(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Dominick Black is the friend of Kyle Rittenhouse who said that he bought a rifle for Rittenhouse that he used to shoot three people in self defense. Black was originally charged with a felony, but the felony charge was dismissed shortly after Rittenhouse was acquitted of all charges.
In court today for his third time being charged with a felony, 20-year-old Dominick Black kept his head down for most of the hearing. He was wearing a suicide-watch smock. Less than two months ago on May 13, 2022, Black was arrested for felony Attempting to Flee or Elude an Officer on a motorcycle. On May 16th, 2022, Black was in the same chair when Court Commissioner Dick Ginkowski set Black’s bail at $5,000 cash and ordered Dominick, among other things, not to commit new crimes, drive without a license, or possess or consume alcohol.
According to police and prosecutors he violated that bond late last night July 7, 2022 just before midnight. He is alleged to be driving with a group of about 11 other motorcycles on Green Bay Rd in Kenosha. When a Kenosha County Sheriff’s Deputy attempted to pull the group over, only 3 or so did. The rest led police on a high speed chase, where most of them got away with the exception of one who crashed near Parkside College. Just like Black’s last felony arrest, he later was found hanging out at the Kenosha Lakefront. Black ripped off his helmet and got into a nearby vehicle as police approached. He was arrested and later admitted to having no motorcycle license, a suspended regular license, and being with the earlier group that ran from police. Prosecutors charged Black today with Felony Bail-Jumping, Unreasonable and Imprudent Speed, and Operating a Motorcycle without a valid license.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
In court today, Assistant District Attorney Daniel Bernard-Deida asked for a $1,000 cash bond saying that “The State is always concerned when individuals out on bond are not following the conditions of their bond.”

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Black’s attorney, Benjamin Schwarz, told the Court that Black is a life-long Kenosha resident and has a 4-month old son that he is the primary care-taker for. However KCE made contact with Black’s son’s mother, Frankee Lobacz, who told us this simply isn’t true. “He’s not on the birth certificate and is not even a legal guardian of our son. He shouldn’t be lying in court especially about my son.” Schwarz went on to say that his client is unable to post a significant cash bond, and asked for a low cash or signature bond. He also said that Black will lose his job as a home-remodeler if he isn’t released.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Court Commissioner set Black’s bond higher than both Attorneys argued saying “This Court is always concerned when it’s alleged someone who is out on a significant case bail is alleged to now have committed a new crime.” With that, the Commissioner ordered $2,000 cash. Black faces a maximum prison sentence in the fleeing case of 3.5 years and an additional 6 years imprisonment for the new Bail Jumping case. He is due back in court on August 1, 2022.

7 Responses
I wouldn’t trust this punk to “caretake” my dog, much less a kid, but then again it wouldn’t come up because I don’t associate with snitching bitches.
“snitching bitches’? Your boy Rittenhouse is also a snitching bitch. He told the kind police officers that Black bought the gun for him. So much for being a hero, at least in your eyes.
black is a snitching bitch. kyle is a hero. that black was trying to save himself in the trial of kyle and when he tried to toss kyle under the bus about the video games i was done with his retarded self. kyle is laughing all the way to the bank while this black loser is still a snitching bitch! i would not want you delivering anything to me, pizza, opinion, just get your lies straight- do not be telling lies about kyle rittenhouse- kyle told the truth- unlike you and black.
Well, well, well. I suspected that some dim-witted, bigoted trailer trash type would defend the snitching bitch Rittenhouse. I am not surprised you are the first one. Don’t worry , my boss, the Pizza King, will not let us deliver to your trailer court. Too many aggressive rats.
pizza delivery boy-bless your heart- you are too stupid to know you are stupid
i live in an oceanfront home in florida with zero mortgage. true story. kevin can confirm. and i have a college degree and am a licensed real estate broker and own an oyster business. so- like i said earlier- get your lies straight- you are the white trash- not me, scooter- you will not even use your real name. and- it is obvious you lack jesus in your heart, sad.
Thats not snitchin..it would of taken 6-8 hours to track down who sold and bought the weapon.
You got to be tough if your going to be stupid !