Behind Rosenbaum And To The Right Is Violent Felon Joshua Ziminski Who Is Now In Prison
The estate of a racist child rapist who was looting, rioting, and inciting violence on August 25, 2020 sued multiple law enforcement agencies and Kyle Rittenhouse for being shot dead in self defense. A jury of Rittenhouse’s peers unanimously agreed that the shooting and killing of Joseph Rosenbaum, who was sexually attracted to children, was justified.
An extremist attorney, Kimberly Motley, who lives in Charlotte, NC, convinced the estate of Rosenbaum to sue Kyle Rittenhouse and many law enforcement agencies on the third anniversary of his death. Motley is taking this case for no money, as she usually does. What makes this case uncommon, is that Motley is part African-American and she is an anti-racism activist. As we all have seen, Joseph Rosenbaum was an admitted racist and said the n-word many times on the night he was killed.
The federal lawsuit, filed on the last possible day for the three-year statute of limitations for wrongful death, names as defendants:
Former Sheriff David G. Beth
Former Chief Daniel Miskinis
Acting (sic) Chief of Police Patrick Patton
Kenosha Police Department
Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department
Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department
Racine County Sheriff’s Department
Sauk County Sheriff’s Department
Walworth County Sheriff’s Department
Washington County Sheriff’s Department
Menomonee Falls County Sheriff’s Department
West Allis Police Department
City of Kenosha
County of Kenosha
County of Waukesha
County of Racine
County of Sauk
County of Walworth
County of Washington
Village of Menomonee Falls
City of West Allis
Kyle Rittenhouse
In the 48-page lawsuit, Motley paints Rosenbaum as a valued member of the community who was “peacefully protesting” on August 25, 2020. This was obviously disputed by videos to anyone who watched the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse. The suit repeats long-debunked lies like Rittenhouse crossing state lines, him carrying the gun being illegal, the rifle being a “weapon of war,” and the Police department and Sheriff’s Departments deputizing citizens. Motley also claims that no business owners took up arms to protect their businesses. Motley also says in the suit that “Rittenhouse fired his assault rifle (sic) indiscriminately multiple times at citizens on the street.” In fact, many firearm experts have complimented Rittenhouse’s use of his rifle on that night, only hitting his intended targets. She also wrote that “…Rosenbaum was not a danger to himself or others…” In fact, Rosenbaum had just been released from a mental hospital. Later in the complaint Motley clams that the career criminal Anthony Huber was a hero. One of the more outrageous claims made by Motley is “If a black person [in place of Rittenhouse] had approached the police with an assault rifle (sic), offering to patrol the streets with the police, he most likely would have been shot dead.” Motley also falsely claims that only white people were armed on August 25, 2020.
The below are the cases of actions for the suit:
Conspiracy to Deprive Constitutional Rights
Conspiracy To Obstruct Justice Based on Invidious Discrimination
Equal Protection
First Amendment Retaliation
Deprivation of Due Process
Failure to Intervene
Municipal Liability/Monell Policy Claim
Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress
Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress
Negligent Hiring, Supervision and Training
Wrongful Death
Respondeat Superior
Motley is seeking an undetermined sum of money.
21 Responses
Gatekeeping isn’t discipleship.
Good shit.
So rosenbaums victims should/will be entitled to sue his “estate”???. The law should be changed- the maximum damages shouldn’t exceed 20 Years of their highest documented tax return. If you never worked, what value have you lost? “I’ll never work again”… you never did…
I was wondering that myself. What “estate” could Rosenbaum possibly have left?
If anything, rittenhouse should be suing Rosenbaums family for a “trash removal” fee. Considering 2 rounds of 5.56 goes for about 40 cents a round, i would charge them at least one dollar, plus labor costs of course.
We almost forgot about that derelict pervert now this scumbag dredges it up. Good luck you gold digging loser.
Because this is a federal case the trial won’t be televised.
First Blake now this? Seems too well orchestrated. So is the way to get rich is be a piece of shit and break the law? Seems to be the way here. Losers
Perfect title, Kevin! That pedophile’s estate lawyer bit off way more than what she can chew. I hope the defendants bury her!!
It is a really good headline.
You got to be joking , Let’s stop fooling people. Peaceful protest? there was nothing peaceful. this is such BS , maybe his family should be more involved in his mental health which was a major play in how he was acting down there.
Tragic death? No.
Are they also suing the individual that instigated and provoked Rittenhouse’s reaction that night: Mr. Zimimsky?
Are they suing the loonies place for dumping him at the bus terminal in the middle of that chaos?
Anyways, wish them good luck!
The Complaint filed by Motley reads as if it was drafted by a high school student. What a joke. What a sick joke.
lmao Dude FAFOd. Now, out of state race hustling attorney is attempting to grift off the family and expropriate the money out of Wisconsin (and out of jurisdiction of the courts for dipshit’s victims to sue for).
She practices in North Carolina. How tf does she have a license to practice in Wisconsin? Unless she conned the family into filing pro se and will be using US v Stockheimer to “represent” them. lmao 7th Circuit district judges are gonna love this use of tax money…