Kenosha DA’s Failure To Turn Over Evidence Sparks Mistrial In High Profile Murder Case: Source

Kenosha DA Michael Graveley (D)

This past Monday, March 14, 2022, a jury was picked and ready to hear testimony for a high profile murder case here in Kenosha. Zachariah Anderson was ready to stand trial for 1st degree intentional murder, hiding a corpse, and two counts of stalking. He is accused of killing his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend, Rosalio Gutierrez, Jr on or about April 1, 2020. He is also accused of disposing of Rosalio’s body.

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Zachariah Anderson

Rosalio’s body has not yet been recovered, but almost two years later, the jury was hearing opening statements by DA Michael Graveley and Anderson’s defense attorneys on Tuesday. Today, the first witnesses for the prosecution were scheduled to take the stand. No witness would be sworn in today, however. According to a source inside the courtroom, the defense accused Graveley of not turning over a statement of a witness. After a brief discussion, Judge Bruce Schroeder declared a mistrial.

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Rosalio Gutierrez, Jr.

According to Fox6 News, Rosalio’s mother had temporarily relocated to Kenosha from Colorado for the trial and was happy to finally get justice. According to court records, however, they will need to wait another 6 months. The new jury trial is scheduled for September 12, 2022.

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Judge Bruce Schroeder
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

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We reached out to Anderson’s defense team and DA Graveley and didn’t immediately hear back.

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Our local newspaper has decided against writing a story about this.

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Kenosha Man Arrested in Major Drug Investigation, Faces Multiple Charges

Kevin MathewsonkenoshacountyeyeEdit Profile Kenosha, Wis. – A 42-year-old Kenosha man is being held on a $10,000 cash bail and faces serious drug-related charges after his arrest on Monday. Authorities took Lionel D. Jones into custody following a narcotics investigation, with evidence linking him to drug trafficking near a school zone. If convicted, Jones faces a potential prison sentence of over 60 years. Arrest and Charges On March 10, 2025, at approximately 12:34 p.m., Officer Carlos Gerena

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Kenosha Police Recommend Felony Charge for Racine Officer Amid Misconduct Investigation

Kenosha, Wis. – The Kenosha Police Department has recommended at least one felony charge against Racine Police Officer LaVontay Fenderson following an investigation into alleged misconduct. The Racine Police Department initially uncovered possible misconduct involving Fenderson last year. To ensure transparency and avoid a conflict of interest, Racine authorities requested that the Kenosha Police conduct an independent investigation into the matter. According to a spokesperson for the Kenosha Police Department, investigators have recommended one count of

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Chicago Man Acquitted of Disorderly Conduct in Kenosha Trial

Kenosha, Wis. – A jury has found 56-year-old Justin S. Blake of Chicago not guilty of disorderly conduct, nearly four years after he was initially cited for the offense. The six-member jury reached its verdict in less than 20 minutes on Monday, clearing Blake of the non-criminal charge stemming from an April 2021 protest outside the Kenosha Public Safety Building. Blake, the uncle of Jacob Blake—whose 2020 police shooting sparked widespread demonstrations—was originally cited for disorderly

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Racine Man Held on $2,500 Cash Bail After Serious Motorcycle Crash

Kenosha, Wis. – A Racine man is being held on a $2,500 cash bail after being charged with Knowingly Operating While Suspended (Causing Great Bodily Harm), a felony that could result in a prison sentence of up to three and a half years if convicted. Timothy L. Landry, 22, is accused of driving without a valid license and being involved in a vehicle-versus-motorcycle collision that nearly claimed the life of Antony Rivera-Valle. The crash occurred on

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Kenosha Man Faces Multiple Felony Charges, Accused of Witness Intimidation and Stalking

Kenosha, Wis. — A 43-year-old Kenosha man, Jason T. Barnhill, has been charged with multiple felonies, including Intimidating a Witness, Stalking, and Threats to Communicate Derogatory Information. He also faces a misdemeanor charge of Intimidating a Victim. Barnhill, a repeat offender, remains in custody at the Kenosha County Jail as he awaits his initial court appearance on March 20, 2025. Pending Criminal Cases Barnhill is already facing serious charges in two separate Kenosha County cases, 24CF1227

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Body Recovered from Lake Michigan at Kenosha’s Eichelman Park

Kenosha, Wis. – The Kenosha Police Department responded to Eichelman Park at approximately 4:55 p.m. Sunday afternoon after receiving a report of a body discovered in Lake Michigan. The park, located at 6135-3rd Avenue, was the site of an active recovery operation throughout the evening. Authorities initially restricted access to the park while police and emergency responders worked to retrieve the body from the water. At 8:54 p.m., the Kenosha Police Department issued an update confirming

