In early 2020, a man named Jacob Blake was unemployed with a long rap sheet, and didn’t have a car. Still, however, he felt entitled to use his ex-girlfriend, and childrens’ mother, Laquisha Booker’s car whenever he wanted, with or without her permission.
On March 6, 2020, Booker called 9-1-1 because Blake wouldn’t give her keys to her vehicle.
On April 6, 2020, again, Booker called 9-1-1 to report that Blake won’t give her the keys to her vehicle.
On Saturday, May 3, 2020, Booker called 9-1-1 to report that Blake stole her car and debit card and fled the area. She told police that she was woken by Jacob Blake who had penetrated her vagina with his fingers, sniffed them, and said “Smells like you’ve been with other men.” Booker was crying during the time she was reporting this sexual assault to police. She said being penetrated hurt and caused her humiliation, without her consent. She checked her bank account and noticed $1,000 missing. She told police that Jacob Blake has no job and no car. He physically assaults her twice a year when he drinks heavily. She thinks he broke in through a window.
On May 12, 2020, Booker called 9-1-1 to report that Blake was at her house, armed with a black knife. He was breaking into her car.
On July 6, 2020, The Kenosha DA’s office would ask Gregory Bates, a part-time court commissioner to sign a warrant for Blake’s arrest. He signed it the next day.
On August 23, 2020 Booker called 9-1-1 to report that Blake was back at her house. Police got there quickly and knew of his felony warrant. He was armed with the same knife that he usually carried. He resisted arrest and fought with police. They tased him several times. He had the knife in his hands and one police officer shot Blake.
The Kenosha riots happened.
Kenosha’s very liberal DA, Michael Gravley (D), completed a thorough review of the Wisconsin Department of Justice investigation into the shooting and found that the Kenosha officer did not violate the law. DA Graveley handed the sexual assault case to another liberal prosecutor, Walworth County DA Zeke Wiedenfeld, who dropped the sexual assault charge against Blake at Graveley’s request.
On March 25, 2021, Blake filed a lawsuit against the Kenosha Police Officer who shot him. Three high-profile law firms represented him in this case – Five Illinois attorneys and one Wisconsin attorney from Salvi, Schostok & Pritchard P.C., Ben Crump, and B’Ivory Lamarr. This lawsuit is below:
On May 6, 2022, Blake agreed to dismiss the lawsuit for excessive force with prejudice. That means it’s done for good, it cannot be re-filed.

Two hyper-partisan, far-left activist attorneys have now convinced Blake to sue the City of Kenosha again – even after other, more talented attorney’s entered a stipulation to dismiss this issue for good. While Blake is again suing Officer Rusten Shesky, he cannot sue Shesky for excessive force. Instead he is suing the entire department, alleging that he was arrested, not because of his felony warrant, but because he is black. Kimberly Motley lives and works on the east coast, but was drawn to Kenosha to defend bad people for free, like Gaige Grosskreutz. She is being sued for allegedly kidnapping a boy from Afghanistan. She doesn’t like me and sends me letters to my home address threatening to sue me for telling the world that Grosskreutz wants to change his name. Angela Cunningham, the other attorney on the lawsuit, has failed with everything she’s tried. She was a guardian ad litem – failed. She ran for congress – failed. She ran for Judge – failed. She went to work for the Kenosha D.A. – failed. She went to work for the Milwaukee Public Defender’s office – failed. Now she is about to fail as a civil rights attorney. The dim-witted duo now filed a second lawsuit yesterday that has an extremely low chance to move forward, let alone be successful. Here it is. Believe it or not, not a word about Blake’s dangerous behavior:
Most of us in Kenosha want to move past the rioting that tore up our beloved city. Enough lawsuits. I was even sued twice – both suits were swiftly dismissed. Activist lawyers: stop filing meritless lawsuits related to Jacob Blake just to get your faces in front of a camera. We’re ready to move on, so should Mr. Blake.
43 Responses
Typical ambulance chasing lawyers really know how to manipulate people into filing frivolous claims.
