(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
If you drove by the Kenosha County Courthouse and City Hall today, you would notice a subtle but notable difference – the flags flying in front of them. Today, June 1, 2023 marks the first day of “pride month.” You cannot go to google, or any other woke company’s website today and not see a proclamation about taking pride in which genitalia one prefers.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
City of Kenosha Administration made sure that bright and early this morning, the gay pride flag was waving prominently behind City Hall on the lakefront along with the american flag, and the flag for each and every branch of our country’s military.

Not all elected leaders for the City of Kenosha support this display, however. Alderman David Mau had the following to say:
“I understand and support the principles of pride and equal rights for all individuals. But it’s essential that our government remain impartial and not favor specific interests or political affiliations. We should avoid using public funds or spaces to promote or endorse any particular cause, especially one with such a heated partisan divide. Let’s strive for a neutral environment that respects ALL perspectives.”

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
In front of the Kenosha County Courthouse, or any other county building, you won’t see the gay pride flag, or any other partisan flags for that matter. This is due to a recent executive order signed by Kenosha County Executive Samantha Kerkman. Under this order, there are three flags that must be flown at County buildings and properties with outdoor stationary flag poles. (1) The American Flag, (2) The State of Wisconsin Flag, and (3) The Kenosha County Flag. There are flags that may also be flown. Those are the P.O.W.M.I.A. flag and the flags for the six branches of the military, for example at the honor plaza at Veterans Memorial Park in western Kenosha County. No other flags are allowed.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
This timing seems anything but curious. Brands like Bud Light, Nike, and others, are losing millions of dollars for taking a public stance on politics and the mutilation of one’s private parts. This has lead other companies and organizations to take a more neutral approach, like Kerkman. The gay pride flag won’t be seen in front of any GOP victory centers. It is almost never missing from a Democratic Party Establishment. It is indisputable that the flag is partisan.
While KCE was photographing the flags in front of the courthouse, we spoke to many individuals, most approving of Kerkman’s order. A construction framer, Jerry Flynn, told KCE that he doesn’t want the pride flag in places such as government buildings, schools, or playgrounds. “Sexual preference does not belong on a government flag pole,” Flynn told us. Another passerby, Nicholas, a truck driver, said he didn’t mind the pride flag, noting that his brother and he had gay friends and “they deserve equal rights.” Many of the people we spoke to that supported the new order regarding flags didn’t want to be identified. Believe it or not, people are getting canceled for believing men can give birth.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
This was a good move from the County Executive. If the confederate flag, gadsden flag, christian flag, or any right-of-center message was prominently displayed on government property, the left would melt. Rightfully so. Partisan flags don’t belong in front of the courthouse, city hall, or in our children’s classrooms. Left or right.
36 Responses
Smart move! The taxpayers should not have to support government facilities that fly woke flags. This country was undisputedly founded as a nation rooted in Judeo-Chrisitian values antithetical to “pride.”
I don’t particularly care what anyone does with their genitals, but don’t force it down my throat or anybody else that believes in some sort of traditional values. The flying of that flag on any government facility is deplorable. Woke imperialism is the manifestation of narcissism! It is an attempt (that is working) by postmodern neo-marxist to destroy the nuclear family. Anyone who thinks they can shove woke bullshit down everyone’s throat needs to be socially ostracized
This country was not founded on Judaeo-Christian values. It was founded on freedom of religion! That is why there is separation of church and state!
Separation of church and state is a myth. Is not in any of the founding documents. It was in a letter from thomas Payne and is taken out of context. It what he actually said was to keep gov out of the church NOT church out of gov. With out the basic values and Gods guidance from the Bible the founding fathers would never have been able to create the democratic republic we live in today.
The first clause in the Bill of Rights states that “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion.”
Who’s is not separating church from state. It means congress may not pass laws establishing a religion. It also has no effect on what state and local governments do. It specifically says “Congress”.
…meaning that “government” is precluded from playing any role in the establishment of an official religion; such as had been the norm for centuries in Europe.
Americans were to have complete freedom of conscience, with zero government intrusion into their beliefs.
In today’s secular world, the void left by our wholesale flight from more traditional religious beliefs has been filled by the “new religions” comprised of things like ‘Climate’, ‘LGTBQetc’, ‘Gender’, et al.
Make no mistake, these are just as surely “Religions” as are Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, and all the rest.
And this is why it is just as wrong to hoist a PrideFlag on government property as it would be to fly the VaticanFlag there.
No American governmental body has any business promoting any point of view which interferes with any American’s freedom of conscience.
The Kenosha County Board called this one exactly right.
That is exactly right Sean. So refreshing to hear another Patriot who actually knows the truth about & the origin of the phrase “Separation of Church & State”. As you stated, It was written in a letter. It is not in any formal document. The message was, Keep Government Out of the Church! At the same time, The Christian Church was meant to be a foundation, a moral compass of our government.
