Department Portraits of Officer Jason Kreuger and Josh Fikejs
(Still Frame From Body-Worn Camera)
“Don’t help me! I’m not worth it!” were the words of a 13-year-old little girl seconds after she jumped into Lake Michigan. “Yes you are!” responded Kenosha Police Officer Jason Kreuger as he was tossing the young girl an emergency rescue rope. Kenosha Police released this video Monday from an incident that occurred on Friday, September 15, 2023. Passers by called 9-1-1 just after 6:30 pm to report a young girl on the rocks bordering the unforgiving and relentless waves of Lake Michigan. The wind was also at high speeds at the time.
The video starts with the girl sitting on a rock and two Kenosha Police Officers talking to her. Without warning, she jumped into the extremely cold water. Officer Josh Fikejs immediately took off his duty belt, containing his duty weapon and other heavy objects and went in the water after the girl. “My name is Josh, come with me,” Fikejs later said. The girl resisted help saying over and over that she wasn’t worth it. “You are worth it because you are a human being,” replied Kreuger. The girl looked to be struggling and certainly may have died without the heroic actions of Officer Fikejs.

“Officer Fikejs and Krueger showed exceptional poise and displayed empathy towards this individual in crisis. They truly modeled the Kenosha Police Department’s core values of Respect, Integrity, Service and Excellence. The Kenosha community is fortunate to have officers like Fikejs and Kreuger” said Kenosha Police Spokesman Leo Viola Tuesday morning.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha Police Chief Patrick Patton told KCE “I am proud of our officers’ quick response and willingness to put their own safety and well-being at risk to save the young child. They worked together to prevent what would have been an absolute tragedy from occurring. Their heroic actions and teamwork represented our department to the highest standard. I want thank KFD for their response as well. As always, they provided the young girl and our officer with the highest level of care and we appreciate them.”

(Kenosha Police Department)
Indeed Officer Fikejs risked his life. He was in the water long enough to be diagnosed with hypothermia. His choice of hair style didn’t hamper his recovery. He did return to work yesterday. The other two officers involved, Jason Kreuger and Brittany Bray were also slightly injured but went immediately back on patrol after the save.
If you have any thoughts about suicide, just remember what the brave Kenosha Police Officers said – we all have value. There are avenues of help. In the United States you can call or text 988 – Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. This is a service available to both adults and juveniles.
24 Responses
Anyone else wonder why KPD just revictimized their victim by releasing that footage? I bet the mental health professionals in this community are just cringing.
I requested the video and it was already on Channel 4
Agreed….this wasn’t at all appropriate to fucking air.
Why do you say she was a victim of the police department? What are you on about? Also, this video was on TMJ4 and other outlets too. The police don’t have a choice when it comes to releasing this type of footage to the media. And thank god for that. One girl having a bad time doesn’t override citizens’ rights to public information. But on the other hand, I think it’s sick that they are taking forever to release the Applebees incident, but released this one immediately.
No need to release the Applebees one. The fact they suspended the officers involved tells you all you need to know.
You’re really not that bright!
Seriously? The video demonstrates the efforts used to help save her. How is she revictimized? She asked; why am I worth saving? One slip, one let go of the rope and those officers easily could have become victims too. Great job Officers! Hopefully this individual gets the help she needs.
The community has demanded officers all have video, and it all being available, so I guess the community will have to deal with not always liking what they get. As long as we’re going off topic, next time you see some piece of s*** on a school board talking about who and how is old enough to decide what sex they are and have hormone and surgical treatments, remember how watching this video you knew a 13-year-old wasn’t in the right place to make a decision on life and death yet we’re supposed to believe a 10 year old can decide gender
Hard to watch a young girl so sad that she wants to off herself. Well done police and I hope the girl gets the help she needs.
I hope so too. I also hope her parents aren’t the type to go all “How DARE you embarrass us like this!” and slap her around for it.
I’m sure it didn’t slow Josh down at Rivals…
So what’s the story with erasing the like votes on the comments criticizing Kevin and suddenly putting a ton of votes for the opposite comments? Hmmm… They were literally the opposite counts hours ago.
This story was shared by a national media outlet. This site gets tons of hits anyway.
Hey anonymous, no one is erasing like votes–no on likes you and your negativity–face facts
Thank you, officer. You’re a hero!
Nearly everything is on video now especially stupid things like this-deal with it snowflake. Great work by the cops.
God bless these brave officers and I will pray for that little girl. Thank you for posting these heroic stories of officers doing their jobs. I am sick and tired of the negative press against them. they have the hardest job in the world and deserve more credit
All the whiners about posting the video…her face is blurred. If you don’t want to watch it, then don’t.
Once any person steps out of their domicile, they are fair game to be recorded….every single person, including babies. This is the society we have made, now deal with it.
There is no reason not to share the video, as they blurred out the girls face, so you don’t know who she is!
Praying that this young girl gets the help she needs and thankful that someone was going by at the time and called it in! Thank you to the officers who saved her and risked their lives in the unforgiving Lake Michigan!!
His choice of hair style didn’t hamper his recovery??
Probably should have kept that one out of the news article.
Stay classy!
I have a sense of humor, you should too! Let’s not take this thing called life too seriously – no one gets out alive 🙂
Thank you Kevin for showing all the good that the police do for the community. Thank you to all the hard working police for all that you do.
If you have a child, there is a good chance you have heard this already. Most children going through puberty struggle with worthiness. It is the job of the parents to step up and help them through it, but sometimes it is not enough. I pray everyday that the grown ups in this world stop capitalizing on the confusion children face when they going through puberty. There will be backlash one day and I believe it will be righteous when these children grow up and fully comprehend what some adults have done to them. May God have mercy on their souls.