“When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.”
― Fred Rogers
On May 9, 2019, this community saw helpers. Martice Fuller is accused of murdering his ex-girlfriend Kaylie Juga and attempting to murder her mother, Stephanie Juga. There are many heroes that emerged in this tremendous tragedy, but we are focusing on four today. The first hero in this story, Stephanie Juga, who called 9-1-1 after almost being killed herself. She kept her cool and correctly gave dispatchers her address and the details of what happened. She testified today at Fuller’s trial that she was attempting to give her daughter CPR even with several bullet holes in her, bleeding heavily from her wrist and chest. “It hurt very badly, but I wanted to help Kaylie.” she said. She would have been safer staying in the bathroom where she initially barricaded herself, but she emerged to help her little girl. She didn’t see the assailant leave the home. He could have still been in the house.
The Juga home is in the jurisdiction of the Kenosha Police Department. This didn’t stop three deputies with the Sheriff’s department from responding within 3 minutes. Deputy Eckert testified yesterday that “it’s about saving lives, at that point it’s not about jurisdiction.” Eckert had already completed his shift when he heard the emergency radio calling for officers to respond to an active shooter. He flipped on his lights and sirens without a second thought and got there quickly, as did two of his partners, Lt. Beranis and Deputy Lanctot. Lanctot had not yet started his shift. Together they all have over 50 years of service with the Sheriff’s department. They went immediately into the home with seemingly no regard for their own safety. Deputy Eckert heard the plea of a desperate mother and he went upstairs without hesitation. He and Deputy Wagner carried Kaylie Juga out of the house so that paramedics could work on her. He placed a chest seal on one of her wounds and continued CPR. Another Deputy brought Stephanie in his squad car to a nearby ambulance. In a scene like this, rescue personnel can’t immediately go inside, as they aren’t equipped or trained to protect themselves against armed gunmen. They “stage” until the scene is clear. The scene was not clear, there was a locked bedroom where police thought the crazed gunman was hiding. The swat team later used an explosive device to open the locked door and eventually it was determined that Fuller was no longer in the home.
These four individuals need our prayers and gratitude. They will likely not soon forget these senseless crimes. By all accounts, Kaylie was well-loved by her friends, family and everyone who knew her. A beautiful young woman who had a lifetime of love to give. While her wounds were too severe for her life to be saved, four brave souls risked theirs to become helpers, as Mr. Rogers remembers. When we look back at this story, let’s remember the sweet girl named Kaylie Juga. Let’s remember her loving mother and family. Let’s remember these law-enforcement officers who are American Heroes.

9 Responses
100% HEROS along with countless other ls within the DA office, KPD, sheriffs department, EMTs and everyone else that responded, assisted in attempts to save my daughters life.
May.9th, while watching the news coverage, my granddaughter stated see knew that neighborhood.
I replied “ I don’t believe so, and explained this neighborhood was far away on south side the other side of town.” She remained persistent and informed me that her older sister has a friend living in that neighborhood, and she’s plays on the same baseball team with my oldest granddaughter. Shortly after that, she told me, something did feel right and she was going to walk home. An hour later my daughter called and informed me of that Kaylie was the victim of murdered. My heart sunk with disbelief as the images of Kaylie, the Kenosha Fusion Teammates, families, and my granddaughter. Kylies life was taken, and along with it, so many pieces of the hearts,??
Still no response or post from activist or “supervisor “ like berg. Another political person who don’t care unless it is involving officers. Pay attention Kenosha.
Who cares? He is a fucking nobody. We don’t need any post from that fucking clown. He has zero power in anything.
He lives in the fucking hood and can’t even pay his taxes.
It’s encouraging to hear something positive about Kenosha law enforcement. When I finally had the guts to call in my abuser, 9 (nine) squads showed up to take him in. Maybe they do care. Or maybe they just hate Kit Fucking Stilwell that much.
Your comment doesn’t make much sense because your grammar and sentence structure are horrendous. I’m assuming that your granddaughter knew the neighborhood and DIDN’T feel right so she walked home and your daughter informed you that Kaylie was the victim of murder (not murdered) . I’d suggest that you proofread what you type before you post it, because it just makes you look silly and uneducated to the people reading the comments.
My thoughts exactly on Georgianna’s post. I had to reread the post over and over (about 4xs) just to get any clarity on what she was talking about. So confusing.
Such a tragedy all around.
It’s unfortunate this kid threw his life away at 15 and ended someone else’s because he thought he had no choice. This kid could have transferred to another school or matured a few years and realized pretty much all relationships in your teens are meaningless in the grand scheme of life. Not hard to notice that there is no mention of his father or any role model who could have talked some sense into this kid……his mother seems like a whacko ghetto POS and he likely had no chance from the beginning.
His father helped get him out of town after the murder. And was part of jury tampering. Bunch of low life losers