(Kenosha County Sheriff)
Last Friday, May 12, 2023, just before 11:00 am, police believe an 18-year-old man was handling a gun and shot his three-year-old sister. KCE can identify this man as Christian J. Koleske. Kolesk is being held at the Kenosha County Jail on a probation hold while Kenosha Police Detectives investigate the incident further.
Koleske’s sister suffered a severe gunshot wound to her lower extremity and had to be flown to Milwaukee via flight for life. She is expected to survive.
KCE expects that Koleske will be charged with one or more severe felonies soon.

(Kenosha County Sheriff)
Unfortunately for the little girl, Koleske seems to have been the beneficiary of the weak-on-crime stance of the progressive Kenosha DA’s office.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
At only 18 years old, Koleske has already caught two felony files, and three misdemeanor files. He received sweetheart plea deals in all five cases.
On September 6, 2021, police and prosecutors say that Koleske harmed an 11-year-old child that lived with him. While being arrested, he resisted and kicked at the police windows from inside the squad car. He threatened to spit on officers and used vulgarities with them. He was charged with felony child abuse – intentionally causing bodily harm and resisting arrest. The felony was pleaded down to a misdemeanor and he got a fine and two days of time served.
On September 25, 2021, police and prosecutors say that Koleski pushed down his baby sister in a rage. This is the same baby sister that he allegedly shot last week. He told his guardian that she was a “bitch,” “hoe,” and “miserable motherfucker.” He also told her “I hope you die so I can cremate your ass.” When arrested, he again threatened to spit on officers and kicked the squad car. Graveley’s office apparently didn’t seem to think the battery against his baby sister was serious. They dismissed the felony and another misdemeanor. He plead guilty only to only disorderly conduct. He got 47 days in jail, time served.
On February 3, 2022, police and prosecutors say that Koleske threw a board with nails sticking out of them at his guardian almost hitting her and the small children. He plead guilty to domestic abuse and served two days in jail.
On April 7, 2022, police and prosecutors say that Koleske was involved in a verbal domestic dispute with his girlfriend. When police arrived, he resisted arrest and fought with police. He also used vulgarities. He was charged with obstructing, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and bail jumping. Everything was dismissed, except resisting. He was given 18 months of probation.
On May 24, 2022, police and prosecutors say that Koleske violated his bond by having contact with his girlfriend. This charge was dismissed.
KCE will report further on this breaking story.
24 Responses
This kid needs a fucking ass whooping….bet it would do wonders for the little fuck.
And by the looks of his mugshot, an Exorcist.
He must have been preparing his gun for his service in a well-regulated militia.
He wasn’t even allowed to have a gun. He already broke numerous laws and touching it.
Awe. You tried didn’t ya joel
Goes to show the corruption in the DA’s office. Too bad the feds don’t open a investigation against kenosha county as a whole. Including every municipality.
The feds…..good one.
Anonymous…”the feds…… good one!” That’s just what I was thinking too! LOL!
Yes. Seems a little suspicious that the DA’s office is very soft on crimes against minors. Makes me wonder about Gravel-boy, if there is a reason he seems soft on perverts and those very special monsters who otherwise hurt kids.
The DA’s office — and this is almost every one in the state — for years has been overworked, underpaid and understaffed. The cops heavily backed Graveley as he was a tough trial prosecutor but after the riots it seems he got burned out. Most of the experienced staff is gone and there are a lot of people with little connection to the community. At one point the state’s own numbers showed the office was 50% understaffed and that was years ago. The governors (both parties) and legislature have not done anything about it and it just gets worse. True, they make some of their own mess but this has been going on for more than 20 years and isn’t getting better. The truth is also that there are so many hard core dangerous people in our jails and prisons that when one goes in another pretty much has to come out. Victims deserve better.
Because he serves his ✡️ overlords.
Wow. And what about the mom. She allowed this piece of shit with that past to
Babysit! Sounds suspicious
If you read the article, it says…
“In February 3, 2022, police and prosecutors say that Koleske threw a board with nails sticking out of them at his guardian almost hitting her and the small children.”
Sounds like there is no Mother or Father in the picture! In that first photo of him, his eyes look like he has pure evil in him!!
Hopefully he is locked up this time, where he belongs and they throw they key away!!
Unfortunately this will not be the last time Kenosha residents see this face and hear his name.
Probably true. Kenosha County’s approach to lots of things, especially mental health and drug abuse, is beyond podunk.
Hopefully next time it’s in an obituary!
Let’s put our thinking hats on.
Is this another FAILURE of the juvenile justice system? Or Kenosha County’s broken mental health system?
There needs to be some leadership in addressing this stuff or else it will keep coming back.
Thought maybe with the border open,some of these nut jobs and losers might leave. Maybe we need more wind mills.
Definitely prison time & serious medical treatment! I’d be scared to have him living with me!
This is another reason why we need to think hard about our approach to crime and policing in Kenosha County.
Too much time is spent on trivial cases and not enough on the serious ones.
Michael Graveley is trash.
Wonder if Graveley would let him babysit his kids or grandchildren?
We need Brian Gonzalez back on patrol.
Big surprise. Look how the Kmiec cases are being handled. Graveley doesn’t give a crap.