any kids in the system, but KUSD represents a big part of my tax dollars. Even without kids, I wanted to live in a district with good schools, because good schools make a better town. So yes, keep reporting on KUSD’s shortcomings and hopefully we can fix some of them.
This is why children need an involved parent. One can navigate and assist children to learn and grow even surrounded by evil.
Never compromise our republic for power!
Weiss would like nothing more than for KCE to stop exposing the truth. He wants residents to approve a multi-million dollar referendum in February to enhance the safety for the kids because kids safety is a “top priority”! He’s so full of shit it’s coming out of his ears! He does nothing to get rid of awful teachers and refuses to address the public as to why he protects pedophiles, drunks, druggies, groomers, and even Nazi KUSD staff members. Weiss has to go!!!
Curtis Tolefree final pre-trial hearing is scheduled for 12/9/2024 @2:00pm, branch 4 courtroom 117. Jury selection scheduled for 1/6/2025 at 8:30am
That dude and his shady avoidance of trial and the city’s incompetence … 4 freaking years. I have zero trust in the city to not drop these charges in the end and shove this under a rug.
KUSD is LYING about the 25 million dollar PER YEAR referendum being “about security”. I didn’t see one single dollar earmarked for this. If it was about security, you can bet the state would secure additional one-time funding to revamp entry areas. It isn’t though… So they won’t be asked to fund that. This is about keeping legacy positions of people who should have retired 10 years ago still on staff with fat paychecks. Again, it doesn’t seem to be about the teachers as much as it is about funding an outdated long overdue system where downsizing is needed at the KUSD administrator level. Fewer students, fewer teachers may be needed. That’s just reality. Stop paying for this nonsense. Make sure you get out and vote against this funding in February and take others with you. Get the word out too. Fire fighters and police work hard too, do you think you should pay $300+ per household in extra taxes or have your rents go up $300+ a year because your landlord is stuck with that bill?
You should learn to listen better. Go back and watch the board meetings.