The new 364 spot parking garage was a pet project of Kenosha Mayor John Antaramian (D). He thinks it will help revitalize downtown. It cost the city a whopping $8,000,000 and of course, went over budget by about $400,000. The Mayor however will have the police ticket and perhaps tow vehicles that are parked here between the hours of 3 and 5am. That means for us responsible drinkers who enjoy White Claws or fermented malt beverages will be faced with two bad choices:
Leave your car in the garage and take an Uber / Lift home – pick up your car the next day along with a hefty citation.
Drive home under the influence.
One is of course worse, but both aren’t fun.
Some see this as a revenue-generator for the City. “This is Wisconsin for crying out loud! There are many destinations downtown with delicious adult beverages. Why not let us park overnight and return in the morning?” said a City resident. Alternate side parking is one such revenue generator. The City issues thousands of tickets when there isn’t a spec of snow on the ground. We reached out to Mayor Antaramian to see if this goal was to generate more money, or if the common sense mistake was an oversight. We haven’t heard back from him, but it is unknown if he gets reception in his basement.
6 Responses
I mean….even more so common sense would dictate to park on the street since the places downtown are empty half the time and keep your car there overnight.
You can bet the vehicles connected to the Stella will not be towed or ticketed even if they are left there for days . Just another way to squeeze the life out of Downtown business.
Does anyone really believe any political person in this city gives a shit? Murder the other day and a shooting last night, where’s the people like Andy berg, and billy. The ones that want to be so vocal about change. But very silent when this shit is destroying our city! The down town area will remain empty, people are going to be afraid to leave their homes with all the violence. And now that the big bad people like berg and billy will get everyone back riled up as soon as rittenhouse trial starts. But we will push these other murders under the rug and remain quiet I suppose. It don’t fit the agenda of most.
We are going to raise revenue this way is a joke.
When is the mayor up for re-election?