(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
A Kenosha DJ appeared in court today after being on the run for more than three years. Ronald Akiyas Gordon, 35, of Kenosha, was caught driving with a revoked license and without an ignition interlock on March 2, 2019. He has been caught driving on a revoked license many times in the past. His license was revoked for an OWI and other crimes. Gordon has an extensive criminal rap-sheet including 68 pages from the Wisconsin Department of Justice. Click here to view it. Here is a summary:
(3) Domestic Battery
Burglary any Building or Dwelling
(6) Disorderly Conduct
(4) Resist/Obstruct Officer
(7) Bail Jumping
Criminal Damage to Property
Criminal Trespass to Dwelling
Intentionally Contact Victim or Co-Actor
Habitual Criminality
Probation Violation
1 Year 7 month Prison Sentence
(3) Operating While Suspended/Revoked
Urinating in Public
Possession of THC
Possession of Intoxicants in Motor Vehicle
Even with an extensive violet criminal record, the Kenosha DA’s office wants to keep Gordon as a non-felon. They repeatedly dismissed felonies and allowed Gordon to plead to misdemeanors. With this preferential treatment for Gordon, it is almost impossible to go to prison without a felony conviction. Gordon, however found himself in prison after getting his probation revoked several times.
On May 16, 2019, Gordon didn’t show up to court for his two misdemeanor charges. Judge Schroeder put out a bench warrant for Gordon for $500. More than three months later, prosecutors would obtain a second warrant for Gordon and charge him with bail-jumping. For the more than three years since, he’s been a wanted man. He didn’t seem to be hiding. According to his Facebook account, he’s been hanging out with Jesse Jackson, performing as a DJ (DJ Droop) at local taverns, and active at local rallies. He’s friends with Sharmain Harris.

In court today, he told Kenosha County Court Commissioner Larry Keating that he “forgot” about this case because he has heart failure. We at KCE know this to not be true. We published a story about him just over two years ago and he spoke publicly about it.

14 Responses
This guy! #drooptalk. lol. How hard is it to find him. He’s all over Kenosha doin shows. Racist too
Subculture and feral behavior, followed by telling me I don’t understand. Where’s that weaponized IRS when you need it?
A more appropriate name for this outstanding young man should be DJ Poop.
The main issue seems to be that he spends way too much time at the drive through window. Shame on the evil white man and his judicial system for requiring this fine fellow to miss a day of work. Obviously he is working very hard to support himself and his family.
He is a Kenosha social justice warrior that needs to be talking to students at Bradford, Tremper, and UWP. Good job city council please keep working daily to attract as many DJ Poops to our fair city as possible. I nominate DJ Poop for next years MLK outstanding citizen award.
Don’t worry the Russians, Chinese and Islamists won’t even need to lift a finger.
At least he was conscientious enough to show some respect for the judge and the court by dressing properly. I say he truly deserves a 5k dollar check from the federal government because he showed up. DJ Poop for mayor !!!!
Another DJ slug working for cash under the table.
Free public schools nationwide
free transportation to and from school
free breakfast and lunch at school
free apartments for low income families
free food for low income families
free gas and electricity for low income families
So why is it that the same groups of people keep ending up with behavior and work ethic like this clown?? He wants “change” in the community, better treatment for black citizens. I’m willing to bet most of the people he victimized in his life are black as well. Maybe these activists should all agree to a one year moratorium on victimizing fellow black citizens, and see if perhaps that changes their lives?
If poverty is the problem- society should get rid of every social program, social worker, and expensive building to house these “services”. Give low income families what a starting teacher, or garbage man makes annually, and have the them figure out how budget and live like the rest of us for a 3-5 year timeline; allowing them to obtain tech school or college degree. And if they commit a crime while on the short term stipend, they’re fired; and sadly will have to figure that out.
Pat I would like to solve the puzzle .. It’s a simple one as always ..The 13% never fails to disappoint ..
Pat I would like to solve the puzzle .. It’s a simple one as always ..
A perfect candidate for dean of the new Graveley Radio School of Criminal inJustice at UWP. Should pay over $100k per year and require no employment application.
Why do you keep offering bail to a guy that’s jumped it 7 times so far…
’cause he’s a good boy, he was trying to turn his life around…?
Short of medical intervention, or a Soviet/ Chinese style mass arrest, internment/ labor reeducation camp little can be done to help the DJ Poops in America. Do not misunderstand me. The red neck, trailer park, tattoo covered, meth mouth crowd is no better. In fact they are much more likely to shoot up a school, church , or other public location. The good news is that for 14k per year per student our wonderful inner city public schools are churning out wonderful citizens. There will be a day of reckoning soon. Unfortunately I pray that it doesn’t involve mass bloodshed and violence. The sad part is that so many places in America are already there and don’t even realize it.
Such a violent society. Such an evil world. Pray for sanity. Pray for peace