(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Conservative Kenosha County Board Member Zach Rodriguez will be on the board for another two years. After a recount Saturday that lasted about 4 hours, a machine error, an unsigned absentee ballot, and a random name pull, Rodriguez was declared the winner. On election night, political newcomer Alyssa Williams(D) was narrowly declared the winner, obtaining 371 votes to Rodriguez’s 369 with a difference of only two.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
During the recount, Williams lost a vote because the absentee ballot wasn’t filled out correctly and Rodriguez gained a vote because the machine improperly rejected the ballot for him, leaving the total at 370 to 370. Chief Deputy County Clerk Michelle Nelson then pulled a name out of an Easter bucket – the name was Rodriguez’s.

Present on behalf of Williams was Kenosha County Democratic Party Chairman and failed State Senate candidate Lori Hawkins and Democratic Board Member Rollin Pizzala, who both left with upset looks on their faces.
According to County Clerk Regi Bachochin, this the first time a race in Kenosha County was reversed after a recount, which she said was likely due to the incredibly small margin. This is also the first time an election was decided at random.
Rodriguez, who said a prayer with supporters before the random drawing, thanked all of the county staff and poll worker for their hard work on their otherwise day off.
Rodriguez will be sworn in again on April 19, 2022.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
18 Responses
It shouldn’t have even been close.
Conservatives are already falling to complacency. Again.
We never learn.
At my polling place democrats had an observer there all day. Republican observer…….nowhere in sight.
Dodged a bullet on this one.
Republicans must do better in this city or step aside.
Democrats have proven at every turn to be lawless, no morals and total scum and must be watched EVERY election.
The Kenosha GOP had poll workers at every polling location in Kenosha County. If you would like to volunteer to be a poll observer, volunteer at kenoshacountygop.com
Thats a flat out lie, Erin.
I went to vote and actually looked for a republican observer……NOWHERE TO BE FOUND!
You should be fired for lying to the general public.
You lifetime politicians should ALL BE FIRED
for crap just like this!
You clearly cant be trusted!
It is NOT a lie we had poll workers at every location. Just because you don’t know the difference between a poll worker and observer doesn’t mean I’m lying.
If you are so upset about no poll OBSERVERS at the polling location, VOLUNTEER.
It is NOT a lie we had poll workers at every location. Just because you don’t know the difference between a poll worker and observer doesn’t mean I’m lying.
If you are so upset about no poll OBSERVERS at the polling location, VOLUNTEER.
Congrats Erin!
Your response has inspired me to get involved in elections!
Specifically, the one you will be involved in.
Ill be campaigning against you as a republican and this conversation did it.
Ive voted nothing but republican since 2011.
Because you are a flat out liar, I will be going door to door in your district using this exchange as proof that lifetime politicians are nothing but scum.
Remember, I was actually at a polling place with no republican observer and thats the truth.
Just because you didn’t see a Republican poll worker at that very moment doesn’t mean Erin is lying. The Kenosha GOP coordinated a very large group of workers this year; so much so that the Dem party had to send home many veteran poll workers. If your post is any indication of your overall logic, you’ll be a terrible candidate.
Erin and Joe, Do you two not know how to read or are you just plain stupid and liars?
You two are now double talking about two different things that Im not talking about.
A republican OBSERVER……..not a poll worker.
I expect this kind of deflection out of a politician, its the oldest play in the book.
Joe, based on you not being able to read and understand thr English language , you arent good for ANYTHING except being a useful idiot.
I never mentioned poll worker, you both did!
No confusion here.
You are a liar, Decker. I specifically asked where the republican observer was on election day,not one person stood up and said a word.
One lady working there told me she was a republican poll worker though.
Nice try though, Erin…..you useless liar!
District 8 went for Biden by over 18%. Zach winning that seat proves how hard Republicans are working to get elected. If you would like to volunteer to help get Republicans elected, volunteer at kenoshacountygop.com
Erin, Thanks for using your real name. You have the support of the community and those “in the know” know that you are genuine and are a true conservative through and through. Keep up the good work!
Conservatives need to get off their ass and IPhones and get out there and VOTE!! Especially in School District Elections.
So, in reality, being a lazy democrat and NOT showing up on election day and “mailing in” your vote actually cost democrats an election.
Hmmmmm, how delcious and hilarious!
How much money did democrats spend on that partiular race and how much did Zach spend?
The Biden-Harris Administration has indelibly proven that elections have consequences. Vote Blue, No Matter Who slogans reveal how local organizations have recklessly embraced a destructive ideology no matter the cost. The outcome of this contested seat proves each vote matters but sadly, also reveals how willfully blind too many people still are especially after the horrific riots. The Hand of God has decided this election and may He Bless Zach Rodriguez with Wisdom.
Conservative in NAME ONLY.
These “non-partisan” races are a scam to get democrats elected locally in places they couldn’t otherwise be elected. It is definitely worth putting “D” or “R” in front of their name or specifically mentioning conservative vs. liberal candidates EVERY TIME.
Rollin Pizzala is the worst. It would have been fun to see him leave with a grummy look on his face. He ran unopposed! Sad.
Congratulations Zach! As for the comments from Notaretardeddemocrat, I worked as a poll worker. I worked with the opposite party. That is how it is done. No two people from the same party can work with each other. That is the first step of not being able to cheat. At no time did Erin Decker say there were election OBSERVERS at every polling place. Hope to see you at the next election observing.
Why wasnt there an observer at every polling place?
Thats all I asked, of course I know there are republican poll workers and I do know the difference.
When i asked the observer at my polling place who she was representing she said democrats. I then asked if there was a republican observer, all she said was, ” I been here all day and no one from the republican party has been here to observe.”
End of story.
No wonder democrats are running the show….