(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
An Illinois man was sentenced today to 57-1/2 years in the Wisconsin Prison System today followed by 29 years of extended supervision. It’s a prison sentence that will likely mean that Allan M. Brown will spend the rest of his life behind bars on this case alone. He is still facing, however, two murder charges in Illinois.
Brown was charged and found guilty of nine felonies relating to an October 21, 2021 incident in which he allegedly fled Chicago, IL after killing two people. The vehicle that he carjacked from one of his murder victims was remotely disabled by Onstar near Benson Corners gas station.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Four deputies arrived to take Brown into custody and he shot at them, missing, and shot K9 Riggs in the head. K9 Riggs suffered severe pain, but made a full recovery and has had an active a fruitful career ever since.
Deputy Tifft, the only victim to speak today, made a plea to Judge for the maximum sentence allowed under the law. In Tifft’s remarks, however, he didn’t spend much time talking about the risk to his safety when Brown opened fire at him and two other deputies. He was more interested in talking about his partner, K9 Riggs.
“In the eyes of the law, which I don’t agree with, police K9s are considered property. It doesn’t sit well with me, and unless you’ve ever been a K9 handler, it’s hard to understand the bond between a K9 handler and his dog. K9 Riggs is a part of my family,” said Deputy Tifft. Deputy Tifft would later tell KCE that he is encouraging legislators to change the law, and have the criminal justice system treat police dogs like their human counterparts.
“I’ve been in discussions with local legislators about changing this law and I’m optimistic that it can be done,” said Sheriff David. W. Zoerner in an interview after the sentencing. “K9 Riggs will be retiring and we would like to ask the public for help with raising funds to train his replacement when that time comes.” Folks can donate to the new K9 fund by making checks payable to “Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department” and the funds will be used only for the training and implementation of the new K9. KCE sponsor, Attorney Xavier Solis has pledged to match the first $50 donation for the new K9, and KCE sponsor Merlin Complete Auto Care has also agreed to match another $50 donation. Please leave a comment in this article with your pledge and we will have the Sheriff’s office reach out to you directly.

(Kenosha County Sheriff)

(Kenosha County Sheriff)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Alexandra Smathers also asked Judge Milisauskas for the maximum sentence permitted under the law. “As Deputy Tifft best said, the defendant made the mistake of coming to Kenosha County, where the truly brave and honorable deputies of the Kenosha County Sheriff’s Department put themselves in harm’s way to apprehend this truly dangerous man. Knowing full well the breadth of this man’s depravity and the lengths he was willing to go, they put their own lives in danger to protect the citizens of Kenosha County, and the citizens of anywhere else this man would travel,” said Smathers Tuesday morning.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
“[K9 Riggs] did save the people’s lives that day by taking a bullet to the head. And there was no reason for that. I don’t know where the defendant thought he was gonna go to get away. There was no way he was going to escape. So what does he do? He shoots [K9 Riggs] in the head,” said long-time Judge Anthony Milisauskas. Milisauskas then went on to read Brown’s extensive violent criminal history. “There is a need to protect the public for [these] charges, and punish the defendant. Anytime somebody shoots at a human being, I think the court system has an obligation to protect the victim and the public... The other aggravating factor here, is that the crimes were committed against Deputy Sheriffs and police officers. They are here to protect us, and they don’t need to go to a crime scene and get in a position where they will not go home…Their pay isn’t the greatest and they take so much abuse.”
With that, the judge handed down the maximum sentence on all counts. The only break the defendant received was one concurrent charge of 18 months.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
While Judge Milisauskas was handing down the stiff sentence, K9 Riggs, who was parked just outside of the courtroom, could be heard barking by all of the occupants of the room. After court, ADA Smathers got to visit with K9 Riggs.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
“I’m very happy with the sentence. Judge Milisauskas is a wise jurist and obviously has the back of law enforcement and the community at large. It means a lot to my deputies,” said Sheriff Zoerner after court.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
17 Responses
Deputy Tifft is a very good officer and a credit to the department.
But he is a Bears fan so he does have issues….
You have issues for even bringing this stupid shit up
Abe, eat a large dick.