Especially when the client is destitute, or otherwise has no gainful employment, or prospects in life.
When does the city sue these freeloaders for wasting everyone’s time and money. And for all the damages this hood rat caused?
Blake is probably broke already.
They see an opportunity, claiming race again. Applebees incident opened the door to put the spotlight on Kenosha. Blake is a clown who shoulda been arrested and his wack ex girlfriend shoulda insisted on pressing charges but was likely paid off. Did Blake blow through the millions on his wack go fund me already? Again the left is allllll about trump going to jail but seemingly ok with someone sexually assaulting, stealing and harming women and kids. Good job left!!!
The go fund me had to be used for all his medical so he probably didn’t have much left after that considering he was in the rehab center forever but I think this is the dumbest thing I’ve ever read I cannot believe he got convinced into trying to sue the city of Kenosha police Department if it wasn’t for him this city would still about a calm city it got crazy after them riots.We should all be suing him that’s the truth
just because he had medical bills doesnt mean he paid them
The way the GoFundMe goes is the way it’s wrote up it was wrote up that medical bills and then there was something in there about helping out with his kids or something my nephew had cancer and we had a go fund me for him all the money went for his medical bills go fund me made sure the medical bills were paid so no it’s not a free ride for nobody
That’s false! Whoever sends the bank information as the sender it goes to. Go fund me don’t pay medical bills. Quick lying to support this BS
False. He was also given other donations just for his medical bills. That go fund me went right to him and wasn’t a “have to use for medical “. Be interesting to see how he living and all his money now. We know he paid off the girl he assaulted
Where was the funding for the medical bills I read to go find me page and it said medical bills so what was the other source
Did his upstanding Father blow all his go fund me on Meth …
Blake needs to go crawl back into his hole!! Obviously his disability isn’t enough for him to live off off, since he’s another Nick Cannon in having a ton of kids and his Go Fund me has dried up!!
This @$$ should be in jail and Kenosha should be suing his sorry @$$ for all the damages caused in the Kenosha riots, reimbursement for all the police, firemen and women who had to work overtime, and the list just goes on!!
When is this @$$ and everyone else going to wake up and realize this clown is the reason everything happened to Kenosha!!! At least he can’t run from the police anymore! LOL
What an absolute waste of money, time, the courts, etc. This thug should be behind bars, not trying to get money from the City. If gravely had done his job, this idiot would be in prison for ever. Why we protect the criminals and help them out, but not the victims is beyond me.
I agree they should’ve never let him off the hook what were they Accomplish by not charging him with anything there was millions of dollars in damage He should be in jail he had the knife he admitted that. he had kids in the car putting danger on them, I don’t know why they let him off
Absolutely disgusting that he got away with sexual assault.
“Instead he is suing the entire department, alleging that he was arrested, not because of his felony warrant, but because he is black.” So I guess that if you are black reaching for a knife you don’t expect an officer to use any force? That if you’re black a felony warrant doesn’t apply? This is what is wrong with these un-educated Lawyers. Yes, I said uneducated. If they were educated and actually smart they would know that their argument here is nothing but another race based claim of pure B.S. Actions do have consequences. Blake made the wrong choice and must now live with that. Just as he is making a bad choice based off bad legal advise from two questionable Lawyers. The City better fight this and NOT pay any money or settlement. What a waste of time being spent in the legal system tying up the courts with non-sense like this.
This is f’d up! He already sued, collected his money, now move TF on!
They updated his go fund me. He recieved 2.3 million and posted a new update for your reading pleasure.
Yeah I knew it was up there but I also know he was in the hospital for quite a while and in that rehab center the best money can buy go fund me had to pay the bills first so if he’s out of money I don’t know how that’s possible but maybe it does cost 2 million in bills for rehab centers to learn how to walk again to go through everything all I know is it was set up for his medical but I’m sure he got a nice cool settlement out of that go fund me
What a joke. This loser blew through almost 3 million and is begging for more money. What a fucken loser
“Believe ALL women!”
