(Submitted Photo)
Elizabeth Garcia quipped Kenosha is her hobby, saying “I wish it were my job!” A working
mother who uses her free time towards bettering our city, Garcia has announced her bid for
Mayor of Kenosha. Enthusiastic and determined Garcia asserts, “ I am solution oriented: when I
see a problem, I try to fix it. If I can’t fix it, I find out who can. I want Kenoshans to know their
tax dollars are being used in meaningful ways; I want Kenosha to be great for Kenoshans.”
With a positive track record of managing difficult personalities, while forging connections with
people across “the aisle,” Elizabeth Garcia prides herself in being able to find common ground.
Focused on promoting Kenosha family businesses, arts and culture, as well as neighborhood
associations; Garcia says she wants to “bring a mother’s perspective and family issues to the
Garcia comes from a direct service background; most recently a member of the Kenosha County
Racial and Ethnic Equity Commission. A wide variety of issues concern the candidate, including
but not limited to: “Community connection; fair access to housing; dwindling opportunities for
artists, entrepreneurs, makers and musicians; neighborhood cohesion; nature based solutions to
future proof infrastructure; pedestrian right of ways; political extremism; public access to public
amenities; public safety; the salinization of Lake Michigan; the Section 8 waitlist; tenants’
rights; youth employment.”
Garcia is in the process of obtaining signatures to ensure her position on the ballot; if necessary
a Spring Primary will be held February 20, 2024. The campaign (Amigos de Elizabeth Garcia) is
asking readers to choose public service over politics; for more information, please visit
For Further Information:
22 Responses
What is Garcia’s position on public turgidity?
I think we need a public forum on the issue.
Spotswood is the clear leader on this issue, having sponsored Kenosha’s first public turgidity ordinance while an alderwoman.
This issue can be hard. Is Garcia soft on public turgidity? Can either candidate inspire private turgidity?
The KCE needs to get a firm grip on this issue.
Is Kevin turgid for either candidate?
This is not a left or right hand issue.
Enrique may or may not have a turgidity problem but I sure can spot someone that is full of crap. Enrique sirely is a bunch of bs.
Comedy is hard. Stick to stealing cars.
What is wrong with you, Enrique? Are you having issues with flaccidity? Something you need to discuss?
His 2 inch chorizo is soft.
There is no way this woman can be our Mayor. First, she is a girl. Second, she is not related to someone who already holds an office. It would be very difficult for her to continue with the systemic corruption that infests local government. She would be a disruption who would cause financial harm to the families that have run Kenosha for generations. No way! It just ain’t gonna happen!
She would be better than Lydia Snotswood.
Honestly…….this mayors race is shaping up to be like the past couple presidential elections. Is this current list the best that Kenosha has to offer?
I commend Elizabeth and other first time candidates for throwing their hat in the ring. I know we dont need a lying, Dr.’s housewife as mayor. Im kind of over lifetime politicians looking increase their power, so that leaves a veteran council member out. We sure as hell dont need a wannabe socialist as mayor.
Running Kenosha is more than rounding up rainbow farting unicorns, its big business now.
No chance in hell
no chance. mc Donalds is hiring
No way, the very description of her is a person who will never have enough tax money to spend on other people’s, “needs” opposed to the infrastructure needs of the actual city.
(Fix the roads, never say words like access or insecurity again.)
Dwindling oppurtunities for artists?What the hell does that mean?
It means she will be spending money on useless, unimportant things, maybe she’ll hire people to cover downtown with glitter while the road to it has potholes that could be filled with a small car. Tax and spend tax and spend rearrange the deck chairs and tell us that the iceberg will provide fresh water and ice for our drinks.
Hard no. Where are the sane decent candidates? They certainly have not filed.
Agree with the previous poster. Seems this candidate want to use tax payers hard earned money to fund everything except what could meet the needs of said taxpayers.
This pool of candidates makes me feel there is no hope for Kenosha.
This woman drove by three times giving Kenoshans the middle finger with her head hanging out the window while we were peacefully holding signs and praying. And she thinks she wants to be mayor? Are you kidding me?
She is rather disgusting
She’s probably too dumb to be bought off..
Kevin, why on earth would you write such a fluff piece about this lunatic? You must know exactly how insane she is. She’s a total left wing activist nut job.
With limited exceptions, all candidates for office have the same opportunity to submit press releases and have them written verbatim. I don’t ever want to live in a community where people who want to run for office or censored somehow.
You are an upstanding journalist–something that is sorely lacking in our world, especially Kenosha.
Thank god it’s an election and not a bikini contest