Amanda Nedweski
(File Photo By Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Amanda Nedweski is Kenosha County’s Board Member for the 16th district. She is also the Republican nominee for the 61st State Assembly District held for 22 years by Samantha Kerkman, who is now Kenosha County’s Executive.
Nedweski announced on October 13, 2022, several coveted endorsements:

(File Photo By Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
“Amanda’s deep knowledge of how government works will be invaluable when she represents the people of the 61st Assembly District in Madison. She supports law enforcement, has a great vision for our future, and will work hard putting the needs of citizens first.” – Kenosha County Executive Samantha Kerkman

(File Photo By Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
“I am happy to endorse Amanda Nedweski for the 61st Assembly District. She will fight for families to ensure we have quality schools and safe neighborhoods. Her strong work ethic and private sector experience will allow her to deliver results for her constituents. I hope you will join me in supporting Amanda on November 8th.” -Congressman Bryan Steil

(File Photo By Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Nedweski also has also received key endorsements from Tim Michels for Governor, the Dairy Business Association, the Volunteers for Agriculture (PAC for the Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation), the Realtors Political Action Committee (RPAC Wisconsin), and several members of the executive board of the Republican Party of Kenosha County.
Amanda plans to remain on the County Board if she is elected to the State Assembly. Voting day for the election is November 8th.

11 Responses
No story here. “Coveted” endorsement is a stretch. Did anyone really think Kerkman, Steil and Michels were going to endorse a Democrat?
““Coveted” endorsement is a stretch.”
More like “Welcome Ms. Nedweski to status-quo good ‘ol boys club”.
Any overwhelming urge for political reform and protecting the taxpayer wi flew out the window with endorsements from lifetime pol hacks.
Nedweski a person of action, is so incredibly effective on a local level, we can only hope she can can continue to be if elected. An endorsement from Paul Ryan protege’ , do-nothing Bryan Steil is a red flag.
“An endorsement from Paul Ryan protege’ , do-nothing Bryan Steil is a red flag.”
Yes….it certainly is.
Kevin, it’s great that you include everyone’s comments to show the openness of your platform unlike the bigs of social media. However, I laugh whenever I see the stupid posts from “anonymous.” This person seems to feel as if he must put his 2 cents worth of stupidity into every article you write. In his case I wouldn’t mind if he were blocked just because of how bitter he sounds in his comments. Keep up the good work !
Hey dipshit, if you don’t post with a name it automatically puts anonymous.
Anonymous (different from the OP)
strange that someone who posts as Pd doesn’t see the fuktard irony when they dish on ones posted by, “anonymous”, not to mention being so ignorant that they actually think all those anonymous posts are by one person. Another Mandela Barnes/ Bob Wirch voter, no doubt. :0
She was just elected to the county board. Is serving on both the county board and state legislature a conflict???? That said, I don’t know squat about her opponent.
She has done. Orbi g with the committee she now serves on and Chairs. HUGE disappointment. Just like Kerkman.
RINOS suck as much as pedo libs.
Watched her run a budget meeting the week. Didn’t even understand simple Robert’s Rules of Order. Kenosha County residents are getting screwed by Nedwiski’s serving on the county board. She is nothing more than a RINO, just like her endorser Kerkman, or should I say Skankman.