(Kenosha County Sheriff)
Someone summoned the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department to the Somers Walmart early Thursday morning, August 10th. The person saw a male white, fully naked, standing next to a black truck and appeared to be masturbating.
According to Kenosha County Sheriff spokesman Lt. Ryan Markowski, 57-year-old Thomas Bartmer was seen by responding deputies quickly getting into the truck, while still naked. Bartmer reportedly admitted to the act.
He was arrested and booked into the Kenosha County jail Thursday morning at 9:04 am and was released about an hour and a half later. He posted bond and is expected to be charged with disorderly conduct and lewd/lascivious actions, both misdemeanors.
According to its website, Bartmer is a pastor at Lighthouse Church in Antioch, IL.
63 Responses
Wow. Think he’ll be at church tomorrow?
Wonder if he will be featured in a “Best Of People Of Walmart”?
Well maybe he can claim religious freedom. He could be the leader of The Church of Perpetual Self Gratification or just a catholic. Either way I’m sure all is forgiven
Doesn’t fucken matter what religion it is you jack ass
I bet he’s a Catholic
Yea it does. When these same types of people want to point fingers at the LGBTQIA community, it fucking matters
It’s not “these types of people” that point the finger at the LGBTQRSTWXYZ crowd. It’s the Bible that points out sin.
This guy has to be a “drag queen” when he is not preaching to his flock about the dangers of sinning.
Nope. Just your typical man of faith in a position of power jerking off in public near truck stop.
No drag queens here. Try again.
Never see drag queens masturbating in public. Seems to be a major pasttime for Christian pastors and youth ministers.
Your assumption about drag queens and this guy is complete nonsense. Being a drag queen is not illegal, and don’t you forget it. Standing naked next to your truck masturbating is definitely against the law. Why isn’t that enough for you?
I hope you’re fuckin kidding. It’s never a drag Queen and it’s ALWAYS a pastor or priest
Typical Christian.
typical sinner. you, me and every human. Sin is also self-righteousness. …..Staring down your nose at others who fall– deluding yourself into thinking you’re better than those who publicly fail.. when in private.. we’re all just as guilty. You too, big hitter.
You’re right that we’re all human, but ‘Men of the Cloth’, Pastors, Preachers, Priests, should be held to a higher standard if they are to lead a congregation.
Sun on deez nuts
I think you meant to say SIN. If you’re gonna troll, at least do it right
That’s pretty rich coming from an organization that for centuries have been “staring down their noses,” persecuting, judging, harassing, torturing and burning at the stake people for what they do “when in private.”
Bullshit. And stop masturbating in public.
Privacy is the matter. Hypocrisy is a given
Couldn’t care less if I sin and feel no shame. I look down on christians and those grovelers deserve to be looked down on
In your opinion, is masturbating while standing in open public view -wrong? Would you advise persons not do that?
Or would you not care that others considered that behavior wrong? (in other words, a sin)
Lmfao. Except it’s only pastors and youth leaders pulling this shit, no pun intended….all whilst pouting the finger at everyone else. I’m not a sinner. God isn’t real
If you mean we Christians are all sinners, then You’re right. But with Christ the Christian is to grow in godliness and be more like Christ. This is sanctification. I don’t know this guy’s deal, but he may be a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
true, Kelly. Could be, or he just fell, backslid, caved in to a battle with lust. We don’t know. And yes, the behavior is obviously horrible and will have consequences… but when I start to say “at least I’m not doing what that loser did”… that’s the problem– then there’s our own sin we need to deal with. Whether it be lying, haughty attitudes toward others, presumption, worshipping celebs, job status, money etc. God doesn’t grade on a curve. No partiality.
Oh brother. You two trying to justifying this guy as an aberration. He is the norm, rather than the exception. Take a moment to GOOGLE sexual assault in the church.
You obviously never read the old Testament at all. Sins have more or less severe penalties based on what you did. Where do you get the idea that murder is no worse than gossip? Think about that again.
Y’all will make excuses for everyone but drag queens, huh? They are the only ones wrong in your eyes. Honestly, y’all make me sick. Keep hiding behind your bibles. Weak.
A “typical Christian” is a sinner. Christian’s don’t deny this. We are ALL sinners. The difference is that a typical Christian knows they need Jesus and we try to do better.
Quick, think of one person who isn’t a sinner.
Worse, lives in bristol.feeling bad for the wife.
Doesn’t matter Bristol or Anytown USA to stand outside his vehicle naked he obviously had a mental episode. He’ll plead insanity
They need to take their kids away. At the very least, CPS needs to be called. His fake god only knows what he has done to his kids
You are incredibly ignorant. And I mean ignorant. Before speaking do the math and look into the situation so that you have some idea of what you’re talking about.
Every sperm is sacred.
Yes, that’s The Meaning of Life.
and so is every “anonymous” post on the internet. How brave of you. My hero.
You could say he had a good hand on the situation
You would probably do it too. It’s not funny. Any kid could have seen that, which is exactly what he was likely hoping for
Coo coo Cocoa Puffs!
Knock and the door will be opened. Christ will forgive those who seek: Drag Queen pedos and public indecency pedos alike.
Quoting the Bible out of context to promo your own agenda. Wonder if that’s ever been done before?
Drag Queen don’t need any forgiveness. Pedophiles and indecent exposure people, yes.
You are incredibly ignorant. And I mean ignorant. Before speaking do the math and look into the situation so that you have some idea of what you’re talking about.
First of all, we are ALL sinners and need forgiveness. Secondly, the Bible says that men should not dress in women’s clothing.
You are all so quick to share opinions and “knowledge” but you know nothing.
Will he also do the same for republicans?
Drag queens don’t hurt kids. Do not confuse them with your indoctrinating church
he most likely commits suicide which is great.
Spoken like someone under Satan’s influence.
Another creepy Christian sex pervert. No doubt he rants about drag queens while inh his own behaviour and that of other preacher pedos.
Drag Queens do “act’s” to innocent children you dullard!
The pastor did an “act” to himself!
Thou shall not LUMP all people of a color, a faith or a sex (2 genders) “HOLE OR POLE” together!
IMO, allegedly.. jk… nay nay
It would be great if you knew English before writing here.
Doesn’t matter drag queen,preacher,lawyer,or cop~ a freak is a freak
Not a drag queen
and people are worried about transgender people. Get a life people. Its the religious right you need to be worried about.
SLM = Sperm Lives Matter
Maybe the Walmart parking lot identifies as his bedroom. Oops, did I misgender?
Indiana Trails and Lakeview Tech schools are hiring. He will fit in well!
Sounds like he had the situation well in hand
Was he yelling, “OH GOD, OH GOD,” or was he climaxing as he screamed, “KELLY CLARKSON, KELLY CLARKSON?”
Perhaps the pastor was drugged by the pill-pushing medical goons that prescribe drugs that fry people’s brain’s and self control!
I prefer the pastor spank his monkey, over shooting up a school, church or business, under the influence of the infected medical system.
IMO, allegedly.
Hey, since America is now a BANANA REPUBLIC, offer the pastor a banana for his “monkey love.”
JK? Sure…???
sounds like us transvestites are now taking over this page
Colossians 2:8