(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
A 44-year-old Kenosha man is in the Kenosha County Jail and likely won’t be released any time soon. James A. DeFazio allegedly caused a scene and screamed profanities and racial slurs at a bank teller inside Meijer on December 30, 2023.
According to the criminal complaint, DeFazio went to the bank inside the Meijer department store in Kenosha and demanded money from his bank account. The teller asked for DeFazio’s ID and DeFazio became upset, like he has so many times before. DeFazio threw his ID at the teller and yelled “hurry up and give me my fucking money.” Eventually the bank employee told DeFazio that he wouldn’t help him and pointed out the location of the ATM.

(Kenosha County Sheriff)
DeFazio walked up to another employee who also stated he would not help him either. DeFazio then walked back towards the teller and used his hands to knock over everything on the counter. DeFazio then threw his wallet behind the counter and wanted it back. The teller stated he did not want to take his eyes off of Defazio because of his actions and told DeFazio that the police would get it. Defazio then began to yell the following: “you’re a cock sucker”, “pussy ass bitch”, “punk ass [n-word]”, “stupid bitch”, “fucking assholes”, “Prick ass pussy [n-word]”. The teller then stated that these comments were yelled very loudly and caused several employees and customers of Meijer to stop and stare. The teller stated he never touched the defendant’s wallet.
A Kenosha Police Officer arrived on scene and heard DeFazio yelling very loudly, “shut the fuck up!” The Kenosha Police Officer reports he spoke to a loss prevention employee. The employee stated that he was notified that there was an issue by the bank inside the store. He stated he turned [on] the store’s surveillance camera to observe the incident. The employee stated he observed DeFazio throwing items around the bank and causing a large disruption.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
DeFazio made his initial appearance today and was very shy, as he kept blocking his face. He asked Court Commissioner William Michel II to order KCE not to photograph him.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
“The press has a right to be present and the court is not going to obstruct the press [from taking photos] or anything like that,” said Commissioner Michel.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
Kenosha County Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Tanck-Adams asked the court for a $300 cash bail and citied DeFazio’s extensive criminal history including:
2023 Obstructing an Officer, Disorderly Conduct, and Criminal Damage to Property
2018 Battery
2015 Obstructing an Officer and Disorderly Conduct
2008 Disorderly Conduct – Domestic Abuse
She also asked that DeFazio not be allowed in any Meijers stores or US Banks. DeFazio was charged with disorderly conduct as a repeater and faces up to two years in prison if convicted. DeFazio is on a probation hold and the Wisconsin Department of Corrections is expected to revoke his probation, sending him to jail. Commissioner Michel set DeFazio’s cash bail at $300.

(Kenosha County Sheriff)
DeFazio was on probation for a pair of recent arrests and convictions:
On July 9, 2023 the staff at Tinseltown called 9-1-1 to report a disturbance. A Kenosha Police Officer was working off-duty as a security officer on that Sunday evening. The Officer approached DeFazio in theater number 8 and asked him to put his cell phone away. DeFazio then started to yell in the theater and called the Officer vulgar language. The Officer then told DeFazio that he would have to leave the facility. DeFazio refused. The Officer left the theater and waited in the hallway. Soon thereafter, DeFazio exited the theater and threw a cup at the Officer. DeFazio then pushed the Officer, scraped his arm, which caused the Officer’s watch to come off his arm. The Officer pulled out his pepper-spray and that’s when DeFazio’s family grabbed DeFazio and made him leave. As he was leaving, DeFazio started to knock over items and kicked a door open, breaking it, causing $2,000 in damages.
The entire event was captured on the Officer’s body-worn-camera. An on-duty police Officer quickly arrived and ordered DeFazio out of his vehicle. He didn’t exit until the on-duty officer removed his taser. DeFazio was charged on July 10, 2023 with Battery, Criminal Damage to Property, and Disorderly conduct. Per Kenosha Police Spokesman Leo Viola, DeFazio probably avoided much more serious charges because the officer was not on duty and this not working in his official capacity as a police officer. DeFazio was also charged with felony bail-jumping because DeFazio was out on bond for a similar incident.
In May of this year, a motorcycle officer who was monitoring traffic monday clocked a car driven by 43-year-old Jim DeFazio of Kenosha going 55 in a 35 mph zone. He then pulled over the vehicle. DeFazio couldn’t find his insurance card and got upset, telling the officer he needs to “get the fuck out of here” because he was late to an appointment.
The officer cited DeFazio for speeding and not carrying proof of insurance. He then told DeFazio that he couldn’t drive home and needed to park the vehicle. That angered DeFazio, who called the officer a “dick and a half,” a “fucking asshole,” and a “fucking dick.” He also told the officer to “shut the fuck up” when calling his mother for a ride.
The officer, who was five to six inches away from DeFazio’s car said that Defazio shifted the vehicle into drive and accelerated away, squealing his tires. DeFazio then parked in a parking lot, got out, gave the officer the finger, and said “fuck you, you fucking asshole.” Three more officers arrived and DeFazio resisted arrest.

