In Court Friday June 9, 2023
(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Two Kenosha residents are accused of shooting a woman in the face, in an attempted hit. Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Jessica Krejcarek asked Kenosha County Court Commissioner Larry Keating on Friday to hold 16-year-old Michael Brown and 18-year-old Elliana Echols in jail until the DA’s office can charge them on Friday June 16, 2023. On that day, they are both expected to be charged with the attempted murder of a 15-year old girl.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
The girl, police and prosecutors say, is a witness in a felony case against Brown’s brother Jackson Wise. Wise allegedly threatened the victim with a gun before, and caught charges for that. On April 12, 2023 at approximately 9:20 pm, Echols and Brown allegedly pulled up to the girl’s home in the 500 block of 66th Street in a black VW and shot about 12 times. Someone with the victim shot back at least three times. The victim was shot in the face, and was transported to Milwaukee Children’s Hospital. She survived. Brown and Echols allegedly wanted the witness dead to help Wise’s criminal case.

Brown was bragging on SnapChat about shooting the young girl. Brown also talked to his brother, who is in jail, on a jail phone and admitted to the shooting saying “once you shoot somebody in the head, you done graduated.” Echols was also told by family that she should “get rid of the gun.”

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Both are being held on a temporary $500,000 cash bail set by Kenosha County Circuit Court Commissioner Larry Keating but will be officially charged on Friday.
28 Responses
Why can’t we just put them both into an industrial garbage compactor??
That would be insulting to the garbage. A wood chipper would be better.
Woodchippers are strictly for pedophiles!
Why don’t you test the industrial garbage compactor out
We need a BIG wall along the state line.Or some big rat traps.
Rat trap for yo mommas big a$$
Shut up bitch.
Found family of the Dinndoos!
Edward echols is trash. Her dad sells cocaine at the bar final inning. Hes supposedly Ganster Disciple and now a black piston. His brother is a a drug dealer and so are his sons. Felons and drug dealers. My money is on her cousin and uncle having the weapon. Trash is right.
What do any of them have to do w her? And if one of them had the gun police would’ve got it already, no? Stupid
All that commentary but remain anonymous? Pretty bold accusations.
I forgot to mention selling coke at benes
Actually it’s not commentary you fucking twats…..
Fuck all of them….
This guy was just arrested last week for selling…..obviously him and his daughter are ghetto POS.
Damn you hurt asl ain’t you ??? ??????
Tough talk for an anonymous person.
Burn the coal, pay the toll.
What are we to do with all these white supremacists?! It’s getting ridiculous!
How about leave us alone and quit depending on us for your welfare checks and fight in your ward. Look at what Africans did on their continent the last 2000 years. Nothing! Mud huts. Lip plated, no clean water absolutely nothing. Now look at what Whites did in Europe the last 2000 years. Cathedrals that can’t be rebuilt even today. The most beautiful architecture ever made.
The blacks and Jews leach off of “white supremacy”. Heil Hitler. Roman Salute.
Are you ok? Heil hitler?? Please get help
Dude you sound dumb ass hell. Bitch we built this country. Keep on tho. You can find out we not the same blacks yall kidnapped. I’ll have yo white ass cutting grass with scissors bitch
I would sound dumb to someone with an IQ like yours. I would elaborate on IQ’s of your kind but for what, it’s like talking to a rock. You can’t even put a sentence together. Whites didn’t kidnap you or your ancestors. Your own race sold their own race (your ancestors) off to the Jewish slave trade business and transported your ancestors on their boats and then sold your ancestors off to white plantation owners. You want reparations? Go to the synagogues and demand it from the Jews. They are the ones that created the slave trade and they are still the ones keeping you on the plantation by dumbing you down to your current level. Blame whitey, take no responsibility for anything, leach off the white man and destroy anything you touch – that’s what you built. There are creators, maintainers and destroyers…you are a destroyer, bitch.
All those trailer parks in Wisconsin. Please open your eyes it’s your people raising the taxes and mashing their cousins .
You guys sound so ridiculous. First and foremost you do realize you can’t join the black pistons if you’re black right? Also to be a part of a MOTORCYCLE club you kind of have to own a motorcycle. He does not. Let alone even know how to ride one. And to add some razzle dazzle to this to Mr. Hitler up there, you do know there’s more white people on welfare than any other race right? Stfu already. Lol
Kenosha turned to trash. are we going to ever fund some more cops and DAs and jails? Otherwise we will keep seeing Kenosha go down the tubes like Chicago. Some of those old criminal cases from before the fake covid need to go to trial instead of being set out later at every court date.
Yes u can. Black pistons are an off shoot from the outlaws who also allow black memebers. You’re confusing organizations there buddy. Just like whites can be gd’s and latin kings. Edward sure does own a motorcylcle. Its black to lmao
No you cannot. Lmfao. And no he doesn’t. But I’m sure you know better than someone who actually knows all of them right? So go off dummy ?
I cannot believe in this day and age how many people associate every single thing with race. This is poisoning our society and straining everything. If you’re a good person, what bearing does your skin color have on that? If you’re a bad person, what bearing does your skin color have on that? WOW. Work hard, play hard, raise your kids right; help others in need.