Detective Benjamin Antaramian of the Kenosha Police Department was promoted this morning, December 21, 2021 to the rank of Sergeant. It will be effective on January 1, 2022. This was a unanimous vote by the City’s Police and Fire commission. This police and Fire Commission is a five member group that were all appointed to their post by Mayor John Antaramian. He is close friends with at least four of the five members. John Antaramian has been the mayor for more than 20 years 1992-present (gap from 2008-2016). Ben’s uncle, Mayor John isn’t his only powerful family member. His Dad is the Kenosha City Attorney and his cousins are a state representative, a City Judge, and a County Board Supervisor.

Detective Antaramain was the lead detective in the case against Kyle Rittenhouse. He is the law enforcement officer who found probable cause that Rittenhouse committed intentional murder. His resume boasts a 100% arrest rate for his two appearances as lead detective. It doesn’t, however mention the conviction rate. We know it is as low as 50%. Rittenhouse was found not guilty, even with the powerful Antaramian family doing anything they could to avoid that.
It is unknown what Detective Antaramian’s assignment will be as Sergeant.
5 Responses
Y’all got a SERIOUS nepotism problem.
Diversity…such a strength!
I assume he is in the same bunch that let gauge gross arm off after his dui arrest right after kyle shot him? kenosha has some dirty dogs in power positions. yall need to vote out the good ole’ boys- they have all over stayed their welcome.
The unethical behavior of prosecutor T. Claire Binger seems to have been only the tip of the iceberg of Kenosha’s serious ethics issue. Horrible what the prosecution did to Nathan Debruin by asking him to change testimony & coercing him into recognizing pictures of Ziminski. Shameful!
Question for any locals. Any chance of kicking these bums out? Kenosha votes almost 50/50 in Presidential elections. The only fix is throw out mayor and DA
If you are not in the “Good Ole Boys Club” in Kenosha and you screw up, is the hammer ever coming down hard on you.
On the other side, if you are a member in good standing…. infraction? What infraction?
Crime? What crime?
Position? How about a promotion?
Relative? How about a job?
Thank goodness for the KCE.