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
DeFazio was facing two serious felonies and four misdemeanors for these incidents. His attorney Mike Cicchini worked out a sweet plea deal in which DeFazio pleaded guilty to only three misdemeanors and got probation. The felonies and other counts were dismissed.
In 2008, DeFazio was convicted of domestic abuse that occurred the year before. He received one year of probation.
On February 21, 2014, DeFazio yelled profanities at a city bus driver after he had to run after the bus to catch it. While being arrested, he insulted officers with vulgar and sexual comments. He called officers “dick heads,” “pussy bitches,” and “fucking shithead motherfuckers.” It took many officers several minutes to get DeFazio into custody. He was charged with obstructing an officer, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct. He plead guilty to obstructing and the other two charges were dismissed, he got six months probation.
On November 19, 2014, DeFazio was fired from Goodwill and he started to yell vulgarities at his former boss. He was charged with disorderly conduct and bail jumping. The bail jumping was dismissed. He received a small fine.
On July 6, 2017, DeFazio got into a verbal and then physical altercation with customers at Family Dollar, where he worked. He pushed a man down, injuring him and breaking his eye-glasses. DeFazio was charged with battery, criminal damage to property, and disorderly conduct. The arresting agency was the Pleasant Prairie Police Department. He called Pleasant Prairie Judge Dick Ginkowski a “dick” and, believe it or not, insulted the PPPD officers. This incident was caught on camera. He plead guilty to only disorderly conduct and, believe it or not, got only a fine.

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)