UNLESS they are victim’s of violent radical Democrats. That includes the rabid race pimping leftists that are somehow getting “funded” so they can “work” to fight for the violent thugs that are often repeat offenders with well known criminal records.
It’s time for the victim’s to start suing the district attorney’s that not only fail them but continue to put their lives in peril.
Thank God for Kevin Mathewson!
Truth doesn’t have a side.
The fake news chooses to hide the truth.
Mathewson stands up against the slings and arrows so the people can learn the truth about the snakes that slither in their midst!
Elections have consequences!
If you want voter integrity laws and to get rid of the machines, you must vote for MAGA conservative Republicans to save what’s left of America!
IMO, allegedly ?????
Jacob Blake did this to himself. He should be dead but for Grace, isn’t. While he now is confined to a chair, he still looks to blame others for his inexcusably stupid decisions. Jacob, you earned the consequences now live with them.
Its too bad the Kenosha cop is a terrible shot. If it was me as a KPD officer I would have taken one shot. It would have been through his brain and it all would have been over.
Hopefully, next time KPD learned its lesson and aim for the head at close distances.
Trained LEs are instructed to aim at center mass when possible, to stop the threat, whether the shot kills, or not.
It’s not a TV show.
I’m sure with a user name like that you are an awesome shot. The next John Wayne.
Jacob Blake, his family, and his attorneys are a gigantic drain on society.
No one cares about Jacob Blake.
In America, anyone can sue anyone for some of the simplest reasons. It is the judge who decides to let the lawsuit go forward or toss it out. The person we should all be upset with is the judge in this case who is allowing this lawsuit to move forward. Let’s put blame where it should be put, and that is with the judge.
No matter how Blake chose to live his life which many of us don’t agree with, if anyone of us had shot him like the police officer, did we’d all be sitting in jail right now.
Again let’s put blame her blame needs to go and for all his incidences that are listed in this article he should’ve been arrested long before and why didn’t the police force do it then?
Enough is enough, Mr. Blake, you caused enough pain to our city, you had a big part in what went down, admit your wrongdoing as well, and move on. Are city caring the scare to all this. You had a choice that day, and you made the wrong one, you did not comply had had a knife, you could have easily placed your hands behind your back and used the court system to fight your battle. Like the rest of Kenosha does,
Lol!!!!! The same Cunningham that had joe cardinali as a political manager!!! That drug abused loser that has a Highschool kids job at a clothing store!!! Wow she’s really something
He worked for Barca, tip, Bryce, Meier, and lots of other Dems. What do they all have in common? Corrupt criminals. Liberal version of Dustin Beth
Same one representing a 11yr old who killed his mom over a video game??????
Put his girlfriend on the witness stand first-
1 did Jacob Blake break into your apartment and sexually assault you as you reported?
2 Did Jacob have permission to steal your rental car?
3 what was jacob doing that caused the 911 call?
If she admits she was lying, she should be prosecuted for putting poor Jacob into this situation where he “had no choice” but to steal the car and fight with police, and arm himself with a knife to attempt to threaten/kill officers. That would mean she filed false police reports against this poor black gentleman, so she should also be charged with a hate crime. What kind of a hateful person would lie about such a fine person?
I read the suit and it looks like Cunningham is the local counsel which could mean that her name is stuck on the paperwork because the other attorney may not be admitted to practice here. I could be wrong but that’s what it looks like.
Cunningham’s problem is that she doesn’t seem to be sure what she wants to do when she grows up.
As for the suit, anyone with the filing fee can get a case into court. Many details were left out such as what Jacob Blake did contrary to law to put himself in that position. Plus, the Monday morning quarterbacking overlooks that this has to be judged on a real-time basis based on what a reasonable police officer would have done given what was going on at the moment.
Motley is from Wisconsin and doesn’t need ad hoc viche.
My mistake. The North Carolina address threw me off. In fact, she’s a former Mrs. Wisconsin.
Cunningham’s problem is still that she doesn’t seem to be sure what she wants to do when she grows up.