Thank heavens that this piece of garbage is behind bars. I hate it when thugs harm our police officers and our K-9s
This man deserves to be behind bars. But Kenosha court system has put a Kenosha former football hero behind bars for 35 years which is close to this for a really bad man. This happened because he was presumed guilty without evidence. The courts and its entire support system is mandated under the US Constitution that every suspect must be presumed innocent in every part of the court system until full and proper and due process has been step-by-step finished, before arriving at the deliberated verdict of innocence or whatever. A Public Defender named Sloan went to the preliminary court without ever talking to defendent who never met “his” public defender to this very day. Without the defendant’s involvement, Sloan pleaded his “client” (to the extent he represented him in court-at least) that he never met, never talked to, never explained by this “client” was never properly brought to court for his preliminary trial. Instead, Sloan pled his client guilty under mental conditions without ever talking to him, and then immediately left the State of Wisconsin and is practicing law in Texas laughing after he did this about 2000. The Wisconsin Bar Association, Governor Evers, and the Kenosha court system has not shown any interest in reaching beyond state lines for professional discipline of one of its former attorneys, nor will they reach out to help this innocent victim who has lost his freedom already 24 years. The injustice was done by former judge Mary K. Wagner. The super athlete had just out-performed Lance Armstrong-type endurance bicycling from his residence in Florida to Kenosha without proper nutrition, got a brain concussion, was foaming at the mouth, and seeing red from these medical conditions. Copies of the jail records prove Sloan never called, never visited his “client” and that the client was not removed from jail to attend his own preliminary hearing. He was railroaded, presumed guilty, and his Constitutional rights were violated in Kenosha just like anybody’s rights can be violated in Kenosha. It is not about race, color, ethnicity, but about abuse of power over people and not treating everybody with God’s Golden Rule. Worse yet, Kenosha courts have removed his medical consent to allow him to be an experimental guinea pig for Big Pharma’s “depression speciality psychiatrists” for the last 7 years despite the fact he has no history of depression. He is being recklessly overdosed on mood meds that they previously discovered made him so depressed that he can’t stand it anymore. Why did the doctor recklessly and cruelly order him to be overdosed on these meds over Christmas 2023 when they were taking vacation time until January AND order his nurses to continue instructions regardless and to not contact him even when family said he was in danger. Sounds like a strict biological research project to me where protocol to create deep depression and observe it is much more important than his life. Sounds cruel and inhumane to me. Why doesn’t Kenosha Court’s judges handling Wagner’s case not change an cruel and inhumane order and return his rights to informed medical consent back to him?
Judge Mary Kay Wagner was not the sentencing judge in this horrible case. However, in April 2017 Wagner / “Court finds that the deft needs medication and treatment and orders that medication can be administered to the deft w/out his consent during the period of commitment, ” which is clearly against the Nuremberg Code, which states that “voluntary consent of the individual is essential.” Who are Mendota and Wagner to think they can take away another’s human rights? What did this individual do in 2017 that was so egregious that someone determined there was a medical necessity to deprive this individual of all free agency over his body? The only incident this individual mentioned to his family involved him being sick and Mendota depriving him of bathroom access which resulted in him pooping in his pants twice in one day. He indicated that this had a negative consequence on him. Shame on Mendota and Wagner for going against the Nuremberg Code of taking away his human rights! When his hearings were still new this individual was stuck in Kenosha County’s Jail when his Initial Hearing was happening on 15 March 2001. This individual, and his family, was totally unaware how the legal system worked and so didn’t know he missed his Initial Hearing. Yet, according to a certified transcript of his Initial Hearing, an Attorney David Sloan, a commissioner named Carl M. Greco and an Assistant District Attorney named Shelly Rusch were there talking ABOUT him, not with him, and giving incorrect answers to questions about him. The jail records support this individual / defendant because there were no records of any attorney visiting him prior to the Initial Hearing. Yet, all 3 that were present were in agreement to give this individual an “NGI” without his knowledge, or consent. This individual ultimately (6 month later) got sentenced “45 years and 9 months” marked