Jim Kraus, aka “Lunchbox”; “The Penguin”; “Bigboy” has been targeting The Kenosha County Eye (KCE) throughout the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. As many of you know, this publication has been criticizing Kraus, and the entire Kenosha DA’s office for quite some time for misconduct. We are currently litigating two pending lawsuits involving the Kenosha DA’s office for failure to turn over public records relating to two examples of this misconduct. For one, an employee of the DA’s office threatened her step-daughter with a gun and slapped her, per court documents. A judge issued a no-contact order against the employee, commanding her to stay away from the little girl. We also requested, and were denied, disciplinary records of a prosecutor ( Kraus’ wife) who botched the prosecution of a woman who allegedly shook a baby so violently, it caused permanent brain damage. This defendant had her case dismissed without receiving any repercussions for her alleged actions.
Kraus has also been putting (KCE) Editor, Kevin Mathewson on witness lists for trials in which he is not a witness. He has also been sending police officers to his house to personally serve the subpoenas, which are customarily mailed to witnesses. Why is he doing this? To keep Mathewson away from the defense table. During trials, Mathewson often sits with defense attorneys and offers clerical and investigative assistance. The DA’s office doesn’t like this. Perhaps he is too skilled at criminal defense investigations for their comfort. If he is subpoenaed, he can’t be in the court room for the trial. Kraus knows this, and is exploiting it. There is a specific Supreme Court rule that prohibits this misconduct. Mathewson has complained to the Wisconsin Office of Lawyer Regulation (OLR) and they are reviewing the matter. Something tells us the OLR will have many more grievances to deal with involving “Lunchbox” from other concerned proponents of fair justice.
We have been getting a question almost every day for some time now; How do I complain about T. Clair Binger and James Kraus’ unethical behavior? It’s actually pretty easy. Simply email all of the folks below and tell them that their (Rittenhouse Prosecutors) brazen disregard for the Fifth Amendment and court orders cannot go unchecked.
OLR Administration
Director – timothy.samuelson@wicourts.gov
Deputy Director – Julie.spoke@wicourts.gov

Investigator – Jonathan.zeisser@wicourts.gov
Complaint Intake – olr.intake@wicourts.gov
See the video below:
16 Responses
I thought his nickname was Fatlock. Hadn’t heard Penguin.
I think his name should be BURGER KING- because he can tell some WHOPPERS (& HAS CONSUMED A GRACIOUS PLENTY TOO- I ASSUME)
Rekieta Law is the top left attorney who started this channel. He is the one who made an announcement in his last video verifying your website which is why I am here. I appreciate your advice about who to complain to because I have been livid and frustrated with the poor ethics of this prosecution. I am appalled at what I have heard. This is the message I sent to all three of those e-mails to complain:
Dear …,
My name is Spencer Ward and like I said in my subject, I am a 40-year-old American who is starting to lose faith in our so-called American legal system. Politics has clearly taken over and I am sad for this fact. I am highly disturbed by the sleazy prosecution in the Rittenhouse case. I see right through the unethical behavior that has been displayed during this trial. I’m sure I am not the only one who feels this way. I am sure if a mis-trial in this case occurs, that all the other pending trials that just happened to get pushed back past the Rittenhouse trial will “magically” get pushed back further… The whole country is watching. This is an embarrassment to all state prosecutors and those in law enforcement, frankly. The people who will allow such prosecutors to hold such an important position should be ashamed of themselves; Americans should be worried that this is potentially going on in their own states; all states should have a zero tolerance for such actions in a courtroom. It is the responsibility for the state prosecutors to deliver justice and not just to try and win. You do not have a right to make up facts, distort facts, manipulate a jury and be incapable of being forthcoming in the court of law. Playing games with constitutional rights as an experienced trial lawyer is ridiculous i.e. 5th amendment. I am disgusted by both of the prosecutor’s arguments and their sheer ignorance portrayed by many of their statements. That alone should be enough to embarrass the Kenosha DA team. Not to mention the tech guy who seemed to know nothing about what he was supposed to be an expert on. This also does not include the embarrassing unethical B.S. that has taken place. It is on full display, and anyone watching the trial has got to be thinking the same thing. Hopefully, there is a response to these poor lawyer decisions to show that this is not the standard in treating a case objectively.
Thank you for your time,
Spencer Ward
I have also been sending this message to the chat of these lawyer’s videos and will keep doing so:
Thank you for your insight of who the blogger site was that pissed off the the prosecution so much. I looked them up, the “Kenosha County Eye”. They give information of the three best e-mails to complain to express how disgusting this political prosecution has been. This was the three email contacts they recommended contacting were:
Director – timothy.samuelson@wicourts.gov
Deputy Director – Julie.spoke@wicourts.gov
Investigator – Jonathan.zeisser@wicourts.gov
You are a brave man to be doing these with these corrupt individuals who do have quite a bit of power unfortunately. Keep up the great work!