If you read James Madison’s writings he advocates for freedom of religion at the federal level so that state governments would be able to establish state churches. Furthermore, even the deist that were part of the founding had a great respect for Christianity because of the objective framework it provided society. The modern understanding of the separation of church and state was invented by libs. America was undeniably founded as a Christian Nation
Neither a state nor the Federal Government can set up a church. Neither can pass laws which aid one religion, aid all religions, or prefer one religion over another. . . . In the words of Thomas Jefferson, the clause against the establishment of religion by law was intended to erect a “wall of separation between Church and State.” [Everson v. Board of Education (1947).]
Now states cannot establish an official state religion and I think that is for the better. However, this article in no way shows that America was not heavily influenced by Christianity during its founding. Quite the contrary actually. It shows that originally some states supported churches via state funds. It doesn’t matter what was decided later on, America at its start was a very Christian nation
It is often interesting to hear such strong words of dissent. Those that are the loudest are often found to be violators of their own words.
There is even a county supervisor that is gay but too afraid to come out because of his partisan politics.
It is also interesting that Republicans are willing to fly the POW/MIA flag, yet for the past few years, they have removed the proposed funding at the state level to assist in the finding of MIAs. As usual, verbally support the service member, but that is all.
“There is even a county supervisor that is gay but too afraid to come out because of his partisan politics.” Why does he need to “come out as being gay”? Why does his sexual preference matter to anyone but him and his partner? I’ve never heard of a heterosexual coming out as “straight” because no one cares. It’s no one’s business except the people involved in the relationship. Stop pushing your sexual preferences on others. No one cares.
No doubt we have a history of discrimination to overcome.
But…actions speak louder than words. What’s more important — a flag or a government that actually does something?
Who decides what flags are flown at the veterans park?
county park?
then county exec.
Glad the flag isn’t flying with the other one in front of the building.
I think the corporate schizophrenia on this is a bit amusing. Corporate America was finding ways to market to alternative lifestyles because it would help the bottom line. Now some are backing off because they fear economic backlash.
Belive it or not, the United States flag covers ALL our asses. Gay or not.
At least 3 stories in knews about rainbow flag. Thanks Antman and Evers.
now we know why you are fartnocker
I do t give a rat’s a$$ what your sexual preference is. It’s your own business, and doesn’t need to be forced on the rest of us.
Exactly, enough said.
Flags are stupid and identifing with any of them mean you enjoy enslavement, joined a group, or your government team is better than some other government. I think we can all agree that we do like government. So why have it? I say no gov is a good government and follow the law of respect.
If everyone respected everyone else and “did unto others as you would have them do unto you”. we wouldn’t need any laws. But that’s fantasy in this world.
I also would like to know how it is, that we have to deal with Pride being a month long thing? Anyone else only gets a day, but they make this a month. For what???
Martin Luther King only gets a day, Presidents Day is only a day. Who decides on this nonsense??
Imagine having pride for sodomy
Imagine needing an entire month to celebrate it
Good Deal. Parkside has rainbow pride on the sign by 31 and e. Going too far. School is about learning. Not about equality it’s about learning and making up what our future young people take into our future.
I agree, except that the pride flag and month aren’t about equality, they are about special privileges and forced recognition for a minority.
Imagine being so insecure in your own choices that you need complete strangers to recognize & approve of your sexual deviance.
To be white and straight seems to be old fashioned nowadays. Glad not to see the rainbow flag insulting our values and instigating the counter culture.
Barack, you certainly fucked this country up 🙁
I read some criticism of this decision as implicating a lack of support for gay rights. I think that’s not necessarily so. I certainly expect the government to do all it can to enforce anti discrimination laws. Flying a pennant has zero to do with that.
Thank goodness all of these pearl-clutchers, so worried about other people’s sexuality, will go down on the wrong side of history very soon. From the party of small government. ?
The point is that conservatives *do not care* about what others do in their bedrooms. It’s those that engage in sexual deviance that flaunt it around and make a big deal out of it. I’m a straight individual, and what happens in my bedroom is between my spouse and I. It’s called ✨discretion✨ and it’s the classy, mature thing to do.
…meaning that “government” is precluded from playing any role in the establishment of an official religion; such as had been the norm for centuries in Europe.
Americans were to have complete freedom of conscience, with zero government intrusion into their beliefs.
In today’s secular world, the void left by our wholesale flight from more traditional religious beliefs has been filled by the “new religions” comprised of things like ‘Climate’, ‘LGTBQetc’, ‘Gender’, et al.
Make no mistake, these are just as surely “Religions” as are Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, and all the rest.
And this is why it is just as wrong to hoist a PrideFlag on government property as it would be to fly the VaticanFlag there.
No American governmental body has any business promoting any point of view which interferes with any American’s freedom of conscience.
The Kenosha County Board called this one exactly right.