We told you yesterday about some new revelations in the Kyle Rittenhouse case. We told you that Kenosha Prosecutors are working with, or at least communicating with, a media consultant called Paul Katz. We reviewed some tweets. This potential expert witness’ tweets tell us some important things about him:
He is a far-leftist that has a strong bias against Kyle Rittenhouse.
It seems that he has had some interaction with Deneen Smith (D), a reporter from the Kenosha News who’s anti-Rittenhouse bias is evident in her reporting.
He hates Donald Trump
He refers to police officers as “fascist punk(s)”
He refers to Trump Supporters as “Nazis”
We used allmytweets.com to archive at least a few thousand tweets as we were told that Katz is blocking other Twitter users. Click here to read them. A few of the ones that stuck out to us are below.
What does this mean for the case? If this man is being paid as an expert witness, Rittenhouse’s attorneys will likely challenge his clear bias. It is also possible that Katz is sending Binger unsolicited messages. The DA’s office needs to explain itself soon.
We reached out to Katz, Binger, and Graveley. None of them wanted to comment.

9 Responses
Am I reading correctly that the prosecution secretly paid a 3rd party, who is currently ‘tainting the jury pool’? Are there others that they are also paying for ‘advice’?
We believe so, although Graveley won’t talk to us to confirm.
An open records request should resolve the question of involvement.
Birds of a feather flock together. More shame on the Office of District Attorney in Kenosha County, WI. There is sinister activity when their own people have on going contact with a gaslighter like Paul A Katz and a Fake News reporter who calls last summer’s riots a peaceful protest. No integrity and Totally Disgusting, Graveley! I wonder how many other communities Paul A Katz fanned the fires of hatred, riots, burning, looting, and killing. I think KCE has exposed a major communist agitator behind the scenes of the civil unrest taking place in America and he has a friend in our DA’s office.
I’m sad to say that, after the fake trial in Minnesota, our legal system is as overrun with leftists as is the legislative and executive branches.
Can I PLEASE get a citation that Paul Katz is working with Binger? I have debated his stupidity on Youtube multiple times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AMWJZfxo1ak&t=439s
I’m surprised they don’t hire the idiots like cardnilli that think they are Kenosha’s saviors, and know it all
Once again, absolutely superb reporting KCE!
“Lee Enterprises” owns almost ALL Wisco “newspapers”.
Follow the money.
These gatekeepers and apparatchiks have a very false sense of security. They think they are beyond reproach.
Nothing could be further from THE TRUTH.
“Sunlight is the best disinfectant”
Hi Deneen!