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Body Cam Footage Contradicts Kenosha Activist’s Claims of Police Misconduct

Kenosha, Wis. – Newly released body cam footage obtained by KCE from the Kenosha Police Department (KPD) directly contradicts the claims made by self-described activist Ronnie D. Orr Jr., also known as “Ron Dean” on social media, regarding his recent arrest. Orr, 37, was taken into custody early Sunday morning outside Tavern on 6th for disorderly conduct and resisting arrest. Following the arrest, he launched a social media campaign, alleging excessive force and racial discrimination by

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Gordon Food Service Store in Pleasant Prairie to Close on March 15

Pleasant Prairie, Wis. – Gordon Food Service Store has announced the upcoming closure of its Pleasant Prairie location at 6905 75th Place, with its final day of operation set for Saturday, March 15. The company assured customers that regular business hours will remain in effect until closing day. While the physical store will shut its doors, Gordon Food Service’s Express Van Delivery Service will continue to serve customers in the Kenosha area, and online ordering will

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Kenosha Unified School District Investigates Allegations of Falsified Pupil Records

Kenosha, Wis. – The Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD) is actively investigating allegations that a staff member at Indian Trail High School and Academy altered pupil records to circumvent Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association (WIAA) eligibility rules. According to a source familiar with the matter, a receptionist at Indian Trail has been accused of modifying attendance records for varsity boys’ basketball players to ensure they remained eligible for competition. The district is currently deliberating on whether to

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Franksville Teen Held on $1M Bail for Mother’s Murder

Franksville, Wis. – A 14-year-old boy is being held on a $1 million cash bond after being charged with First Degree Intentional Homicide in connection with the brutal stabbing death of his mother. Reed Gelinskey appeared in court today following his arrest on March 4, when authorities responded to a distressing Snapchat message he allegedly sent to a friend, confessing to the crime. Disturbing Discovery According to the criminal complaint, officers from the Caledonia Police Department

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Racine Resident Charged in Kenosha Restaurant Brawl: Videos

Kenosha, Wis. – A Racine woman faces serious legal trouble after being charged with multiple offenses related to a violent altercation at a Kenosha restaurant. Makayla P. Smith, 20, was charged on Monday, March 3, 2025, with Battery, Disorderly Conduct/Use of a Dangerous Weapon, and two counts of Felony Bail-Jumping. If convicted, she could face more than 10 years behind bars. Smith was already wanted in Racine County at the time of her arrest, where she

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Milwaukee Man Faces Over a Dozen Felonies After High-Speed Chase Through Three Counties: Video

Kenosha County, Wis. – A 19-year-old Milwaukee man is facing numerous felony charges in both Milwaukee and Kenosha counties after leading police on a dangerous high-speed chase that spanned nearly 10 miles in Kenosha County alone and involved multiple law enforcement agencies. John A. Edmonds, was charged in Kenosha County on March 4, 2025 with eight counts of first-degree recklessly endangering safety and one count of attempting to flee or elude an officer. A Kenosha County

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10 Responses

  1. DA Graveley never ceases to amaze me. Most amazing, how does he even possess a license to practice law or still have a job? Has he even won a case in 2022? Wonder if the victims mother can file suit for relocation expenses and duress? Apparently there isn’t much over-site on DA’s in Wisconsin. If I remember correctly, even Zapf was somewhat held accountable even though I felt he should have been criminally charged. Seriously, Graveley appears to be either incompetent or downright lazy and unorganized. Seems to me he has the cognitive skills of Joe Biden. Yes, I’m going with that after counting to 25.

  2. The actions of the DA is unacceptable, in this case. My nephew, his grandmother and his sister deserve justice for the loss of his father, Rosalio. The DA should have been more then prepared for this hearing. Now the family has to wait longer.

  3. i have been missing out on kenosha kevin these last few days- i am binge reading tonight to catch up. good golly- there have been some fireworks. ok- we all are aware gravely is such a sorry excuse for a person in his position- i think he may have Alzheimer’s or something as such- what else would explain him being such a bumbling idiot. thank heavens the judge was smart enough to take notice of gravely’s mistake – had the judge not have called a mistrial- the murderer could have been set free for good- not just a delay. just another comedy of errors from the da office- standard operating proceedure.

    1. No excuse for this. The Defense attorney in this case is very good and has a lot of experience and my fear is that Rosalios family and friends won’t get justice for him due to an incompetent District Attorney. That would be a travesty! This case is mostly circumstantial and without having a body it is going to be essential that at the very least the Prosecution is organized and prepared. I want to give DA Gravely the benefit of the doubt but needless to say this not a good start and very concerning. I guess if there is a bright side, this gives the Prosecution another six months to make sure they are fully prepared and ready or better yet another six months to possibly find Rosalios remains.

