Kenosha fire-fighter Kerry Poltrock was arrested on June 5, 2020 by Kenosha Police. His wife alleged that she was frequently physically abused by Poltrock. She later asked a court commissioner for a restraining order. After Poltrock admitted to the physical abuse, the restraining order was granted until 2024.

Kenosha County district attorney Mike Graveley asked for a special prosecutor in this case – like he usually does when he wants to cut a break to somebody because of their status in the community. The Racine DA was appointed.

Even with abundant amount of evidence including photos of injuries on his wife and him admitting under oath to the violence, Patricia Hanson’s Deputy gave him a sweet deal. Charged were three counts of domestic battery and three counts of domestic abuse disorderly conduct. All but one count of domestic battery was dismissed outright and the final count will be dismissed in a year if Poltrock stays out of trouble. The Racine DA’s office did not respond to our request for explanation.
Family Court
Mike Graveley has no authority in family Court to help Poltrock. A court trial will likely be conducted this year for Poltrock’s divorce and custody action. The GAL in a family case, or Guardian Ad Litem, is an attorney that represents the best interest of the children. Local attorney Mike Masnika is the GAL. He has twice recommended that the children have zero contact with Poltrock. According to a spokesman for the Kenosha County Sheriff’s department, there is still an active sexual assault investigation against Poltrock. More and more allegations are coming forward from the children’s’ counselor. Hanson refuses to charge any of the sexual assault crimes. The Sheriff’s Department, however, is not closing its case. The counselor also recommended to the court that Poltrock have no visitation with his children.
Meanwhile, Poltrock remains on the job and is responding to medical emergencies and fire calls.

Most police officers and firefighter /paramedics in Kenosha are hard-working heroes, but when they mess up they need to be treated the same as everybody else in the criminal justice system.
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Once again, the KCE tells the story that other local media will not tell. Please keep up the good work!