T. Clair Binger is the prosecutor who was tasked by Kenosha County DA Mike Graveley to do everything he can to put Kyle Rittenhouse behind bars. About a year ago, Kyle Rittenhouse, 17 at the time, shot three men in apparent self-defense during the Kenosha Riots. Two of these men died. One was a pedophile and the other, a convicted woman-beater. The man who survived had a similar rap-sheet that compares to a CVS receipt. Binger has been filing a series of “other acts” motions. These are motions that ask the Judge to allow the introduction of evidence of acts other than those alleged in the crime to demonstrate a pattern of criminal acts.
Last week, Binger also filed a motion to compel Rittenhouse’s defense team, including Attorney Mark Richards to turn over a list of all of the donors to Rittenhouse’s defense from “Fightback Foundation”. Richards had already told Binger in an email dated August 16, 2021 that he didn’t have this information. In a letter to the Judge obtained by the KCE late Friday, Richards takes issue with Binger’s motion. He wrote:
“As stated in my (email), my office has no access to or control of any information regarding ‘donated money to or purchased merchandise from any website, foundation, or organization whose primary purpose is to support Mr. Rittenhouse,’ Moreover, my office has absolutely no contact in any capacity with the Fightback Foundation.”
And later,
“I have been a criminal defense practitioner for over 30 years and know of absolutely no circumstances wherein the state or federal government is entitled to know who pays me, my office, or how much they have paid me.”
Released Document

We can all likely expect to see more motions to admit “other acts”. After all, every time Binger submits such grandstanding motions, the media blankets the internet with the new allegations. Binger seems to like the attention and is getting more and more reckless. Maybe that’s why Binger filed private emails on August 18, 2021 labeled as State’s Exhibit A with the circuit court.
Here is what we learned from the document:
Prosecutors may believe that the leader of the proud boys has a hat autographed by Rittenhouse that is signed “KR – Your biggest fan Kyle Rittenhouse”
The Kenosha DA’s office seemingly hired an expensive media consultant named Paul Katz out of Washington, DC to seemingly help analyze videos and photos from August 25, 2020. At the least, they are getting emails from the media consultant.
Prosecutors are looking into potential allegations that Kyle was heard saying “I’d be safe but stay vicious” on video.
DA Graveley, not assigned to the Rittenhouse case, is participating in the prosecution behind the scenes emailing with an “Adam Weaver”
Binger seemingly has only 4 folders in his email account. They are, Chrystul Kizer, CLE Reporting, Guy Smith, and Jacob Blake
Binger isn’t on the Chrystul Kizer case, but he might have a role in that case behind the scenes. A petition for review is being considered by the Wisconsin Supreme Court.
Guy Smith – he was prosecuted several years ago by Binger, a fierce opponent of the second amendment. Smith was driving through Kenosha in a big rig, and a state Trooper noticed a gun in the truck in plain view. The Wisconsin State Police told us that they only arrested Smith because the Kenosha DA’s office told them to. Binger knew that the state’s concealed carry law allows folks to carry guns openly. Instead of a swift dismissal, he waited until the morning of trial to dismiss the charges – only after Smith’s out-of-state lawyer flew in unnecessarily. Wisconsin’s leading second amendment group Wisconsin Carry, Inc sponsored the legal defense. Binger would later take action to prevent Smith from getting his gun back in a timely manner. We don’t know why this case is still on Binger’s radar.

Opinion: Is Kyle doing some things that we all think he shouldn’t be doing? I think we can all agree on that – maybe he is doing things that don’t look good. He just turned 18 years old. He went from being a resident of small-town, USA to a world-known public figure. It’s got to be tough. Kyle didn’t do anything wrong and was only protecting his life and others’. He will not be convicted. But this isn’t stopping T. Clair from trying his best to make Kyle look bad. Except this stuff isn’t relevant to the case.
We look at it this way – if Sheriff Beth, Mayor Antaramian, County Executive Jim Kreuser and Governor Tony Evers would have had the courage to fight the rioters, Kyle would be living a normal life today. He isn’t. He’s a young kid whose life will always be tough. He’s facing life in prison because of politics. Kenosha DA Mike Graveley needs to leave his hatred of the second and first amendments at the door and immediately dismiss all charges.
The Kenosha County Eye would like to thank “Circle Back” for contributing to our investigation into the Rittenhouse case.
4 Responses
Good article.
Both Gravely and Binger are bias political hacks who has violated Rittenhouse’s right to equal protection of the law under the 14th. Amendment and Wisconsin self defense statutes. Last year I submitted the following video into the Kenosha District attorney’s office to be used for consideration as evidence. It’s 1 hour nine minutes long and worth taking the time to watch.
In the Guy Smith case, there were hundreds of emails and letters which I secured thru an open records request. The emails and letters supported Mr. Smith and numerous emals contained disparaging comments directed towards Binger and Gravely. Both Gravely and Binger have violated their oath of office concerning the prosecution of both Smith and Rittenhouse, which makes Gravely and Binger public serpants.
If you have verifiable evidence and you want to discuss it on my Youtube show, let me know. Just email me at johnniewalkerdread@gmail.com
Impecable! They should be impeached and prosecuted.
Thank you Mr. K.M.
“ We look at it this way – if Sheriff Beth, Mayor Antaramian, County Executive Jim Kreuser and Governor Tony Evers would have had the courage to fight the rioters, Kyle would be living a normal life today”