  4. I am confussed. Both sides are ready. The jury is enpaneled. The State gives it’s opening statement.
    The Defense gives it’s opening statement.
    The witness is about to be called.
    Mistrial?? Why. Because the State referred to the wrong address in it’s opening statement.
    Shame on Defense, shame on Judge. Trial is about truth, facts. Either she went to the victim’s residence, or not.
    Everytime the State has something wrong, a mistrial is called, is unfair to the defendant and the taxpayer’s.
    When does “Double Jeaperdy” attach? Oh, after the State gets to get all of it’s addresses correct via mistrials.
    We all understand Brady violations but here the defense had the correct address of the victim’s residence, told the jury what it was. “No Brady violation” there – goes to witness credibility, for the jury to evaluate.
    We can safely say, the criminal complaint gives the correct address where police/investigators went for the welfare check. Where evidence of foul play was discovered, missing carpet, blood stains, blood splatter indicating multiple blows from object – “probably” where victim was murdered, or was he actually murdered in Saukville, Ozaukee County.
    Another good question for the Jury. No proof where the missing man was actually murdered/killed or that he is actually dead, Iikewise the actual murder weapon used.
    Of course all of us want the killer to pay for his crimes, but where the murder took place is extremely important and can not be proven, only speculated. What was the murder weapon, again can not be proven, speculated.
    Who can say forsure the victim was knocked unconscious, rolled up in a rug and killed later by knife or gunshot in another county.
    Facts, Proof, Innocent beyond a reasonable doubt, have been replaced by the D.A. ( State ) thinks and speculates it happened this way, so the defendant is guilty.
    How many billions have we paid to convicted U.S. citizens who were convicted and years later proven “onnocent” and how many have we “executed” and learned later they did not do the crime for which they were executed.
    Do we have Justice or do we have Vengeance.

    1. This fucker is not innocent. Rosalio was a great person. I hope this POS gets shanked during the 6 additional months he has sit in jail until his trial.

      By the way, it’s “Jeopardy” and not “Jeaperdy” you twat.

      1. And you know he’s not innocent how? There’s no body. No murder weapon. No evidence putting him anywhere near the crime scene that day. No strong evidence actually, period. Just a lot of inept fuckery from the police department and now a forced trial by the D.A. to cover up what sad sacks of shit everyone was that completed this “investigation.”

        I’m not sure how you reached your conclusion, but if you listened to any of the D.A.’s opening statement, all of his “evidence” is speculation and hearsay. What a fucking joke.

        This is just a sad case of a man who is paying the price because his baby mama wanted custody of the kids bad enough to point fingers at him when her new fuck buddy went missing. Apparently, in the state of Wisconsin, all you need to be “proven guilty” is an accusation. The police NEVER investigated anyone else. Never. Then redacted and/or hid a bunch of information to coverup their incompetency. But, that will come to light in due time.

        Based on the anger in your response, I’m going to guess you knew the victim. If you did, I hope you and all of his friends/family get the justice he deserves. But not at the expense of an innocent man.

        1. Pardon, my interruption into this conversation, but the following circumstancial evidence against Mr Anderson is overwhelming to me:
          1. Stalking the victim prior to the victim’s murder (indicated by high volume of blood splatter in apt & missing rug).
          2. Mr Guiterrez DNA found inside Mr Anderson’s van.
          3. Large area inside Mr Anderson’s van with missing carpet & bleach stains + bleach smell.
          4. Charred remains of Mr Anderson’s clothing post-murder of Mr Guiterrez.

        2. Pardon, my interruption into this conversation, but the following circumstancial evidence against Mr Anderson is overwhelming to me:
          1. Stalking the victim prior to the victim’s murder (indicated by high volume of blood splatter in apt & missing rug).
          2. Mr Guiterrez DNA found inside Mr Anderson’s van.
          3. Large area inside Mr Anderson’s van with missing carpet & bleach stains + bleach smell.
          4. Charred remains of Mr Anderson’s clothing post-murder of Mr Guiterrez.

        3. Pardon, my interruption into this conversation, but the following circumstancial evidence against Mr Anderson is overwhelming to me:
          1. Stalking the victim prior to the victim’s murder (indicated by high volume of blood splatter in apt & missing rug).
          2. Mr Guiterrez DNA found inside Mr Anderson’s van.
          3. Large area inside Mr Anderson’s van with missing carpet & bleach stains + bleach smell.
          4. Charred remains of Mr Anderson’s clothing post-murder of Mr Guiterrez.


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