(File Photo by Kevin Mathewson, Kenosha County Eye)
51 Responses
$300 bail? Jesus the dude is obviously a career criminal
Must know someone downtown. This clown needs a good beat down.
This is a job for “Sergeant Hard”!
He’s Andy Berg’s best friend
When is this racist fuck head going to go away for awhile. Let him mouth off like that in prison and see the repercussions
Doesn’t this dumb shit work at Oliver’s bakery
Not anymore I’m sure 😂
That’s where I saw him!! Thank you!
This idiot tried to run for alderman too!!
That’s Laverne’s brother.
Kevin, when is it illegal to be “racist”? It’s free speech even if hard to hear. I think it’s important that we don’t fall into the labels and traps created by those that are the true racists, (you know the people that if I mention in the comments, my comment gets deleted). Towing this”racist” line will make free speech illegal and punishable even if it is distasteful to hear . I see this as disorderly conduct at best.
We have a real racist in Andy Berg working with the hateful ADL and BLM who hate white people through their Loxism and J***sh supremacy and supported the burning of the Kenosha that the Kenosha cuck, Dave Beth let happen. BTW, does everyone realize that Dave Beth overturned his power to the national guard, US Marshall’s and likely the FBI while he watched his county, his deputies and the citizens he swore an oath to get a_s raped by BLM and the likes of Andy Berg? Dave Beth was not “Sheriff Hard” he was “Sheriff soft, the Kenosha cuck”. A sheriff is the ultimate authority and has jurisdictions above all agencies including the FBI and US Marshals. Has Mr Zoerner done any investigation of the Kenosha Cuck or does he get a pass as he filmed this gang bang of his communtiy by big BLM as he stroked himself in the corner to thoughts of attending the White House Chrismas party?
Finally, Why is Berg not labeled a “racist” or in your articles, he’s the biggest one of them all in Kenosha. He only lists himself as
“Caucasian” when he’s into anal and deep throating, but he’s not a Caucasian by bloodline or religion. Has Nudo pulled this racist, J***sh supremacist off the racial equity board yet or is Berg kissing Nudos ring while on his knees? Are they buddies or just Jerkmates?
You are 100% Correct .
Bravo mate. Bravo. 👏👏👏👏
I got a sale on tinfoil hats. He threw a fit and caused a scene
Guys, wouldn’t you be mad too if the bank wasn’t letting you access the $175 in his savings account?
Stephy, there is more to the story then that, don’t paint a narrative with selective facts
Obviously you are related to James. No where in the article spoke of the amount of money. I hope your family member gets locked up for a long long time!
What kind of comment is that? So anytime James don’t get his way right “fucking” now, he should throw a fit like a 2 year old and degrade others by being a racist prick?. GTFO
Mad? So anytime i get mad at someone in public I should act like a crazy idiot who throws out racial slurs who destroys property? What exactly justifies his actions, please enlighten me
He would have had no problem getting his paltry sum of money from his savings account if he had acted like a decent human being. No one should ever be treated as he treated those employees-they were right in not working with him and they pointed him to the ATM where he could have retrieved his cash
You guys are fucking morons. I was making a joke of how little he probably has in his account. I wasn’t sticking up for this clown.
which anonymous are you ?
Can’t you just make up a cool fake name , like the rest of us .
It’s Stephy anonymous, she is trying to cover her tracks now…
Yeah, I’m Stephy whoever….dipshit.
Good lord, I don’t think his eyes could get any closer together! I hope the fucker gets the max sentence on every charge and has mandatory anger management classes along with some psychotherapy
This guy is a danger to society. I hope he don’t have kids
Kids? I don’t think this ass clown has had a girlfriend in 25 years
He’s married I believe to Stephy
Kevin, I find all the foul language uttered by DeFazio to be extremely offensive yet you only censor the “N Word”. Either print all the offensive words used by DeFazio or censor them all. DeFazio is only degrading himself.
I agree with kevin..
the n word is specific, the others are just words that roll out of his mouth.
While the N word is specific, all of his words are offensive
That’s what a cuck would say
Gosh, shouldn’t there have been a competency evaluation done on this nut job yet? Mendota is waiting…
I went to Jr. High and High School with James (Jim). From my view, Jim needs MANDATORY intense professional mental health treatment (therapy, medication, anger management classes). He was always an odd duck but it seems to have progressively gotten worse over the years. This man needs help and is a definite danger to society… a ticking time bomb. Hopefully our legal system takes this seriously…
WOW! I and here i thought I had issues with my temper and running my mouth. Well, at least in the past. I at least had and excuse, alcohol. This guy is WACKED! 😳
Someday he will possess a firearm and kill a lot of people ..He needs to be committed to a facility for his problems ..
This is exactly what I was just thinking. He is going to go postal on someone at a public place and it worries me he may be armed the next time. YIKES!
He has a lengthy history of mental health issues. I think WI needs to change their law and make it mandatory for people with mental health issues to be on medication if necessary. I dont think his attorney will be on his side however…..lol
Read between the lines…Defazio & Cichini….says it all!
Is Defazio autistic & not on meds? He needs a mental facility or prison!
Why is he getting special treatment with each conviction 😡 it’s bullshit!!!
What are they waiting for….him to kill someone!
And this is what happens when parents do not discipline their kids and they are allowed to do whatever they want without consequence. A $300 bail is laughable and likely one of the many reasons this idiot is still running roughshod over people in this community. He needs to be put away for decades and forced to take anger management classes!
This man has had a long history of bad behavior. He cannot keep a job and is a threat to society. Mental institutions need to be brought back. Sooner or later, someone is going to get hurt!
But did he lie about Ginkowski?
WTF does that have to do with anything?
He shoulda called car shield. This message is approved by Ice Tea or cube or sumthing!
anyone else find it hilariously ironic that after what this dumb fuck was saying his attorney is black?
A little anger management problem, no?
Unless he’s eliminated it will only progress until someone is hurt or killed
Unless he’s eliminated it will only progress until someone is hurt or killed
Isn’t his dad a mental health professional?
Oh wow sure sounds like someone who is about ready to shoot up a store but could probably by a gun today if he wanted to.
cant wait for the bodycam footage to release