down to “30 years if accepting an NGI” mostly for “sex” charges. These “sex” charges stuck despite the fact the VICTIM (who got knocked off her bicycle by the individual) clearly stated TWICE (in two separate police report numbers) “I do not know if he had [an] erection during any part of this assault.” How is that sexual? Yet, the sentencing judge, Judge Bastianelli, chose to use the prosecutor’s version of what happened, and stated 6 February 2006, that documents, “such as witness statements, were not documents presented to the court in regards to this case.” Years later, the same Assistant District Attorney (who followed this case from the beginning to the sentencing) got an award for “prosecuting the most sex offenders in the State of Wisconsin” and is now working at a very high position in Wisconsin. Also, David Sloan is now a very important attorney in another state. When contacted, after this individual’s sentence, Sloan could not stop laughing due to “wondering when you were going to find me” and talking about how “smart” the prosecutor was between his uncontrollable laughter – despite the fact that this individual’s 5th Amendment of the Constitution had been clearly denied him. And the individual? Well, Wisconsin taxpayers, you have probably paid near to a whopping 2 million dollars to house this individual and help Mendota to put him on depression mood-controlling pills resulting in his becoming severely depressed during this past Christmas 2023. Was it Mendota’s goal to have him commit suicide over this last Christmas? Interestingly this individual does NOT have a history of depression, but these pills were already found to create depression in this individual in the past and so were not to be used on him anymore! And yet, this happened during a break for his doctor – which is ALSO against the Nuremberg Code, since someone should be available to stop the experiment at any given point. And, yes, I agree with the person before, that this has nothing to do with color, since this individual is white. It is absolutely disgusting that this individual is still suffering in Kenosha County’s and Mendota’s fingerhold despite the illegal acts against him this past Christmas and over the last 23 YEARS! Yet NOT ONE single person all the way up to the governor will have mercy on this individual, but feel he needs to finish his sentence that was given to him! How was YOUR Christmas? Mine sucked! This old football hero, First-Team All-State, Third-Team All-American needs to come home – NOW!
How about when thug officers harm innocent citizens?
Thugs your ass. Never call 911 for any reason, a “thug” may appear to help your sorry ass!
Drop dead you boot licker
Joel. We know it’s you
My guess is you support Hamas too. Why don’t you go to Israel and fight.
Better to lick boots than suck cocks, as you well know
Oh! My GOODNESS! You All need to grow up! SMH!
Oh I see, you endorse Antifa, the defunding of law enforcement to assist abortion clinics. I even bet you voted for Biden, and you gave a big poster of Kamala and the squad girls in the room you rent. We are all proud of you Abe!
I believe a change in the law is needed as Deupty Tifft suggested.
It would also be a good idea to reinstate the death penalty.
Then we would not have to pay to house and feed those that kill by choice.
Sounds good, until you recognize that they frame and railroad people in Kenosha.
I contacted Mr. Howard J. Brown, the owner of Kenosha News, in the Fall of 2008 in hopes of getting him to make up for the slanderous lies his newspaper made against this individual. that I mentioned above Kenosha News must have sold a lot of papers that day due to this article, because everyone was talking about it. After begging with old man Brown, I gave him my proof that his newspaper made it so that this individual needed a very expensive attorney and / or an article apologizing for the lies against him due to Brown’s newspaper. Mr. Brown simply replied that I was “charming.” ” Yes, [I was] very charming,” “oh, so charming,” “charming, charming, charming.” It was then that I learned that as a journalist, Brown obviously had a very small vocabulary! After about 20 minutes Brown stated he would give me a written reply if I provided him with a mailing address. I gave him my post office box. Approximately two days later, I received a letter from Brown simply stating he was not going to take any action to correct any harm that was done to this individual by his newspaper. A couple years later, I got word that the rich old man died. (I can safely say that I never saw a U-Haul follow a hearse and although I wasn’t at Brown’s funeral, I figured he was no different!) So, I went down to see the new editor and was told that the Brown family were no longer in charge. The new editor of Kenosha News was presented with the sad situation of the slander that Kenosha News did to this individual. However, the new editor made it very clear that they were not the ones who made the slander, so he (the head editor) would not authorize correcting such slanderous lies. Yet, people keep buying their newspaper. H-m-m-m!