On January 5, 2021, Kyle Rittenhouse had a couple of beers with his friends and mother. On January 8, 2021 an anonymous person with an email account named “Lily of the Trenches” sent an email to violence advocate Whitney Cabal and news agencies including the Kenosha County Eye. The email said “Kyle Rittenhouse felony bail jumping? It included a photo of Kyle inside the bar. Whitney, also known as “Billy Violet” took the bait. She called the police and drove to this bar. She gave police her fake name but the police were smarter than her and quickly learned her identity. She told police she is a “civil rights activist”. She harassed a police officer and live streamed this encounter. (See video below). The command staff and police officers of the Mt. Pleasant police department took the complaint seriously but quickly concluded that Kyle didn’t do anything illegal. In Wisconsin, you can legally drink under the age of 21 if your parent or spouse is with you.
DA Graveley (D) and Assistant DA Thomas Clair Binger (D) sent a Kenosha Police evidence technician to the bar to gather surveillance videos. For what? The police closed the case. The liberal duo then asked the court to modify non-monetary conditions of Rittenhouse’s bond. They typed up an 8-page document talking about white-supremacy and militias. They meticulously went through 90 minutes of 4 camera angles and produced still images and a video that they submitted to the judge. Strangely, Rittenhouse’s attorney responded and didn’t oppose the Judge ordering Kyle not to consume or posses alcohol. Judges usually only prohibit alcohol use if the alleged crime involved intoxication. So, once the Judge amends the bond, Kyle would be charged with a felony count of bail-jumping if he drinks a sip of beer. In Wisconsin, if the underlying charge is thrown out, or won at a jury trial, the bail-jumping charge still remains and carries a penalty of up to six years in prison. Why would Kyle’s lawyer let the DA put more rules that risk a felony charge? The DA’s motion, the photos, and the response can be read by clicking here. The Kenosha County Eye has obtained the surveillance video footage in raw format, and the video doesn’t jive well with the prosecutor’s statements.
We are left with several questions. Who is “Lily of the Trenches?” Why is the DA clinging to every little argument to link Kyle to white supremacists and racist groups? According to Kyle’s lawyer, there has been no evidence produced that suggest either. Is the DA nervous that his case is too week? Kenosha is good for about 7 shootings a week, why is the DA wasting valuable police time on non-crimes? Let’s see what the Judge says. As of publication time, there is no hearing set on the court’s calendar.
To view the entire Mt. Pleasant Police Report, click here.

One Response
Take notice readers ! This article is filled with hyperlinks to photos, police reports and the D.A.’s motion to change conditions of terms of bail against Rittenhouse. The Kenosha County D.A’s office has accused Rittenhouse of affiliation with terrorist people without identifying any names. If you read the police reports there wasn’t any patrons named affiliated with terrorist groups. Appears to me the real terrorist are members within the Kenosha D.A.’s abusing their power of selective prosecution, denial of equal protection of the law and slandering Rittenhouse without facts. OK? OK ! OK/Ok oK…………….. OK OK OK OK OK, and any form of the gesture OK is symbolic to white power according to Gravely and Binger. These two asswipes of D.A ‘s have a reason to be paranoid being they they have politically prosecuted Rittenhouse and have failed to provide equal protection of the law to “the Kenosha Kid “. Another reminder to the readers is D.A. Gravely and ADA Thomas Binger has yet to issue any criminal charges against Gaige Grosskreutz for criminal acts and misconduct during the riots. Gravely and Binger are politicly vile and dispicable public serpents.