(LakeView Facebook Page)
A counselor at LakeView Technology Academy in Pleasant Prairie is on unpaid leave after allegations of misconduct. According to a source, and later confirmed by KUSD spokesman Tanya Ruder, Joseph Pitts is on leave from his job as counselor at the high school.
The Kenosha Unified School District was made aware of allegations of misconduct on February 21, 2023, and an in-depth investigation was immediately launched. Pitts was placed on paid leave until the investigation concluded on March 20, 2023. Pitts was then moved to unpaid leave on March 21, 2023.
No further details will be released by KUSD as this is an ongoing personnel matter.
LakeView Technology Academy (LTA) is a choice school that specializes in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education, which operates within the Kenosha Unified School District (KUSD). What once was a response to overcrowding in the KUSD high schools and starting with 90 freshmen in 1997, has grown to more than quadruple in student population and become a valued partner to the Kenosha Area Business Alliance (KABA) and Gateway Technical College (GTC).
The school maintains an enrollment of approximately 400 freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. The mission of LakeView Technology Academy is to empower students to succeed by providing in-depth technical educational experiences, preparing students to be competitive in an ever-changing marketplace.
This is a developing story.

33 Responses
Yolanda!!! Thought you could lead!!! Kusd sure has alot if issues
Vote her out April election!
YES!!! It’s definitely time for her to go!!!
I’m sure she has a “plan.” Just ask her. That’s her answer to everything (although you are never told what that “plan” is).
Obviously, I’m working for Lamar. He needs as much name recognition as possible. YSA represents a KUSD which is infected by “the prejudice of low expectations.” This is a term that has floated around for years, about which nothing is ever spoken. Yesterday, some idiot made a post on social media that Lamar hates black people. White liberals appear fearful of him, because he’s off their plantation. Watch them bitch that his recent mailing is funded by the 1776 Project, run by conservative, 60’s civil rights lawyer Bob Woodson, Sr., who, coincidentally only, has the same skin color as Lamar.
Results, not good intentions, are all that should count in educating our children. KUSD is graduating a majority of students who are not proficient in reading or math. Proficiency scores continue to go down. If KCE readers would like to help Lamar with name recognition, I’m not sure how I could arrange for you to get some election flyers and hand them out. Perhaps an email or phone number through Mr. Mathewson?
Remember Curtis the dean who gave tardy pants a new meaning. They promoted him to principal where he had sex with co workers. These are the leaders
No different then the principal who had an affair while at an elementary school and got a promotion
And students (allegedly). Check CCAP for his current charges for this. Trial scheduled for November 2023
You people are massive dipshits
Why are they dipshits? Because they don’t like the direction our school system is going or because you are part of the problem?
The term Reverend means about as much as Doctor of Education
down with the pedo and the patriarchy. get a women counselor. #feminists2023 #trump2024 #downwithbinladen #osamabeenballin #mobombabeenballin #peteyboy #teamedward #LGBTQ+ #happyspring
Actually binladen not ballin
I go to Lakeview, and people have always had a problem with him. He was nice to the girls who hogged the counselor room to talk crap about other girls, and never had time to talk to the kids with actual problems. He was overworked too, and everyone could see that.
same and this is so true. only ever had time for like the same 5 kids.
Exactly- guidance counselors are meant to “guide” on career paths….. not to sit with kids whining about social media. Kusd needs to keep them printed to their actual job- career path guidance.
How long has he been employed at Lakeview?
only three years.
I’m glad to have a student weighing in here.
People who work for schools, run schools and serve on school boards all think they know what’s best for kids. And, yes, they have more experience but that doesn’t mean that the voice of the end users — consumers, if you will — are not important, too. They may occasionally have valuable input and should not be ignored.
He simply did not interact with the large majority of students at a small school of only 400, we’ve had multiple counselors in the span of a few years and he has not been as helpful as the other two I’ve experienced.
You talkin to me? I’m glad we can rid the school of this child-preying filth. Loneliness has followed me my whole life. Everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There’s no escape. I’m God’s lonely man…
Speaking words of truth Travis
Thank you my sigma soulmate
So many comments here….yet…..what’s the actual story? What was he doing?
Allegedly, this guy is in a relationship with a former student that began while he was “counseling” that individual at Lakeview over the last few years.
Having inappropriate relationships with a student who was underage.
Deez Nuts
Me and him the same fr fr
Another predator KUSD?