In this video it is Rekieta Law, top left attorney, who started the channel. He is the one who made an announcement in his last video verifying this website, which is why I am here. I appreciate your advice about who to complain to; I have been livid and frustrated with the poor ethics of this prosecution. I am appalled at what I have heard. This is the message I sent to all three of those e-mails to complain:
Dear …,
My name is Spencer Ward and like I said in my subject, I am a 40-year-old American who is starting to lose faith in our so-called American legal system. Politics has clearly taken over and I am sad for this fact. I am highly disturbed by the sleazy prosecution in the Rittenhouse case. I see right through the unethical behavior that has been displayed during this trial. I’m sure I am not the only one who feels this way. I am sure if a mis-trial in this case occurs, that all the other pending trials that just happened to get pushed back past the Rittenhouse trial will “magically” get pushed back further… The whole country is watching. This is an embarrassment to all state prosecutors and those in law enforcement, frankly. The people who will allow such prosecutors to hold such an important position should be ashamed of themselves; Americans should be worried that this is potentially going on in their own states; all states should have a zero tolerance for such actions in a courtroom. It is the responsibility for the state prosecutors to deliver justice and not just to try and win. You do not have a right to make up facts, distort facts, manipulate a jury and be incapable of being forthcoming in the court of law. Playing games with constitutional rights as an experienced trial lawyer is ridiculous i.e. 5th amendment. I am disgusted by both of the prosecutor’s arguments and their sheer ignorance portrayed by many of their statements. That alone should be enough to embarrass the Kenosha DA team. Not to mention the tech guy who seemed to know nothing about what he was supposed to be an expert on. This also does not include the embarrassing unethical B.S. that has taken place. It is on full display, and anyone watching the trial has got to be thinking the same thing. Hopefully, there is a response to these poor lawyer decisions to show that this is not the standard in treating a case objectively.
Thank you for your time,”
I have also been sending this message to the chat of these lawyer’s videos and will keep doing so:
Thank you for your insight of who the blogger site was that pissed off the the prosecution so much. I looked them up, the “Kenosha County Eye”. They give information of the three best e-mails to complain to express how disgusting this political prosecution has been. This was the three email contacts they recommended contacting were:
Director – timothy.samuelson@wicourts.gov
Deputy Director – Julie.spoke@wicourts.gov
Investigator – Jonathan.zeisser@wicourts.gov
You are a brave man to be doing these with these corrupt individuals who do have quite a bit of power unfortunately. Keep up the great work!
Is the rumor true about jumpkick man? Binger knew who he was and told him not to testify and in court both attorneys stated he has not been identified? A lot of journalists are saying his name now
Seems like it
i said this all along that there is no way the investigators/prosecutors did not know who jump kick man was. look at how many patriots from jan.6,2021 were identified by the methods the FBI has , like facial recognition and all of the cameras in stores that even clearer pictures existed. too bad kyle missed jump kick man. my husband says maybe kyle did not miss. where can i read the name of the creep jump kick man? hats off to the journalists that are brave enough to publish his name. NO DOUBT BINGER HAS KNOWN HIS IDENITY ALL ALONG- BINGER IS A CREEP, LIAR, LOSER IN DIRE NEED OF A STYLIST & BARBER!
There’s no way they don’t know who the first assailant is either. “back of head cheapshot” guy…
Just wait until you all hear about the DA’s shenanigans in the hearing on the motion for mistrial with prejudice.
If only prosecutorial misconduct could have the same consequences as the original charge(s) in the respective case. Evidently the presumption of innocence and a fair unbiased approach, tried on the facts and evidence is something of yesterday. This case was pure politics from beginning to end. An injustice to say the least.
His nickname should be “Great Value Drew Carey”.
I’m partial to Wideboy and Backdoor Binger.
There’s also Agent 47 and Hard R Richards on the defense.
update on previous post- yes- i see that it is assumed that maurice gohard freeman is jump kick man and that backdoor blinger and whopper knew it all along. how skummy and slimey and ickky can they get? blinger , i assume, commits perjury in his opening statements saying jump kick man is unable to be identified. backdoor blinger is so busted. water seeks its level. what a dirty dog. sad that he and whopper are officers of the court and are allowed to use and abuse the constitution of america. just plain pitiful. their momas did a terrible job of raising them.
Pretty sure Backdoor Binger aka Flufferboy will be taking a job as legal analyst at MSNBC soon.
Fatboy, he isn’t so lucky as there are no parachutes large enough.
How about Mr. Binger was handling of the Rittenhouse rifle in court? No muzzle dicipline whatsoever, aiming it apparently at people in the courtroom and jury with his finger in the trigger. Never checked the action to see if it was safe though I’m certain he does not know how. He has no idea about basic fire arm safety and was allowed to handle the rifle.
Equally amazing, I believe that there were four officers witnessing this . One Sheriff Deputy, two KPD Detectives and I thought the judge said a State Trooper was in the room and noboby attempted to stop this behavior. It wouldn’t surpise me one bit the the four officers are liberals against law abididing citizens from owning firearms, yet show no regards for gun safety in a courtroom.
Rittenhouse demonstrated perfect fire arm safety while carrying. I believe Binger should be charged with recklessly endangering others as well as 4 cops charged with accessory to the crime.
As Donald Trump Jr. T-shirts say, “Guns don’t kill people Alec Baldwin does.” This could have applied here as well.
NOT FUCKING GUILTY, BTW! But…we already knew that.